The MASCHINE+ Feedback Thread



  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    Wow I don't even understand what is the release date anymore... πŸ˜…

    is it still coming out this week?

    At this level, it is not transparency but confusion. And the forum becomes painful because everyone is waiting for the release (or gets upset when it doesn't arrive)

    Personally I'm for going back to the "old method" of announcing the update only once it's ready...(don't yell at me)

    As user, we do not need transparency for this. On the other hand, it can be useful for users to know about the list of features on which the development team is working, currently. And so what the future update will contain (but the release date....)

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited March 2022

    That's fair feedback. The intention wasn't to be so focus on the date and that's why the original announcement had quite a lose timeframe.

    What if we did that same post with no timeframe, would that make it less frustrating?

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
    edited March 2022

    @Matt_NI wrote:

    What if we did that same post with no timeframe, would that make it less frustrating?

    I can only speak for myself and I'm a bad example because I'm perfectly calm and don't care about the release date πŸ™‚

    Once again, what interests me the most is (above all) what it will contain...

    (and you already answered)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited March 2022
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper
    edited March 2022

    Gotta agree as far as iOS apps are concerned : iMaschine/Traktor have been big promisses and then big disappointments.

    I had bought all the expansions for iMaschine I remember, then iMaschine 2 came and then nothing...

    Would have been a killer to have a full feature Maschine version on the iPad with auv3 support both as a host and plug-in, to control with the Maschine Mikro (or even mk3). Would be a very convenient, affordable and portable solution. And would bring revenue opportunities to NI on the software and content side.

    NI chose the hardest route by going standalone but after all, many of us were asking and dreaming for this.

    Same for Traktor. When you see what technically can be done on iOS on apps like AI track separation on Algoriddim Djay or DVS on DJ Player, it's quite frustrating to see NI did never clearly take the direction. They still could do it in the DJing side, instead of releasing a standalone Traktor device.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited April 2022

    @HammyHavoc Thanks for the feedback! I'll check the example you submitted.

    I don't want this to be a 1:1 and the conversation is now going into the forum experience, feature requests and other things that are off-topic for this thread. I'm happy to keep discussing this via DM for anyone interested to know more about what's happening with all these topics (mind you, we shared a lot about all of that already in the community).


    We highlighted this before but the thread is becoming harder and harder to follow. It somehow pivoted into just about anything but feedback around Maschine Plus. We'll rethink how to gather specific feedback, allowing everyone to comment on each others input and create a new space as soon as the update is released (yes, it is really coming).

    We appreciate everyone's input and we'll share more with the announcement soon πŸ™

This discussion has been closed.
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