Plugin window sometimes just black in Logic since 3.1 / Bug KBDSW-7816



  • Scott McFayen
    Scott McFayen Member Posts: 28 Member

    It wouldn't be possible for me ask myself how it is that Apple missed the MIDI doubling bug for example. I don't have any ability to see into Apple's software development pipeline. There are likely a number of points in their pipeline that failure may have occurred. I have zero knowledge of any of them.

    I agree with you that "product and beta testing is not infallible and can never account for all possible scenarios in the real world." However, as developers it's very important to view failures as opportunities for improvement. If something is not working, the thing to do is acknowledge it and then go about implementing new practices that fix the problems.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    edited February 2024

    Doubled MIDI notes: an issue introduced by Apple, affecting multiple products, that was then fixed by Apple

    UI appearing blank: an issue that appeared after a version of Sonoma was released, that we fixed as the reports came in.

    UI appearing with colored noise: an issue that appeared after Sonoma was released, that we're in the process of fixing.

  • Scott McFayen
    Scott McFayen Member Posts: 28 Member

    I'm not quite sure how to interpret this. Do you mean to say that there was no failure inside NI's QA process because in all of these cases it was a surprise change made by Apple in Sonoma that broke KK3? If that's correct, then I'm sorry I wondered about NI's QA practices. It's some unfortunate luck KK3 was visited by recently. I've heard bad luck comes in threes. Perhaps there will be smooth sailing ahead. Fingers crossed.

    Looking forward, is there any possibility NI could seek a closer relationship with Apple. It seems these troubles were caused be Apple making critical changes NI had no foreknowledge of. Might there be a way for NI to gain tighter integration with Apple's development pipeline? Or, is it the case that when you develop for Mac, you get what you're given when you're given it sort of thing?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    We have a very close relationship as it happens. I talk to my colleagues there regularly. Not every change is intentional, nor can it always be known ahead of time.

    I was seeking only to clarify that the things you thought were within our control were outside of it. In the first case, so too was the fix. In the latter cases, we have to spend time reacting to changes introduced.

  • Scott McFayen
    Scott McFayen Member Posts: 28 Member

    Oh I think I get it. You're explaining that these bugs were the result of changes even Apple didn't realize they were making. Or, that they were unforeseen knock-ons from changes they made. Have I understood this correctly?

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 42 Member

    I have now the very same problem in windows 10.

    everything worked smoothly until some weeks ago.

    yesterday evening i was opeing RAUM and it shows only a black windows. the same happens with flair, choral, guitar rig 6 and probably others but i did not tested everything.

    i have directx 11.2 as indicated by system information.

    i treid to reinstall through native access without success. I have everything updated and i've K14CE

    I have the same behaviour in cakewalk, maschine software and in Guitar rig 6 standalone. guitar rig 5 is working fine.

    i did not change anything, except maybe some window update, but it stated it was a security update.

    help, please!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,794 mod

    @bosone I already answered in another thread. This one here is a totally different issue, only on Mac and in Logic, also it was fixed a while ago.

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