Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,095 Expert
    edited December 2023


    "I have an unparalleled hatred for the staff at NI now"

    It's one thing to have a bad experience and come to the forum here and ask for some help - but if this is your idea of "joining the forums" for some community experience - suggest you pack it up and head out.

    No one told you to update. No one forced you to update. There is actually NO need to update as KKv3 is not even close to what 2.9.6 offers now anyway.

    And if you managed to find your way in here to lose your mind - you most certainly are capable of finding and reading this post (near or at the top of this Komplete Kontrol forum) - which tells you all you need to know to fix the issue:

    Komplete Kontrol VST2 missing after 3.0.0 update — Community (

    Relax and get some control. Please and thank you.


  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    That advice on how to “fix the issue”…

    does not my friend, “fix the issue”

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    maybe it’s not just me?

    maybe I need to do less actual production

    and spend more time looking at who’s going to kneecap my projects

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,889 Expert
    edited December 2023

    No one told you to update. No one forced you to update. There is actually NO need to update as KKv3 is not even close to what 2.9.6 offers now anyway.

    While this may be true you are overlooking the very simple fact that KK V3 appears as just an update in NA without any warning it is basically a Public Beta (which lets face facts, given the issues and incomplete function it IS a beta)!

    Not everyone will always read the changelog or forums before updating, you assume an update takes everything that was working and UPDATES it with new features and bug fixes, not completely rewrites the "framework", removes prior features and introduces new bugs and limitations! That is not an update.

    Some that run production houses need to maintain up to date software to be compatible with clients projects so it is not uncommon for people to simply choose to update routinely ESPECIALLY when v2 disappears from NA and V3 is now the new version.

    It should NEVER have released that way. V2 should always have been a version alongside V3 in NA and a physical choice should have been required to choose the new V3 with ideally, a disclaimer that VST2 is removed and the new layout is different. There also should be a simple way to revert should the user dislike the experience.

    So while I do not support direct animosity towards a specific employee I can 100% understand and sympathise with a collective frustration towards the NI brand itself.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited December 2023

    It doesn't look like any of them are saying downgrading to 2.9.6 didn't solve their issue though, even though I can see them not liking having to do that which I fully understand. It still seems to me there is something more specific that is causing this not to be working on your system, probably because you have reinstalled everything from scratch.

    To be fair the first one is expressing a common misconception, that KK 3 'cannot run Intel plugins', (and by extension VST2) - actually it can, you just need to run it in Rosetta mode, just as was the case in KK2 when NI implemented support for Apple Silicon. Also it really was Steinberg who forced VST3 on everyone by refusing to even support VST2 on Mac anymore.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,095 Expert
    edited December 2023

    And you couldn't have used all this Reddit knowledge to realize that KK3 wasn't worth your time? But you did it anyway?

    Look - I am not giving NI a pass here since we all know exactly what state KK3 is in and it's not good. But not everyone is having issues and not everyone is taking a "must be good because it there" attitude either.

    Some of us actually do 5 minutes of research before we hit that Update button.

    That would have saved you a world of hurt - regardless of what state this thing is on.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 944 Guru

    "Some that run production houses need to maintain up to date software to be compatible with clients projects so it is not uncommon for people to simply choose to update routinely ESPECIALLY when v2 disappears from NA and V3 is now the new version."

    This is an age-old IT problem. When you run a data center, you need to keep your hardware and software up to date, or else you fail audits and then Vice Presidents decide to kick you instead of their dog "Intern".

    But then when you go to install a thousand TPMs or upgrade TLS to get off of the soon-to-be-unsupported version, people get in an uproar. You can't win for losing.

    And that's why you need to make it as easy as possible for the end-user to figure out what he needs and help him get it done right so that he doesn't shoot himself in the foot.

    Why can't we have a Radio-Button selector in Native Access that says we want THIS version of KK or THAT version, and until we switch the radio button, Native Access only installs and maintains the one we've selected?

    As a result of myopic planning and/or an unwillingness to customize NA accordingly, there are a lot of NI customers walking around with a smoking gun, a hole in their foot, and a little blood trail showing the world everywhere they go.

    It's funny when the animated character "Archer" gets shot in the foot. But for us here? Not so much.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    "I have an unparalleled hatred for the staff at NI now"

    It's one thing to have a bad experience and come to the forum here and ask for some help - but if this is your idea of "joining the forums" for some community experience - suggest you pack it up and head out.

    No one told you to update. No one forced you to update. There is actually NO need to update as KKv3 is not even close to what 2.9.6 offers now anyway.

    This had got to be one of the rudest responses on the NI forums I have ever some across.

    When an update arrives in NA, how can you expect anyone to think... oh dare I do this, as it might completely mess up weeks of work to the point that I may lose it and if I vent my frustration someone is going to try to belittle me.

    Feel good, do you?

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 334 Pro

    @Vocalpoint - why dont you just let up. Ive come across many of your posts where you are so acrid I don't know how you can live with yourself. Honestly you have such a high and mighty attitude against others who may have made a slip up. Look, Im one of those. I've been at this for decades and yet I still make mistakes. Its called being human. I have also had enough of you people who say "no one forced you to update". Its not the point. The point is NI could have made things much more transparent so people can see more clearly what they are about to do. THAT is not hard.

