MPC 3.0 How will NI respond?



  • Braz
    Braz Member Posts: 73 Advisor

    The daw market is already overcrowded. Plus NI have showed a lack of ressources lately.

    A daw would be hard to sell and hard to maintain.

    Just patch and correct what is already there

    Frankly NI has lost a lot of appeal…

    Akai showed they listen and value their products and customers.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Life must be much easier for a company like Ableton. They have one software and one hardware, that’s it. NI have a jungle of plugins and hardwares and are spread across different disciplines also. Maybe a fully developed DAW isn’t such a bad idea, make sure NI hardware and software are 100%, and then put the rest of responsibility on third party companies and other producers to create plugins and patches and effect racks and stuff just like Max for live devices.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    They tried that w/ Reaktor, to varying degrees of success. It's simply not as popular as Max/MSP or Max4Live, because there aren't many good tutorials that will help you bridge the gap between building stuff in Primary & learning/applying DSP concepts in Core. I worked through the first book of "Electronic Music & Sound Design" for Max 8 and came out with a much better understanding of the "hows and whys" than I did when following Reaktor's user manual and salamanderanagram tutorials.

  • JakeJmusic
    JakeJmusic Member Posts: 9 Member

    I just want to correct something here. Track Mutes are totally possible and work as normal. This myth has been debunked in a couple MPC 3.0 update videos btw.

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    Been a while since I tried, but pretty sure there is an option within Native Access app Control which allows selecting the option for Maschine transport to control the DAW when running it as a VST.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited August 2024

    Well, track mutes always mute audio in MPC 3.0 This is not ideal. They need to add midi/event based mutes back so you don't get abrupt audio cutouts when muting. Also, without event based mutes, mutes states affect all sequences.

  • jkq2010
    jkq2010 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I'm pretty sure one of the recent Maschine posts suggested that a lot of the feature requests could not be carried out due to the restrictions of the codebase. Does anyone know if Maschine 3 is going to be a completely new code rewrite or an iteration of the current codebase? That will help to manage expectations.

  • jkq2010
    jkq2010 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    2024 and I still can't automate tempo or time sig. Honestly 90 percent of Maschine can stay, I love the workflow. It's some of the basics that are glaringly missing. I hate how the spread features over different products, why can't Maschine have stem seperation in its sampler mode? Why isn't Kontakt's time machine used in sampler mode? Hopefully they can address some of this in the Maschine 3 update, fingers crossed.

  • jkq2010
    jkq2010 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    They don't need to make a DAW, all we want is the speedy workflow of Maschine with options that were available on twenty plus year MPCs like time sig per sequence etc.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    You're preaching to the choir. I've repeatedly said "if the codebase can't accommodate a master tempo or time sig track, then that was a massive mistake in the initial planning of Maschine as a product, as early as v.1. It's an even worse mistake that it wasn't corrected with the release of Maschine V.2." and people got super offended by that. The reality is, if you screw up that poorly and make such a fundamentaly asinine mistake, you may be deserving of all the strongly-worded criticisms that you get, even if they include the mythical "four letter words". I sincerely hope the dev team, and whoever is telling them what to prioritize, takes our feedback to heart, regardless of whether they are personally offended by the way we word our criticism.

  • jkq2010
    jkq2010 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Them missing time sig, tempo automation is like a doc going to work without a stethoscope. I bought Maschine like 11 years ago and couldnt believe the omissions then let alone now. Fell for the Song mode debacle and now clinging onto the hope they get it right third time. It is indeed the magic number after all.

  • raphaël_
    raphaël_ Member Posts: 31 Helper
    edited August 2024

    i would love to see a new hardware come along with maschine 3: standalone and controller.

    as the maschine workflow is still somewhat superior to the one in mpc (imo), i hope they dont change the core functionality that much. i hope they just improve things and add some minor hardware changes, that speed up the workflow.

    would love to see a slightly smaller version of that new kontrol series display in the new maschine hardware with some visualisation of effects and synths. for standalone maybe a slightly more capable cpu, doesnt have to be ableton push kind of performance, but an increase in ram and core speed would be nice!

    lets see if they really come out with a new OS this year. i would still not bet on anything NI promises.

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 171 Pro

    My friend who knows these things told me they are going to skip Maschine 3.0 and go straight to the 4.0. That will teach those MPC heads a lesson!

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