Full live sets on the M+?



  • daswans
    daswans Member Posts: 6 Member

    How on earth is it possible that in 2023 Native Instruments still hasn’t implemented the ability to make a tempo change in a project/scene?

    It boggles my mind. been asking for 14 years now?!

    MPCs from the ‘90s could do this…. What am I missing here?

    if this feature was implemented it would be a breeze to create a whole live performance with a single project no problem. So frustrated (since Maschine mk1) still here waiting….

  • DjObed
    DjObed Member Posts: 23 Member

    This subject got my attention as I’m also trying to make a live set but stumble along the way. I do have a MK3 for a few years but only created songs so far, no live sets.

    what I’m wondering about is the tempo change question, I can make music and press the tempo button and change the tempo with the main encoder. Or didn’t I understand the problem?

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Yes that’s the obvious easy fix to the tempo change. It’s not difficult. I guess many expect to be able to add automated tempo change which is a nice feature but doesn’t exist still.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Nice system!

    question: when you load a new group over top of the current one in group A or B, does the new group keep any routing you have set up? Such as effects sends to an fx group

    or - can you save each group with any routing/plugins you want and it will just automatically load that way?

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    just out of curiousity ... as it was mentioned by Schmapps1 re- lockstates

    can the MK+ utilise lock states & effectively transition tempo/changes instantly?

  • Burnside
    Burnside Member Posts: 11 Member

    Routings within the group, as well as external routings (e.g. MIDI to external synths) are saved, but I haven't been able to get routings to other groups to work.

    As a workaround I keep my FX within the group / on individual sounds - as I only ever have 2 'active' groups at a time, CPU isn't as much of a problem. But cutting every track down to 16 pads is a bit of a limitation that I've learned to live with 😅

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
    edited June 2023

    Ahh gotcha. Just wondering about the logistics of, say, having a separate compressor on your drums in this setup. Or, how to side chain the melodic aspects to the kick. If every part of one song is all contained in one group this could be tricky in Maschine

  • Burnside
    Burnside Member Posts: 11 Member

    I'll often have a ghost kick within the group to sidechain melodic elements & bass.

    Compressing drums as a group is something I've had to give up on to make this approach work - as a partial workaround I'll compress the individual hits that I really need to punch through the mix. But honestly these days I do a lot of my 'standard' drums outside the Maschine+ on my Syntakt or Analog Rytm, and only keep specific percussion samples that are unique to a particular track within the Maschine group.

  • frankzbruckmann
    frankzbruckmann Member Posts: 40 Member

    Try perform with maschine jam it's a piece of cake

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    No, you use send fx or aux fx. I usually have a group separate for fx and route the desired pads or other groups to the sends. Load a compressor on an empty pad and go to your desired sound to route to the compressor. To get the side chain you will need a ghost kick. Just put the kick on 4x4 and mute the pad, the signal will trigger the compressor of course so all the sounds routed there will get the sidechain vibe.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited March 2024

    @djadidai wrote

    Just put the [ghost] kick on 4x4 and mute the pad

    You can also change the audio destination to None instead of muting.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited March 2024

    pad mutes are great though because they do not cut off the audio (they cut off the MIDI), resulting in perfect transitions. If you switch audio outputs, that must be done in time with the music or it might sound choppy, unless that is the flavour youre going for

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