AAX Maschine plug in missing

jago james
jago james Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I cannot find how to download the AAX plug in for maschine so I can use it in Pro Tools. How can I get it?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey jago james,

    Did you do the Full Disk Access part ?

    If you did and the issue is still there, delete the AAX file, open ProTools, close ProTools. Then reinstall Maschine 2 once again.

    That should do the trick. If not, we'll have to get more info on your system.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey jago james,

    What is your operating system ? What version of ProTools are you using ? The AAX is installed by default when installing the software.

  • jago james
    jago james Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I may have deleted it years ago to save space. So how do I get it back? I updated to the latest version of maschine but it did not install the AAX plug in.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey the AAX files are installed with the rest of the program, it would help if you told me what your OS is and what version of ProTools you are using.

  • jago james
    jago james Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    osx 10.14.6

    pro tools most recent version

    can you give me a link to download the aax plugin please and then all will be good

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    There isn't any download just for the AAX installer. This is where it should be installed on your system:

    MacHD / Library / Application Support / Avid / Audio / Plug-Ins

    Can you check that the Maschine 2 plug-in is there ?

    Please also remove any FB360 plug-ins from there or put them in the Plug Ins(unused) section, these are known to interfere with the Maschine software and hardware.

    Please also go in your Mac's system preferences and add Maschine, ProTools and Native Access to the programs with Full Disk Access: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • jago james
    jago james Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I have re installed maschine 2 and now pro tools says "the following plug-ins failed to load because they are not valid 64 bit AAX plug-ins: Maschine 2.AAXplugin"

    The plugin is in the Pro tools plug in folder.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey jago james,

    Did you do the Full Disk Access part ?

    If you did and the issue is still there, delete the AAX file, open ProTools, close ProTools. Then reinstall Maschine 2 once again.

    That should do the trick. If not, we'll have to get more info on your system.

  • jago james
    jago james Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yay! It works. Thanks for the advice!

  • Evan Schuerger
    Evan Schuerger Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having this same issue and have tried everything in this thread. I still can't get Pro Tools to read Maschine as an AAX plug in and would really appreciate any help!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Evan Schuerger What version of ProTools are you using? I see on your profile you're on MacOs 10.15, right? Can you load other AAX plug-ins from NI? Is the Maschine AAX plug-in showing in the AAX plug-in folder?

  • R-E-Ycom
    R-E-Ycom Member Posts: 11 Member

    I'm using the latest Sonoma version on Mac and it just stopped showing up out of the blue. I went into Native Access and reinstalled the essentials plus the factory stuff, still got nothing

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @R-E-Ycom If you select a stereo instrument track in Pro Toools, does it show? There's no mono version of the Maschine plug-in:

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