Native Access 3.8.0 now live!



  • Ryan Flynn
    Ryan Flynn Member Posts: 2 Member

    nice to see a software update! Quick request, can we download more than one plugin at a time? I have a 10gb connection in my studio and downloading them one at a time is going to take days to complete.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Question. Just because it doesn't worry you should we all be like you? For one thing people, to varying degrees, rightfully, see privacy as a principle to be valued. Thus we should hope most companies who say they take our privacy seriously have said that because it actually means something. It won't do to say its just this or that data point so "whats the worry". What really matters is the accumulation thereof and people should be allowed to choose how to curtail that. Also with NI its not anonymous but pseudoanonymous.

    Im sure at sometime we've all experienced the creeps when you've just realized someone has quietly been peering over your shoulder while you're doing something you dont necessarily want unauthorized people to see (for lots of legit reasons). At least you can see the sneaky person IRL unlike who knows who is harvesting who knows what about you behind a computer screen. Your voting analogy doesn't work, at least where I am. We cast our vote at the polling booths anonymously (unless of course they've surruptitiously set up pin hole cameras or something somewhere)

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    Question. Just because it doesn't worry you should we all be like you? 

    @Jojo123 Absolutely not - I was just curious about other people's reasoning that's all. I just think it's strange when people say the equivalent of "You're not going to see how I use your products, but your data about how your product is used is wrong because I use it a different way to what your data suggests".

    Some data I wouldn't share obviously, but how I use music software isn't something that I personally consider particularly sensitive. If Kontakt was scanning my hard drive and sending back my bank details that'd be a different matter of course!

    -- Mike

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @mykejb hey its OK, no schtick from me. I was just replying to your curiosity.

    What you were referring to ("You're not going to see how I use your products, but your data about how your product is used is wrong because I use it a different way to what your data suggests") ...well I remember seeing it somewhere but not what thread.

    I guess one of the areas Im coming from is the slippery slope of "feature creep" and that people have happily traded privacy for bells and whistles en mass. I also dont like how your personal data can be freely shared with 3rd parties. In real life you'd be accused of stalking if you did the equivalent of what websites do these days. Just saying.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,243 Expert


    This would be all well and good if we could confirm that what is being collected is actually “private”.

    But been proven time and time again that these companies say one thing in terms what they say they are collecting and it turns out to be quite different.

    While I know NI probably already has a lot on me - they seem incapable of using what they have effectively. Like marketing etc

    While I understand the Google model of “ it’s free and the only cost to you is to sign up and share your personal data” - if I pay real money for something - the data door is officially closed


  • TheLee
    TheLee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited January 2024

    Hi, cannot get Native Access to load up the Products. It just gets stuck. Was working okay (Windows 11) but seems to be after the latest update it has stopped working.

    I have uninstalled and re-installed multiple times - same issue?


    Edit: Just downgraded to Native Access 1 and it works fine?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    if I pay real money for something - the data door is officially closed

    Do you use a mobile phone? Amazon? Netflix? etc ... they all collect huge amounts of data.

    But I agree, being able to see what data is collected that's associated personally to the user by NI would be interesting.

    -- Mike

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,243 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Well - using Amazon or Netflix at least I know what I have given them - which is the most basic of basic data - they are not peering over my shoulder and they do not bug me because of it.

    And now that it's super easy to shut off all ad tracking via the iPhone - and blocked everything in my web browser (via AdBlock) - the days of seeing "ads" about something I talked about yesterday and then started following me around everywhere hasn't been a thing in years.

    But again - having NI "say" the data is anonymous and we are trying to "establish" baselines on this and support on that - sounds reasonable. But until they can actually show me what they are collecting and what it's being used for - I can't accept it.

    Also cannot accept ANY panels or "empty areas" of any of the software I have already paid for - to display anything in the way of "Hey there NI user - you might be interested in this".

    Actually NI - if I am "interested" in that - I will let you know.


  • nardiz
    nardiz Member Posts: 6 Member

    It is unfortunate that NTKdaeman still relies on an outdated rosette dependency, even though we are in the year 2024. This ongoing practice by Native Instruments to deceive its customers has become standard. Native Access 3.8.0 is required Rosette

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro


    "Edit: Just downgraded to Native Access 1 and it works fine?"

    Is that a question or a statement?

    FWIW I've never updated from NA1 which has never given me any problems where I couldn't download stuff... and with all the ongoing rigmarole I dont plan to any time soon. Moreover, theres been a raft of problems Ive seen all through last year, and the fix has been, downgrade to NA1.

    AND Ill be furious if we suddenly get dumped on us out of the blue with no warning, our NA1 has been force upgraded.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    But just because one tributary is flooding, should we roll over and open all the floodgates? It would be more than interesting to see what NI have on a personal level. More interesting still is why they ignore you when you get too close to the bone asking exactly what theyre doing. In the name of transparency they should tell us exactly what they get off our machines, when and who else gets to see it.

    @nardiz Dont know what latest NA requires regarding rosetta. Im still on NA1 and Im on intelMac. As for NTKDaemon, I still don't know exactly what this thing is doing and how much its running in the background. I see no reason why this thing needs to run unless I go to NA and I dont see why customers computers need to contiinually phone home, or when offline its using precious resources when NI products are used. Authentication should be done once and at the most, only when you go online to NA. Ive broached these subjects before and the responses have been somewhat convoluted, hence my ongoing distrust.

    @Vocalpoint But until they can actually show me what they are collecting and what it's being used for - I can't accept it.

    That, and to add, a purchase/sale agreement is between TWO PARTIES. It should never be one way. If its good enough for one to change terms after the fact, it should be good enough for the other. At the very least NI should listen to its user base and fix issues for those who dont like their private information shared such as with 3rd parties. Not make us do the leg work OPTING out of a gazillion "partners" websites. We should be OPTED OUT by default of any tracking. What really annoys me is when people are opted in to tracking by default. They know full well its within their interests to bury these options in some hard to find place so hopefully people will either forget to look, or wont know to look.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,229 mod

    I suppose the way to answer "What data do you collect" would be to submit a Data Subject Access Request?

    -- Mike

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    I'm so tired of everything Native Instruments...

    When will they fix all that mess ?

  • pino
    pino Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    update and install impossible on native access 3.8.0 (win 10)!!!


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,243 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Again - no issue with asking - the issue for me is - is what they send back confirmed to be legit?

    It's like "requesting" Facebook to "delete" your data. If you really believe that Meta is going to physically delete your invaluable tracking data - (only the most valuable resource they will ever get from their users) you really need to think this through and not be naive about how this really works.

    Sure - if you make that request - you will most likely see "something" in your FB portal saying your data has been zapped or your login will suddenly fail - but in the deep background on some server in the desert in Utah - there your data will live to perpetuity.

    Facebook has never (and will never) been forthcoming about what really happens with a request like this. As in - they will never show me (in real time) some random FB employee hitting a button and actually erasing the ONLY copy of my data. That is what I really need to see - but will never see.

    There is simply zero trust here when it comes to companies like Meta (or NI) or anyone when it comes to the actual handling of my data.

    Which - at the end of the day - taken with or without consent - is still mine.


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