Komplete 14 due out... this summer...?

G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper
edited September 2022 in Komplete General

Anyone know when (if they are on the same release schedule as usual) Komplete 14 is due to come out...?

This summer...?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I would expect K14 in September/October 2022. Or something like that.

  • hearts1
    hearts1 Member Posts: 1 Member

    ive been waiting for info for this too .lots of recent instruments I want to buy but would rather wait for the bundle .hope its sooner rather than later

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    This came up somewhere else, and yes history suggests October time for K14. Whether this means we get a big push on K13 discount this summer (July?) remains to be seen. Economic pressure may well leave this less overwhelming than previous years, but who knows!

  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper

    Well... if it's not the usual 50% off... I, and a lot of others, won't be buying.

  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper

    So is my understanding right...

    If 14 is released in October...

    It will - or will not - be included in the annual December 50% off sale...?

    There are conflicting reports.

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    Last year the second sale wasn't 50% off, thought IIRC the first was. I didn't have budget for the first so didn't update to K13 on the second. I can see it going both ways — big group wants to look tempting, vs money's tight everywhere

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    There are conflicting reports because nothing is set in stone or decided by us. There may well be an upgrade opportunity around launch independent of Black Friday. Not all products go on sale each time either.

    We have to wait, only some people at NI know, we are just speculating based on the past

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    If 14 is released in October...

    It will - or will not - be included in the annual December 50% off sale...?

    Almost for sure, the first Sale after release of new Komplete does not apply to Komplete. (Many people would not buy in September and wait 3 months for December....)

    So, if K14 will come after this summer holidays, the first Sale of K14 will be in June 2023. Under the condition, that things will be like past five years. Things may change, so no guarantie. But they are usually changing to worse, not to better.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2022

    The current "versioning" approach to offering Komplete Ultimate is so frustrating.

    I will NOT buy any more content in the interim periods between big version releases of KU... you end up buying such things twice when you do the big version upgrades.... stupid.

    "But you can simply sell the interim stuff you bought!" Stupid to think that is a proper arrangement for the situation.

    There is a better way.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    No problem to wait 2 years for upgrade. Or 4 years if one skips every other...

  • Jon Watte
    Jon Watte Member Posts: 79 Advisor

    But can we read the tiny text in the windows of the instruments we'd be getting in the upgrade?

    And will it run in our native M1 Cubase hosts?

    (These are rethorical questions; chill! :-D )

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    It has easy solution.

    1) Do not use HiRes screeens.

    2) Do not use M1, wait for M3.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    No problem? The problem is either you forgo all the the new content NI releases every 2-4 years, or you buy some of the content twice.

    There is a better way.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    No problem to wait 2 years. In fact it is on average only one year. I do not see any problem to wait one year....

    There is not better way..... At least not for me.

    Others may prefer subscription, yet others some kind of discount upgrade schema counting in products bought meanwhile.

    But either way, NI needs to get certain amount of money.... So, customers pay the same anyway. More or less. And complain on the scheme, more or less.

    You should hear reactions of some Eventide customers that upgraded. They felt cheated that their plugins were not counted adequately..... Did not bring fair discount....

    It is almost impossible to please all. Mainly if you need to receive certain amounts of revenues...

  • RB1967
    RB1967 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Would be nice if they factored in recent buys. I have a lot of the komplete 13 ultimate components already, at full price, which does not realy result in a lower investment. For example... I have komplete 12 with additionaly Arkhis, Pharlight, Straylight Lores etc. I'd like to update to Komplete 13 ultimate but that measn paying 600 euros for a lot of content I already have.

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