KK3: Let's talk about Preset Edit and View improvements



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I agree with you on this strongly! Could be solved with a new "instrument panel" in KK3.

    This new "instrument panel" needs to be very horizontal, simplified to primarily present how the 8 knobs and expression controls have smart assigned via NKS2, and just a minimal bit of identifying artwork. All visual design elements in this "instrument panel" scalable. An hide/view on-screen keyboard needs to always be an available option.

    Here's my rough mock-up:

  • Jeezo
    Jeezo Member Posts: 6 Member

    Project :

    As a long time producer (started on pro 24 !!) , one thing we know that is counter productive is "high numbers of options "during production .

    In pre production , one of the job is to define the artistic direction / color / universe //.... call it how ya feel .

    I do think that this has its place here , as a owner of alot of NKS 3rd party stuff .... we HAVE TOO MUCH displayed even with filters .

    A PROJECT would be the ability to choose only the titles you gonna use for it , exemple :

    ***** Project 1 : *****

    Arturia Juno / jupiter

    UHE : Repro 5

    NI : monark / Drumlab

    ***** Project 2 : *****

    NI : Abbeyroad drums 70 / scrabee bass

    Spitfire : Albion IV

    Arturia : Farsifa

    Can be down like we do with programm change on synth

    Or an oiption CTRL+Select libraries to be dispalyed

    Another thing that would be great is the ability to create its own folder categories , specially for FX (layout)

    I use it less and less because of this , this i can do it in daw and this is what i do ...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    The key issue for me with not having them side by side is it sabotages the ability to drag samples into plugins, or even the built in sampler

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro

    Something that is very useful to me is the way nks2 instruments in edit mode have groups easily accessed from one of the top buttons.

    What would be nice (but probably either impossible or require too many hours of programming) would be if I could choose what pages are grouped to what button?

    Especially with nks1 instruments, one with say 10 pages, nothing worse than having to press the right arrow 10 times to reach something I want to change on the last page, when 6 of the top buttons are doing nothing, it would be great if I could assign a couple of different pages to those buttons so I can with one press of a button change from say page 1 to page 10.

  • mmltaylor
    mmltaylor Member Posts: 7 Member

    On a more fundamental level, having to input your password on a Mac every time Native Access is launched due to its incessant need to update itself—which seems to be every time it’s launched now—can be a real pain and a time waster. My suggestion would be to make these updates and regular installs optional, since it makes the user needlessly wait to use the application. Streamlining this process would be great.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor

    Fully agree, as this request cannot be repeated often enough. As I can also see from the feedback coming from other users previously working with KK2, the ability to have NKS Browser and related VST Plugin options available at the same time on the PC/Mac screen should be ranked with the same top priority as all the topics that @Matthew_NI listed in his initial posting at the beginning of this thread. After all, from my perspective this is anyway a pre-requisite in order to enable the sample-based drag & drop feature that has been confirmed already by NI to be brought back to KK3 someday.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited January 2024

    Exactly, you can't have one without the other. It was decoupling the browser from the plugin that broke sample drag and drop (then the functionality was also removed so you can't drag anywhere)

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor
    edited January 2024

    And of course, there are two simple functionalities to be pointed out explicitly which everyone expects to be available naturally but which have never been "activated" since KK exists in general.

    • Enabled "Maximize" icon to achieve real "full screen" view

    I guess every user (regardless of which OS used) is expecting to have some kind of active "maximize" icon available, usually located in the application's top menu bar. In case of Windows this is a simple square. Yes, it is also available in KK3, but for whatever reason it has not been "armed" by NI. Unfortunately, that applies to most NI applications; the "maximize" icon is just displayed as a grayed-out option only without any effect. Maybe NI can finally implement that missing "full screen" functionality which let's every user make KK appear across the full screen - regardless of which resolution and zoom factor is currently set - just by one single click.

    • "Full visibility" instead of abbreviated library & preset fractions

    Especially when browsing content inside a particular NKS library, there should at least be some space at the KK top area in order to display the full name of the currently selected library, its currently selected banks and sub-banks simultaneously (as it was in KK2). It is more than inconvenient having to guess in which particular hierarchy a user currently is located and what exactly is currently selected or even edited. The same applies to the preset list itself. In many cases the decisive information is hidden in the last few characters, but exactly these are not visible. However, as long as NI may not be able to provide such manual or automatic scaling functionality within the KK browser content, maybe it's at least possible for NI to implement a feature which displays each entry in full clear text (= full length) whenever hovering with the mouse over such an affected entry. Each ordinary Windows browser supports such a "hover" functionality in case something isn't fully visible due to current space restrictions, so maybe KK can also be prepared in order to behave the same.

    Thanks in advance for considereing these very important improvements!

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I'm probably late to the party with this one, but...

    The save preset modal - if that can use the new GUI framework, instead of the 2.9 framework, it would make fonts more readable when creating presets, reducing the chance of typos.

  • InsumX
    InsumX Member Posts: 3 Member

    NI, if u read this - in future nks2 editor please add ability to FIX SOME PARAMRTERS on some pages. For example I want to map tab with filter section and this tab have several pages - so I want CUTOF to be presented on some of them or on every. Such as volume for example etc.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    You can edit params already - that's how we make new NKS. Just click the lock icon in the top right corner of the params ribbon

  • InsumX
    InsumX Member Posts: 3 Member
    > @Kymeia said:
    > You can edit params already - that's how we make new NKS. Just click the lock icon in the top right corner of the params ribbon

    I know that. We can edit params in NKS2. But my post was addressed to develop team about future imprufments in future NKS2 editor.
  • InsumX
    InsumX Member Posts: 3 Member
    > @InsumX said:
    > > @Kymeia said:
    > > You can edit params already - that's how we make new NKS. Just click the lock icon in the top right corner of the params ribbon
    > I know that. We can edit params in NKS2. But my post was addressed to develop team about future imprufments in future NKS2 editor.

    I mean now we can do it in NKS1. I’m talking about NKS2
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