M+ standalone optimized Reaktor content from the community



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod
    edited December 2023

    Okay so finally we are back! 1.5 update brings much awaited Reaktor 6.5 compatibility to Maschine+

    So I guess now anything that is made to work well on Maschine and NKS should work now in Maschine+?

    In particular then check out the ensembles in the UL that are made or optimised for NKS, including those by Goremall:






    Boscomac (the NKS ready versions):


    And some by Bolle (who I worked with to NKSify some of their ensembles)


  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    so, users can create custom stuff and we can use it? User folder on sd card?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    The original clonetonic has 9 harmonics after the fundamental, I stripped it down to 7 in order to fit the controls on a single page in M+. The higher harmonics can come to play when applying modulation from LFO or ENV+LFO, expecially when you turn up the HARM POW (you need to activate it first via the adjacent unnamed control, turn it to max, I'll fix the labeling on it for the final build) and piling on some drive from the distortion module. Alaises like a mofo but can make some nice sounds!

    I made a whole beat with a couple instances of this ens while testing briefly on my M+. It can sort of work like a poor mans Moog DFAM 😎

    Final version will add envelope curve settings

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    This has been the case for a long time.. But we were held back on the ens creation by Maschine+ being stuck on older version of Reaktor. Reaktor is funny like that, I will not let you load ensembles created with a newer version, even when the ensemble might be so basic that none of the updated stuff apply to its execution..

    Yet, 3rd party Reaktor content is not "officially supported" in Maschine+ standalone, so its all kind of uncharted territory.. there are several limitations to what is possible, outlined earlier in this thread (ens can have maximum of 99 parameter IDs etc)

  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 99 Advisor

    Maybe with this latest REAKTOR update they will change their stance about REAKTOR not being supported?

    I hope so… They only need to get this one thing right to increase the number of supported instruments and effects on this unit.

    So much good stuff in this thread already (thank you all that contribute), but it would be nice to have some private companies developing stuff for Maschine+ and would definitely make Maschine+ an even more versatile instrument.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    Well sure, nothing prevents third party companies from stepping in (aside from the uncertainty that functionality might change or even cease), but the biggest appeal in my opinion is that M+ can use Reaktor for designing unique tools that fit the users' preferences and workflows exactly. And unlike Max4live, you can actually have some impressive DSP stuff going on without wasting a ton of CPU due to an inefficient programming layer

    In a way, the current situation is similar to how the whole WWW world grew up.. from grassroots and tinkerings of individuals, to established industries and things coming from corporations instead of the users themselves.. embrace the ride while it lasts ;)

  • andreat668
    andreat668 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi everyone and thanks @tetsuneko for the Reaktor ens., I actually use Lowkut and RC6 comp in all of my Maschine Plus projects.

    Unfortunately after I updated my Maschine plus to 1.5, I cannot use the side chain feature of RC6 comp anymore.

    When I select RC6 side chain input the Maschine crashes.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023


    thanks for letting me know. I could try to resave that particular ens in Reaktor 6.5 and see if that fixes the issue. If not.. well, something unintended has creeped into the additional io side of Reaktor in M+ and needs to be considered unusable for now. Might be a good thing I didnt implement sidechain inout functions to other ensembles yet..

    Checked this just now and unfortunately, you are correct. What's worse, re-saving the ensemble in Reaktor desktop 6.5 does not fix the issue. I'm opening a ticket with NI support in order to get this on the backlog of things to fix

  • bitlaw
    bitlaw Member Posts: 8 Member

    Second Post: When i load a Ensemble in Reaktor and save as in an other Folder on my M+ SD Card, i can see the Ensembles there in the Browser, but when i want load theres an Error Reaktor cant load this.

    First Post: Do you have a short Tutorial to make the Reaktor Fullversion Ensembles for Maschine+ working? Your MSNM Instrument and the other Effects works on the M+.

    I search a Method to convert a lot of Reaktor Ensembles in a fast Way for the M+...

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    there is no way to mass convert a bunch of existing ensembles properly for Maschine+, unfortunately. For best results, the optimization must be made manually.

    There are several reasons for this:

    • Maschine UI for the plugin controls is laid out in pages of 8 encoders; these need to be manually organized for best usability
    • Default parameter names of Reaktor ensembles might look unintuitive in Maschine / NKS view, these need manual renaming
    • Maschine will not expose parameters with a Reaktor ID larger than 99; If an ensemble has more than 99 IDs, their amount must be manuially "pruned" which might require significant redesign of ensembles
    • Certain controls from Reaktor are not properly mappable in NKS, these parameters require further modification to the ensemble structure

    If you have trouble loading any of the ensembles posted in this thread, you might need to contact NI supoort and they will need to sort out your Reaktor licence affairs on their end (one known isssue)

  • bitlaw
    bitlaw Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited December 2023

    Ok, i see this Video on Youtube from BlezzBeats with Title: Put any Reaktor plugin on your Maschine + | Guide

    He use the Maschine Software for manually change Ensembles..

    Are the Steps from there do you mean?

    Or can you give a little Tutorial how it works manually in reading form?

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    nope, Blezzbeats video was posted a lot later than when people in the larger M+ community learned how to get Reaktor stuff running in Maschine+ standalone. I think I first read about it on the elektronauts forum? That must have been about the same time the product was launched even..

    The process isnt too well documented, learned things myself little by little, and have combined all the bits together in my head so that I now have sussed out most of the pieces of the puzzle. I am personally still struggling with understanding how the full NKS stack works (preset banks, custom graphics, content tags).

    All the info is already posted in this thread. I should make some sort of document outlining everything I've learned so far, too much to do and never enough time..

    In a nutshell

    1. open a Reaktor ensemble in Maschine desktop
    2. Save a new copy of your ensemble, remove all snapshots aside from a single INIT snapshot
    3. assign this INIT snapshot a designation (instrument / effect) and re-store
    4. try to map all relevant controls in the Maschine software
    5. save your sound with the mappings added as a new file and quit Maschine
    6. Open Reaktor 6 and load the sound you just saved from Maschine
    7. save the ensemble and copy it to the M+ SD card under Native Instruments/User content/Reaktor

    that's the broad strokes of the process, but if you need to rename parameters or add new controls to an ensemble, you need to dig into the Reaktor side

  • bitlaw
    bitlaw Member Posts: 8 Member

    Ok, thanks. I well try it later...

    Is there a free Version of Maschine Software? I just have Reaktor..

    Is it possible to add other Factory Librarys or Instruments or are just this works which to download from M+ directly?

    I dont mean Samples with the Sd Card.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    no free versions of Maschine, but if you own a Maschine+, it comes with a licence for Maschine desktop, just log in to your NI account in the Naitve Access app and install Maschine

    step 7 in my guide tells you how to transfer your Reaktor ens file to Maschine+ (easiest way to copy the file is to use STORAGE mode). You can tranfer any files into Maschine+, not just samples, but also presets for the synths & fx as well as Reaktor 6 ensembles and Kontakt 6 patches (with samples)

  • bitlaw
    bitlaw Member Posts: 8 Member

    "You can tranfer any files into Maschine+, not just samples, but also presets for the synths & fx as well as Reaktor 6 ensembles and Kontakt 6 patches (with samples)"

    It works manually too or is there a faster Way?

    Maschine plus has under Settings a Library Button from there i installed all. Is there a similar Way to install more Factory Content or is it the same Way how to install Reaktor ensembles, also manually?

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