Things you look forward to in fall 2022 🍂



  • mibarbaro
    mibarbaro Member Posts: 3 Member

    KOMPLETE 14 is a huge collection of great tools. But useless for me if not all of them are fully Apple Silicon natively compatible!

  • NodeOperator
    NodeOperator Member Posts: 16 Member

    New products from the collaboration between Izotope and NI, I would love to see a hybrid synth sampler with the same sort of capability that Camel Audio gave us with Alchemy, some how between the 2 brands you could have a fresh take and fresh approach.

  • Pampy
    Pampy Member Posts: 5 Member

    Undo function for Battery please. Also, it wont hurt to include waveform display on ADSR buttons, so we can see what it does to the waveform. Modern GUI refresh too for battery.

    for Kontakt 7, resizable display, especially the browser. Also an ability to add custom libraries on Libraries Tab. I think different sizes of library gui is one of the reason it is hard to complement resizable GUI, maybe explore the option of having the browser detachable, including Komplete Kontrol. Thanks!

  • mikezee
    mikezee Member Posts: 6 Member

    Looking forward to komplete And lookin forward to logic pros update

    album I’m lookin forward to is from myself



  • Filip Hoško
    Filip Hoško Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have to say native Apple Silicon support for as much stuff as possible - preferably Komplete Kontrol and Komplete S MK2 keyboards (so it would be possible to use the keyboard in Logic fully without glitches).

  • Gijsbert In 't Veld
    Gijsbert In 't Veld Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am waiting for a MK3 version of the S88 with the options here below in the text.

    Witch I think it wil be a great update for this Keyboard and a lot of users of the S88 users

    The option in s88 keyboard KK to layer instruments in one instance and the option to switch the layers on and of with a knob like the knobs on the yamaha Genos

     (1 knob voor left hand sound(on and off) and 3 knobs for 3 layerd sounds for the right hand also a Knob for switch on and of. or more than 3 knops) 

    and the old M-audio keystation PRO 88 ( where i work with but become a little old now the keys going to hang or not work anymore) where you have the same knobs that you can use the same way. 

    To layer sounds with different miidi channels on one or more parts (overlaying on the keys ) of the keyboard. 

    Like on the left hand 1. strings sound on midi ch. 6 and for the right hand a 1.Piano on midi ch.5 - 2.Strings on midi ch 8 - 3.Brass on midi ch 12. and where the brass sound is in the aftertouch. i have send you already the midi implementation information of that old M-Audio keyboard a long time a go with the same question. 

    M-audio has it already bend from the site because of its age.

    Also the option of drumpads and sliders on the kayboard  

    But there ar many kayboards with these option. only not your S88

    the Arturia Keylab 88 MkII for example is very poppulair

    i have a few hardware things from you already like the Machine Studio, the Jam, Keyboard S49, Soundcard 6, and the DJ Traktor S8. and now i want to buy the S88 as replacement for the M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 to work with the other NI Hardware that i have.

    But i cannot do the things with it that i want to do because of the midi.

    i hope you can see through it to see if it is possible to make that in the software update or hardware update.

    It is a wile now the the S88 MK2 is on the market and there ar manny questions on the forum about a hardware update to a S88 MK3

    So that would be a great update for this year or.

    If you want i can send you a nother copy of that midi implementation info of the M-audio Kaystation. so you would not heve to to invent the wheel again.

    its all there in the info and on the picture in this booklet.

    Wfr. G. in `t Veld


  • el fino fino
    el fino fino Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2022

    The truth is that I would like the Komplete 14 , but right now I can say that I managed to get some techniques to play in maschine that nobody knew and I even named the technique ( pa Lante ) .

    I managed to use third party vst in maschine , I managed to use dj vst in maschine controlled by maschine and dj table , I managed to use fl studio vst in maschine and I managed to use maschine Jam function in maschine ...everything is on my Facebook page....

  • Craigeepoo
    Craigeepoo Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am looking for an upgraded version of your Komplete Kontrol S88!

    That's all, cuz I already have most all your software.

    Just a new S88. (MK3)?


  • Normski
    Normski Member Posts: 5 Member

    Direct Echo on selected sample + selected repeat on sound controller options, and easier inter connections and integration with other application like MPC or MPC within native Instruments! These would be very nice options for me personally. 😲

  • Normski
    Normski Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hoo yes please sir, a few more of those very nice  dreamy sounds, I love um!! 

  • GuyPicks
    GuyPicks Member Posts: 2 Member

    I’m looking forward to Christmas and writing Christmas songs.

    Just can’t afford to get the KOMPLETE 14 COLLECTOR’S EDITION upgrade. Love NI products, always have and always will. Great company and has always been there to help me. ✌️ 😁

  • Brandon Mozzetti
    Brandon Mozzetti Member Posts: 10 Member

    Anticipation - VST3 compatibility.

    Desire - Honestly, anything that gets NI up-to-speed with current tech regarding Maschine specifically. Other NI software seems to be there, while Maschine has seemed to stagnate for the past decade.

    Don't give us another hardware unit with the same limitations as the last 3 iterations.

    ex - I preordered a Maschine+ until I realized it wasn't compatible with 3rd-party VSTs in standalone. Then I canceled a potential $1400 purchase, as my Mk3 ends up being just as capable. And still is...

    I personally think that Maschine needs a serious overhaul. Make it more like a full-fledged DAW. There are simply too many shortcomings and things that just get in the way and negatively affect workflow.

    Great ex - having to record automations... Could we take a page from other DAWs and have a mechanism that allows us to simply DRAW automations? Would save hours and save people from having to bridge to a DAW.

    Could care less about a new Komplete pack that comes out every year with a couple of new instruments. Especially when they don't work with the new Apple OS until 6mo in.

    I feel as though this pursuit to keep pushing out products annually like apple does, is a flawed venture that doesn't work for a core audience such as NI's consumer group. Reason being, we are the creative type. We want tools/products that help us in our creative endeavors. Not flashy, new, regurgitated products from last year with minimal to no new utility.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Komplete Bundle does not come yearly, it comes every second year.... And K14 is going to be AS native now, except for Reaktor & Battery (1Q2023)...

  • bortraws
    bortraws Member Posts: 6 Member

    My wishes,

    No new Maschine hardware. The MK3 is already really good. Just improve the software first.

    Like better audio stretching capabilities with audio quantization. Straight up DAW like audio track. Delay compensation for plugins.

    Apple Silicon support for Maschine and as many plugins as possible.

    Agree with others about vector interface for better resizable gui’s on 4K+ screens.

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