Native Acess 2 "Dependency installation process is taking longer than normal..."



  • TonyCashola
    TonyCashola Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2022

    Even after adding Kontakt 7 Serial in Native Access 1 the product isn't showing up in the "Not Installed" Section for me to install. Actually no new purchased products are showing up in Native Access 1. Is there an issue with even purchasing NI products for Windows 7? @Jeremy_NI

  • TonyCashola
    TonyCashola Member Posts: 5 Member

    The NTKDaemon installer has been updated from version 1.7 to 1.9 in December 2022. Located here:

    Not sure which version you may have installed.

  • TonyCashola
    TonyCashola Member Posts: 5 Member

    Native Instruments is no longer supporting Windows 7. After ugrading to Kontakt 7 (just so I could use a library) I noticed that Kontakt 7 is only for Windows 10/11.

  • folant
    folant Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited January 2023

    Hi Guys,

    I have just purchased Traktor Pro3, and I can't activate it due to the same issue Dependancy installation process too long.... I have tried everything suggested on the support page, disabling firewall, testing for issues and everything. download speed is above 85 mbps - which I believe is enough but nothing seems to work, it's just loading and loading ? Windows 10, ram 8gb , 64 bit, x64-based processor. For everyone who wonders, just downgrade to Native Acess 1 , and it's all there

  • juliakent
    juliakent Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Joining this discussion, as I'm having the same install issues as everyone else with Native Access 2 (Mac 10.14.6). I wanted to upgrade, as I can't add any libraries via Native Access 1 ("invalid file path" error). At this point, I'm hesitant to upgrade to Native Access 2, as obviously it's super problematic, but Native Access 1 is nonfunctional for me. I've opened a support ticket, but I question why this known issue has not been solved over the past six months?

    If anyone in the community has any suggestions to get around the invalid file path error in NA1 I'd welcome them!

  • dikkedimi
    dikkedimi Member Posts: 9 Member

    Same darn issue. Finally got around to updating my mac to monterey, now this ******.

    Ableton worked fine after a reinstall, but not maschine and the other NI kit I own.

    NA v1 just doesn't open on macOS monterey. I've removed and reinstalled all available versions at least once, to no avail. Obviously removing each of these files every time using a lil script:

    ```rm -Rvf /Applications/Native\;

    rm -Rvf ~/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.Native\ Access.plist;

    rm -Rvf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Native\ Access;

    rm -Rvf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Native\ Access\ Updater;

    rm -Rvf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Helper/NiHelperAuth;

    rm -Rvf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Installer.HelperTool.plist;

    rm -Rvf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.native-instruments.Native\ Access.Helper2.plist;`

    Still using my Maschine mk2 a lot, and now I can't. Very sad. These problems don't appear on my macbook air though...

  • dikkedimi
    dikkedimi Member Posts: 9 Member

    I want to add that I think this type of obsessive control retention of obsolete software that is no longer maintained, is anti-consumer and adds to the mountain of e-waste humanity generates.

    Make the software ISO/DMG's available for product owners instead of making them depend on your (garbage) download manager.

    Seriously NI, do better. I get that pushing out new products is more 'profitable', but please think about customer satisfaction (read: retention), and the environment.

    I will not buy new NI gear when it's just going to end up in a landfill in 2 years time.

  • dikkedimi
    dikkedimi Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2023

    I have attached the stack trace from ntkdaemon before installing NTKDaemon 1.9.1 manually, and post install.

    Result remains the same.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @dikkedimi Wow! That's a lot of useful information here. I'll forward this to our devs and support team. A huge thank you for the time you spent on laying it out in the way you did. To be honest, this goes way over my head but I'm sure this will be helpful and beneficial. Massive thanks for sharing.

  • LA Country Boy
    LA Country Boy Member Posts: 3 Member

    Wow all that work independently, for Native Access to do what it's supposed to do. Excuse the sarcasm - jus can't imagine if I was more involved in the industry, and reliant upon things working as expected. It would really be annoying to constantly run into these 'small' things…I can't even imagine the larger issues that leave productivity at a standstill.

  • Bloxx
    Bloxx Member Posts: 1 Member

    I found away round the installation I installed traktor 3pro demo it installed,I then logged in with product I'd in the traktor program

  • my.uni
    my.uni Member Posts: 3 Member

    this just reveals the info: NI is not good at creating software.

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Just got this out of the blue (never happened before) on my system (macOS Monterey 12.6.4 w/ Apple Silicon). Killing all NI daemons didn't change it. Any other ideas?

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Spoke too soon… after waiting really long it worked. And with the just installed 2.3.3, it looks like the dependency installation process is finally skipped if not necessary. Thanks.

This discussion has been closed.
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