NKS 2.0 - a running list of compatible content



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Added Action Woodwinds and Void & Vista Folds

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod


    • Ava Music Group PRISM Cinematic Dark Drums
    • Ava Music Group PRISM Organic Lofi Drums
    • Evolution Colors:
      • Bass Dizi
      • Alto Kamanche
      • Shah Kaman
      • Xiao
      • Xun
      • Yangquin
    • Evolution Colors:
      • Bowed Cello Volume 2
      • Bowed Cello Volume 3
    • Evolution Percussion:
      • Percussion South America
      • Percussion Europe
    • Infinite Samples The Abyss
    • Impact Soundworks Shredder
    • Plogue Chipsynth C64
    • Woodman Woodsynth 3

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I am amazed that people aren't talking about Void & Vista instruments as much as they should be. (Off topic, sorry).

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Kontakt Instrument creator - they've released two so far (of which I've bought one - Strands) both tecnically brilliant from a coding and features standpoint, but also, really unique sounding instruments.

    A bit like Slate+Ash; excellent sound design, at the forefront of what Kontakt can do.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod

    The new Synapse The Legend HZ appears to be NKS2, is that correct?

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru
    edited May 2024

    It is.

    However, Legend HZ, the Legend Factory (original) the NKSF files & previews are not installed, so unless you own the original Legend (I didn't), there's no NKS support for those presets.

    Dune 3 has been updated to NKS2, however, it is missing an NKS Hardware Banner for me, though. Tried a reinstall, and it looks like it's missing the images in the installation - on Windows at least.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod
    edited May 2024

    I have the original but of course they open The Legend anyway, not The Legend HZ

    The Mac Dune 3 installer does install the banner - but it put it in the Application Support/NKS/PAR Resources folder not the NI Resources one, so just copy it over to the right location (assuming it does the same on Windows)

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    Found in Documents/Synapse Audio on Windows and moved across. Thanks!

  • RC4
    RC4 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Matthew_NI any word on the rest of the Arturia Collection? It's a great selling point in the video, but only CS-80 seems to work right now? Would be great to have the Jupiter, DX-7, Prophet and Juno working as well! 😁

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Arturia have the following products officially badged as NKS 2:

    • Arturia CS-80
    • Arturia Augmented String
    • Arturia Augmented Grand Piano
    • Arturia Augmented Brass
    • Arturia Augmented Voices

    Arturia also have their entire collection unofficially badged as NKS2. We talked to them at Superbooth about finishing it (cleaning up the mapping, adding artwork, etc) but you can technically already install and use it.

  • oysterhead
    oysterhead Member Posts: 7 Member

    I’ve recently acquired a new Kontrol S61 Mk3, my first NI hardware product, and I have my eyes on adding the Arturia Astrolab some time in the future. I see these 2 products as the current leaders in software/hardware instrument integration. They’re going to have an impact and legacy perhaps bigger than the Virus TI.

    The fact that Kontrol S-Series plays well with the Arturia V Collection was the crucial factor in my deciding to buy the Kontrol first, over the Astrolab (until I can manage both).

    It’s truly great to see these two leaders in development (Native Instruments and Arturia) with a good working relationship. I hope the two companies can continue their efforts in a friendly and cooperative manner, learning and being inspired by each other. This is the kind of relationship between manufacturers and developers tends to benefit the market and customer.

    There seems to be a lot of untapped potential inside the Kontrol S Mk3, and I want to believe that a true standalone product might evolve once the initial functionality is built out and stable. I realize there have never been claims or promises or even hints that this is on the roadmap, but I am a bit of a dreamer. I think the on-board processing power and hardware might be capable of this and that NI may be secretly planning such.

    Regardless, the reason I chose the Kontrol S Mk3 as my first purchase rather than the Astrolab, is that the Kontrol S gives me hands on integration with the Arturia instruments. I’m willing to wait for true standalone operation, whether that’s by adding Astrolab in the future or perhaps the arrival of a standalone Kontrol S.

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

    Personally I don't like the Astrolab, I find the small wrist watch like display very gimmicky.

    There's also a fair few owners complaining about both the lack of polyphony and the lack of current compatibility with the latest V series X software instruments.

    However, the keybed on their new Polybrute 12 is amazing, if they put that on their keylab mk3, personally I think that would be the best controller on the market.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Updated for:


    • Action Strings 2
    • Irish Harp
    • Session Guitarist - Acoustic Sunburst Deluxe
    • Low End Modular


    • Evolution Chronicles:
      • Tales of the Road Vol 2
      • Tales of the Road Vol 1
      • Mitra
    • Evolution World Strings Santur
    • Evolution Percussion
      • Africa
      • Asia
      • Middle East
      • World
      • Mbira
      • Angklung
      • Tuned
      • Oddities
      • Taiko
      • Ensembles
    • Emergence Audio Textures:
      • Violin
      • Viola
      • Cello
      • Double Bass
    • Emergence Audio Infinite Upright
    • Orchestral Tools Berlin Percussion
    • Orchestral Tools Berlin Woodwinds
    • Orchestral Tools Berlin Strings
    • Orchestral Tools Berlin Brass
    • 8dio Majestica Professional
    • 8dio Intimate Studio Strings
    • 8dio Requiem Professional
    • 8dio Century Ensemble Brass
    • 8dio Century Ostinato Strings
    • 8dio Cage Bundle
    • 8dio Hybrid Tools 4
    • 8dio Deep Solo Violin
    • 8dio Lacrimosa Choir
    • Synapse Audio Dune
    • Synapse Audio The Legend
    • Westwood Untold Strings
    • Impact Soundworks Special Reserves Nashville Banjo
  • dannychen613
    dannychen613 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, I have a few questions:

    1. Is there a filtering tab in Komplete Kontrol to filter for the libraries that are NKS2 ready?
    2. for older libraries ex. 8dio Requiem Professional(which is released about 11 years ago), how is it possible to be NKS 2 ready? Did they issue an update? If i purchased it 10 years ago, how can i get the NKS 2 ready version? Do I have to purchase it again?


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