Things you look forward to in fall 2022 🍂



  • kjetilhu
    kjetilhu Member Posts: 1 Member

    Maschine 3 with granular sampling - live input recording.

  • agaland
    agaland Member Posts: 5 Member

    Would love to see a Komplete Kontrol S series mk3.

  • SH-1
    SH-1 Member Posts: 34 Helper

    Definitely mostly looking forward to more HiDPI UI updates in the future- This is above all else for me personally.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    If this is anything like the browser on Kontakt 7, I will be a very happy boy.

  • The MIDI Maniac
    The MIDI Maniac Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2022

    Hi NI!

    Looking forward to updates for the Maschine+, which I recently bought to 'replace' my beloved Roland MV-8800.

    • Sysex recording would be awesome for my older synths
    • Better way to navigate through imported files. Possibility to create folders instead of having 54.263 samples to scroll through
    • Drag and drop clips over the time line with a simple click
    • Making the arpeggio work from external hardware



    Roger, The MIDI Maniac

  • Chris Tobias
    Chris Tobias Member Posts: 6 Member

    I am really looking forward to Kontakt 7 and hopefully UX/UI improvements for Komplete Kontrol too. At minumum a resizable interface, but really the browser and workflow needs serious updating.

    Bring on Komplete 14!

  • DJJohnnyG
    DJJohnnyG Member Posts: 2 Member

    Just hoping for scalable UI across the platform, hope that's coming. Can't wait to see what's in the release!

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    I'm sure I'm odd man out here, but I value stability over "new". I still use Kontakt 5.8.1 on several 10 year old Apple computers; they do everything I need. My wish is that NI will continue to support older versions of Native Access so that I may continue to use my current setup. I don't want to be forced to replace my old computers because I can no longer authorize libraries on them.

  • Zemertz
    Zemertz Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2022

    Looking forward to Bjorks new album, Seen Brian Cox Horizons live at the weekend that was pretty amazing, hmm what am I looking forward to with gear and software, hard to say, not thought about it too much. I have foolishly got addicted to modular synthesis though, will be nice to see how I can use plugins in my daw with it. Massive x would be nice to see evolve, even simple things like a little oscilloscope and better visuals of wave form would be a plus, would be nice to see some user interfaces refreshed too, some more plugins would be nice as stand alone maybe toi

  • Markrosoft
    Markrosoft Member Posts: 5 Member

    I know it seems small, but I would LOVE to have Looper back in Guitar Rig 6.

    The reason it was so great is because you could easily export all the layers separately AND you could use it like a real looping pedal. I found it such a nice creative tool for making ambient music. You just can't use Ableton in the same way because let's say you make a 10 second loop to start, you could come in for just a little snippet between seconds 2 & 3 or another little snipped between seconds 9 & 10 and so on. This way you can build a really great collage of sound. BUT... once you have that collage, it's not flat! You can export the stems and create a track however you want. I haven't found another looper plugin that does that and haven't found a pedal that exports all the layers.

    Unless there's a SUPER good reason, I don't see why you can't bring it back. Please!!!

  • Donkey Oaty
    Donkey Oaty Member Posts: 48 Member

    This AUTUMN I am looking forward to:

    Komplete 13 upgrading to 14

    A new improved Kontakt

    A fantastic concert in Wales with a new work from Karl Jenkins.

    The last of the blackberries.

  • theonlymj
    theonlymj Member Posts: 7 Member

    I'm a simple man. I want real, intuitive, audio recording in Maschine. You know, press record and it just works. Like something an 8 track recorder could do 40 years ago. I've done this with clips and the sampler, but it's quite apparent this is not an intended use. Not sure if I'm alone in this, but as a singer songwriter, this would be the final hurdle in using Maschine as my one stop shop for demos.

  • djl
    djl Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thank you NI for providing great products and soliciting feedback for improvement.

    My top priorities for an NI wishlist:

    1) A scalable UI of Komplete Kontrol for the computer and VST UI.

    2) Update of all Session Guitarist products (E. Sunburst/DLX; Stummed Acoustic/2; Picked Acoustic/Nylon; Electric Vintage) to enable MIDI drag and drop features of patterns of Prime Bass and Electric Mint.

  • fivepindin
    fivepindin Member Posts: 8 Member

    I hope for Komplete Kontrol S series MK3 WITHOUT being bundled to software.

    As a Komplete Unlimited Collector's Edition tier user, the bundled software is only of use if I end up selling the keyboard at a later date.

  • apeirophobe
    apeirophobe Member Posts: 15 Helper

    Maschine+ automation viewing and editing!

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