Kontakt 7.7 - please remove ads



  • oobe79
    oobe79 Member Posts: 152 Advisor

    Unbelievable. And they don't even mention it in the Release notes!

  • frankE
    frankE Member Posts: 7 Member

    The new advertising "feature" in both Kontakt and NA is distracting, disrespectful and annoying. I paid for NI software and don't appreciate being bombarded with ads while I'm trying to work. You do enough advertising already in other ways, and this new approach is beyond acceptable. Please remove the ads!

  • steevm
    steevm Member Posts: 3 Member

    Someone needs to tell the VC investors that their misguided meddling is tanking the value of their investment and losing the goodwill of long term customers. Even they don't want that.

    This is just a symptom of a much deeper malaise.

  • etudes
    etudes Member Posts: 31 Member

    +1. Not the first time NI made cheap moves to milk as much money as humanly possible from their users. Like how for 5 years they refused to add one of the most requested, baby simple Komplete Kontrol keyboard features (an option to turn off the light guide), only adding it to their brand new MkIII keyboards, to give you another reason to spend another $900. Which I won't, because I'm tired of NI.

  • MaartenP
    MaartenP Member Posts: 1 Member

    +1 You can't do that. Full Kontakt is not shareware or freeware.

  • AbbateEntertainment
    AbbateEntertainment Member Posts: 19 Member

    Wow! Not just Kontakt, but also in Native Access. Ugh! Where has the original NI gone?!!

    So many questionable decisions being made in 2023.

    NI ... Please don't forget about all of us that got you to where you are today.

  • David N
    David N Member Posts: 8 Member

    Please remove the new ads from Kontakt. That sort of stuff belongs in Native Access.

  • McClaneonfire
    McClaneonfire Member Posts: 161 Member

    Yes, for Native Access - palease not in any instrument.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Agree with all the posts here. COME ON NI this is hideous. NO one likes ads shoved down their throats. As has been said numerous times already, a full version paid for product should not be an eye assault AND taking up precious real estate. . PLEASE REMOVE.

  • Bloozenator
    Bloozenator Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    One benefit of the ads is that I will save money because I will not purchase anything using Kontakt as long as the ads remain in the paid for full Kontakt. Everyone, bombard the top developers that you will not purchase their products as long as there are ads in full Kontakt, that might be the only way NI listens.

  • dwbertoni
    dwbertoni Member Posts: 14 Member

    Given the fact that I cannot even use my S61 mk3 because of a flawed hardware connection/recognition regime (seriously?!?!?), I have yet to feast my eyes on this abomination. Ads in paid software? Seriously?

  • Emmanuel Rousseau
    Emmanuel Rousseau Member Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2023

    Agreed ! Put all the ads you want in your free products, but not in Kontakt full, it is a paid software. Please reconsider this, NI.

  • outlieraud
    outlieraud Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2023

    Another vote to kill this feature. Put ads in free products and give the full versions the ability to disable them.

    This is also a stupid longterm plan. Kontakt's only as good as the developers that make it a diverse platform. Sample developers have already begun the trend of moving away from NI, this is only going to speed that process up. (Which at this point might actually be the best thing that can happen).

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper
    edited November 2023


    Remove this asap. It makes NI looks like cheap kiddie toys. I paid for my software and don't want that intrusive ad stuff forced on me.

    How about fixing bugs and modernizing older plugins instead? While we are at it, stop killing older products.

  • EBelvin
    EBelvin Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'll add my voice to this. The ads caught me off guard after updating, and I don't want to be thinking about purchase decisions while I'm trying to get work done. It 100% interrupted my flow of thought. Huge fan of Kontakt and NI, and I trust they will reverse this one.

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