Logic Pro X crashes with new Kontrol S61 Mk3 - Constantly



  • Plight
    Plight Member Posts: 11 Member
  • ini4
    ini4 Member Posts: 33 Helper

    @Plight unfortunately, this didn't work for me. 😑

  • timk
    timk Member Posts: 24 Member

    Nor me, KK still works ok, but native k7 is nicer - especially for some instruments which just work better/easier in K7.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited February 2024

    I‘m in that crash club too, now. I just bought a S88 MK3 and guess what: I loaded up a Kontakt 7 library (Alicia Keys) in Apple Logic and I was overwhelmed by the feel of the hammerweighed keys. Then I wanted to load up Stradivari violin and suddenly my window disappeared, S88 showed the standard midi control interface and the typical MacOS error report showed up.

    I tried all the hints and tips from the forum and contacted support. Using Komplete Kontrol wrapper didn‘t help, also many libs crash and force logic to quit. Then I came to the idea to test this in another DAW. Fired up my Reason Studio, clicked add instrument, selected Kontakt. Now I selected those libs which quit in Logic and: tadaaaaa. Works like it should.

    I think there must be a problem between Logic code and the MK3 versions of the NI Keyboards. When I turn off the MK3 and select the problematic libs by mouse, Kontakt doesn‘t crash Logic. And when I turn on the MK3 Hardware I can navigate the chosen preset and instrument. I can also change the presets in the interface. As soon I go back to the new browser and click another library. Boom - crash!

    NI-Support told me, there is just the way to erase the config file in the library folder. But this had no effect.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    @mediacave can you double check that Logic is not in MIDI 2 mode (in the Logic preferences) and that KSMK3 is not in MIDI 2 mode (via the hardware settings page on device). This is a common cause of instability as the MIDI 2 implementation in Logic is not yet there.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    And also ensure you've updated to the most recent version of Logic Pro, and once updated, in Logic click Logic Pro / Control Surfaces / Rebuild Defaults

  • Heikki Niemelä
    Heikki Niemelä Member Posts: 5 Member

    Brand new KS61MK3, and the crash club. Nothing mentioned here worked.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    What OS are you on?

    What version of KK3 have you installed?

    What version of K7 have you installed?

    What version of KSMK3 firmware are you on?

    What version of the NI Hardware Connection Service have you installed?

    Are you going USB-C to USB-C direct in, via a USB-C hub, or a USB-C to USB-A adapter?

  • Heikki Niemelä
    Heikki Niemelä Member Posts: 5 Member

    What OS are you on?

    macOs 14.3


    Logic Pro 10.8.1

    What version of KK3 have you installed?

    3.1.1 btw, no errors but this reappears in Native Access

    What version of K7 have you installed?

    Kotakt 7.8.0

    What version of KSMK3 firmware are you on?

    agent 1.5.5 R14

    OS 1.5.7

    What version of the NI Hardware Connection Service have you installed?


    Are you going USB-C to USB-C direct in, via a USB-C hub, or a USB-C to USB-A adapter?

    Direct to MacBook Pro M1 Max

    I do not find the com.apple.logic file in my computer.

    Set the full disk access, didn't find NTKDaemon

    Rescanned plugins,

    did Control Surface rebuild defaults

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    We are not yet officially supporting macOS 14 - that is coming soon. I'm not sure that this is the cause of your crash, but it could be.

    You may also try going via a USB-C hub, rather than direct, as there exist some machines of which yours may or may not be one, that have a problematic USB-C implementation when plugged direct to peripherals, resulting often in crashing. I'm also not sure if this is the cause, but it's another thing we recommend that often helps.

    Have you opened the KK standalone application and rescanned your plug-ins from the KK preferences? I'd do that, and try then opening and loading content within KK in Logic again.

    Could you also let me know what triggers the crash?

  • Heikki Niemelä
    Heikki Niemelä Member Posts: 5 Member

    KK works, Kontakt does not, but long wait and drooling about Kontakt I made the purchase.

    I also do have Cubase Pro license for legacy, but testing that would be pointless in my view.

    (well might test tomorrow anyway)

    Trigger is just loading a preset in Kontakt plugin.

    Some older, like some drummer works. As I saw in this chain about newer / memory usage speculation

    I do have Komplete Ultimate.

    And I do have 20+ years programming experience so, maybe you might consider holes in the automation tests.

  • timk
    timk Member Posts: 24 Member

    Everyone - this only happens on Mac OSX Sonoma 14.x on Apple Silicon. It works fine on 13.x.

    And as noted Komplete Kontrol (KK) works fine, just not native K7.x - I'm on the beta testing now and have tried most of the beta releases and they've not addressed the problem yet, so for now I have resigned myself to using KK (in Logic X) until it is fixed.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
    edited February 2024

    Oh, are you describing a crash with Kontakt? If so, there is a known crash we're tracking with Kontakt and the MK3 on Sonoma but for which the fix is actually on the Apple side, and something they're working on.

  • Heikki Niemelä
    Heikki Niemelä Member Posts: 5 Member

    Ok, can one follow the bug ticket or just hope and wait for Logic updates

  • Heikki Niemelä
    Heikki Niemelä Member Posts: 5 Member

    Oh if only I knew that the most important feature is crippled I would have considered again.

    After investing in the Komplete + Ultimate instruments software series many times.

    No matter who has the bug.

    I am using Kontakt in hundreds of productions.

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