Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    Sorry, I didn't communicate well. I understand sampling is real time. What I am anxious to find out is: after you have auto-sampled an instrument, how long does it take to load that sound on your next project?

    On Loopop: I like Loopop and I appreciate the Loopop video above. (Thanks Loopop!)

    On the MK3 release: you got me feeling a bit crazy as I vaguely remember you had opinions on the matter too. I believe it was a weird glitch where the pads required a lot more pressure than MK2 to trigger, it was fixed in firmware soon after release and I guess totally forgotten about...or I am crazy, which is entirely possible, perhaps likely;-). Point is, I would love to see new Maschine products in the hands of influencers that have more Maschine heavy content in addition to Loopop, who, again, is great.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    Oh yes, I remember now, you're not crazy at all my friend. The Pad sensitivity settings in the firmware was complete garbage at launch, then we complained in the forum and it got fixed.

    There were some new things with the launch of the MK3, specifically a new employee who's part of the job was artist relations (not sure thats the right term), thats why there were so many influencers with early units, this doesn't happen with updates tho, it's more a promotional thing only when new HW is released. Updates tend to be covered by more technical people if at all.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited March 2022

    Damn bruh, you had me questioning, I thought D-One is a solid dude so maybe I remembered wrong???

    I watched the Loopop video again, and have determined the Autosampler is exactly what I wished for plus the welcome addition of auto loop detection. If it works well, it could reduce the file size for allot of my samples. One of the best things about auto sampling mono synths is to simulate them as poly instruments but I want many of my polys to have loads of sustain. Currently I have been using MainStage to sample long samples that are huge in size and still limited in length. With the loop feature, if it works well with detecting and/or crossfades, you could play a chord to infinity with a fraction of the file size. The best part is I no longer have to use another app or even a computer.

    At risk of fanboying a bit, these new possibilities for one of my favorite sampling tricks has me pretty excited!!!

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    This kind of thing is why an “ignore” button would be super useful on this forum. VI-Control has it and it really helps to keep the conversations civil and on-topic

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    There is an Ignore option, open the User's profile and click the person/silhouette icon and select Ignore.

    Heheh sorry, a good memory is not one of my qualities. 🙈

    I forgot to reply to your previous question regarding load times: For me it's instant on the computer and takes around 1 second on the M+ standalone; tested with a patch with 200+ samples and about 50mb, so no issues with load times IMO. On the M+ the speed of the SD will matter, of course, mine is rated at 95 MB/s, the stock one is much slower but shouldn't be too bad at loading typical patches either.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    If you like sampling your analog monosynths, you probably also want to take a look at the Reaktor core filters. Ported to M+ as fx plugins, they are superb VCF replacements for sampled synth patches 😍

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru
    edited March 2022

    Hey @Matt_NI Hey All NI Team

    To be honest I can't wait to see the new update. I'm Maschine user since 2010. In the past having almost all major controllers and now i'm on Maschine Plus. 

    Thanks for your work and all love. I know that's not easy to maintaine product like this. For you everything is new too.

    Thanks again!


  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Hello @Matt_NI

    Do you think this is a bug and if you know of it, will it be fixed in the next update.

    Sometimes I use the 4D button to move, lengthen or shorten one or more notes, but after several manipulations, it is sometimes impossible to select other notes. I don't know if it's really a bug or me doing something wrong.

    Thank you for your work and the follow-up.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Hard to say, you might want to check this with support to see if they can reproduce it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 4 Member

    NI Team-

    I've had my M+ for about a month or so, and I'd like to comment on updates. I was pretty disappointed to find how many sounds I own that just don't work in Standalone mode. I'm not even talking about third party stuff, I mean stuff I got with Komplete. That's a real drag. Frankly, I think you all should have focused more on making Kontakt more compatible and added FM8 and Massive in a later update.

    That said, I'm looking forward to the updates announced and I am still WAY happier than I would have been with the MPC Live. I borrowed it from a friend and HATED the workflow. I will always give NI props for Maschine's ease of use.

  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Ah yes, I had already read that somewhere.

    Thank you very much, I will try that the next time it happens.

    Thank you

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    Thanks for being a broken record. I think the San Disk I originally swapped the stock SD with was older and not U3, then I went with a Kingston 128GB U3 micro SD that I pulled from one of my GoPros and it may have had a corruption or something because I just swapped for a brand new Kingston full size U3 170mb/s card and my load times are MUCH faster. Not a glitch yet. However, I have not put it through the paces or used with my Tascam Model 12 since the switch.

    I can load a 4 layer, 6 octave, every note sampled, 3s per sample, sounds in reasonable time now and the CPU doesn't seem to struggle a bit.

    I am shopping for one of those V60 all size SDs with 250+MB/s read times now.

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