    As to my situation, I am still waiting for a response (which I know will probably not come) about my problem of KK hard crashing my DAW. I had to roll back and Im still on that version. This was early in the year. How am I supposed to know in following versions if my issue has been resolved? What? am I supposed to just waste more time seeing if the thing is going to crash my system. With all the drama about with NI slipping in updates then people wondering why their instruments no longer work is just adding more angst to peoples experience.

    Another thing thats getting old, is NI contiually saying they're busy at the moment. Ive had that excuse thrown at me just like many others over and over.. Really for a huge company such as NI its appalling that people have to wait days to actually gat to use what they've paid for.

    @remedydub sorry for your horrid experience. Haven't read everything you've said, but from what I have read Im sure theres many people who understand. Dont take any notice of those who dont.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited December 2023


    Another thing thats getting old, is NI contiually saying they're busy at the moment. Ive had that excuse thrown at me just like many others over and over.. Really for a huge company such as NI its appalling that people have to wait days to actually gat to use what they've paid for.

    I'll reiterate what I've said earlier... I had a problem with Falcon 3 that I reckoned was a Maschine problem (it was) but UVI went well beyond the 'Call of Duty' to try to solve the problem, and at least produced a workaround, NI didn't and don't think they can.

    They really are not doing themselves... or us any favours at the moment....

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod
    edited December 2023

    Oh boy... here we go again... 😟

    @Matthew_NI i feel that this thread is starting to explode again and this is become really annoying. Every few days, some new user arrives and start complains again and again, and not with the best language! We constantly loose focus with this stupidity and we can not track anymore the important answers (from all sides). Can you PLEASE clean this thread from all the irrelevant and whining comments?

    To some users:

    Please keep your uneducated opinions and whatever nonsense you read on Reddit for your self! We are NOT here to read that "you hate this" and "you hate that", neither your whining stories, so STOP!

    To some other users:

    You are becoming a kind of a cabal here and you are blaming almost every person who likes the KK3 or speak with some "attitude" out of the ordinary for the masses, way. We will speak whenever we like, however we like and we will NOT apologize to anyone. Deal with it.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 334 Pro

    @Sunborn yeah I'll agree the language I saw is pretty off. Im really not trying to be antagonistical BUT... who are "some other users"? Your last paragraph doesn't make sense (language barrier perhaps?) and who gets to speak what they like when they like and others cant?

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro

    OK. I have been keeping my mouth shut until now because nothing I or anyone else says will stop the rude behavior being exhibited by the same old cast of characters. Only the mod team can suspend and eventually ban users for breaking the rules. Simple as that.

    So I have to ask the moderation team, does the code of conduct mean anything at all on this forum? I mean, the nasty-ass ****** I see on this site makes me sick.

    Now as far as the post from @remedydub is concerned (which seemed to trigger this latest round of ******), it was over the top as far as the code of conduct is concerned but anyone with an ounce of discernment knew it was a member venting whom I had not seen a similar post from in the past. And so I can see it for what it is and let it slide.

    But for some of you lot, you cannot resist the opportunity to pounce on anyone you can and run your rude mouth. And if someone politely tries to set you straight (which is usually well deserved I might add), you come out swinging and then the whole community has to tolerate an childish online brawl between two man-child members looking for conflict. Same old ****** over and over and I for one, have had enough of it.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro

    OK. I have been keeping my mouth shut until now because nothing I or anyone else says will stop the rude behavior being exhibited by the same old cast of characters. Only the mod team can suspend and eventually ban users for continually breaking the rules.

    So I have to ask the moderation team, does the code of conduct mean anything at all on this forum?

    Now as far as the post from @remedydub is concerned (which seemed to trigger this latest dog pile), it was perhaps over the top as far as the code of conduct is concerned but anyone with an ounce of discernment also knew it was a member venting whom I had not seen a similar post from in the past. And so I can see it for what it is and let it slide.

    But for some of you lot, you cannot resist the opportunity to pounce on anyone you can and run your rude mouth. And if someone dares to politely set you straight (which is usually well deserved I might add), you come out swinging and then the whole community gets to tolerate yet another childish online brawl.

    It is really quite tiresome.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,095 Expert

    "So I have to ask the moderation team, does the code of conduct mean anything at all on this forum?"

    This is all I really want to know.

    My "reaction" to that rd "rant" had nothing to do with NIs inability to actually make KKv3 even the slightest bit worthy using here in late 2023.

    It also had nothing to do the NIs inability to make Native Access halt BEFORE updating things it should never be updating in the first place - like installing KKv3 over KKv2 and having the potential to completely trash a system.

    No - my reaction - (acrid or otherwise) was squarely on the fact that this thread was supposed to be a conversation amongst what I thought were (slightly) grounded users - who might want to share some "constructive" feedback for NI to hopefully apply to KKv3 and make it feature ready for the future.

    But when we are now getting into "I have an unparalleled hatred for the staff at NI now" - for me that was so far off base that I wasn't going to let it slide and like @MyStudioOne and other - I am now wondering where the mods are but really what exactly are the ground rules are - because after following this thread for the last few weeks - it now seems there are none.

    We all have our beefs on this KKv3 debacle but that kind of commentary is not constructive, nor will it do anything to get NI all fired up (in a positive way) about actually making this thing work better in the future.

    Given the direction of this thread - closure is really the only option as it appears the plot was lost long ago.


This discussion has been closed.
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