Native Acess 2 "Dependency installation process is taking longer than normal..."



  • Lewis Keys
    Lewis Keys Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hey, My name is Lewis Keys been trying to download Komplete 14 for two days now, and having been able to o. Dependency installation process is taking longer than normal error code. Can someone help me out, I was very excited about upgrading for komplete 12 to 14 and now the thrill is gone. No tech help, no response from Native instruments, just one of the worst experience I ever had when buying product. We should be able to contact some immediately about our issue, after all they take our money off immediately not making sure everything is work properly. Thanks

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited September 2022

    Hello @Lewis Keys and welcome to the forum. You submitted a request only a few hours ago, please understand that our support agents have a lot of requests to process at the moment. Please give us a little time. Until then, have you tried the steps proposed in this thread ? The last resort is always to downgrade to Native Access 1, you will find the link on this thread.

  • jeankes
    jeankes Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I tried this after not being able to install 2.6.2 on 3 new mac studios.

    The install works with 1.x , but apparently the licensing fails; all instruments have the DEMO status?

    only solution i see is rolling back to our old intel macs. thank god we kept those aside...

    AMPDCOMP Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2022

    I've got the same issue on my iMac Intels running macOS 12.6 but there is no ntkdaemon process in the Activity Monitor, so it's just stuck at installing dependencies. I've re-downloaded and re-installed the Native Access (v2.6.2) app but no luck.

  • Ronny Bangsund
    Ronny Bangsund Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Which models are those? It works on my Max, but if yours are all Ultra or something at least it narrows it down. If some or all are Max, NA2 is even flakier than I've found it so far.

  • Mjross
    Mjross Member Posts: 2 Member

    This Native Access 2 problem is real ******! What in the world is going on here? I’ve invested over $3000 dollars in software and hardware and what do it get, “crickets”. I’m thinking “class action suit”. Appears to be a major rip off! I’ve been at this for days and could not figure it out. In fact, the Computer Techs at Sweetwater Sound are stumped and the are as good as it gets. HEY NATIVE INSTRUMENTS, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, THIS IS A REAL PITA! DO IT, DO IT NOW! Sheez…..

  • Lewis Keys
    Lewis Keys Member Posts: 5 Member

    I went through all the recommend step that was posted in the community to fellow and stay got the error code. I did download N1 again and was able to get most of the download to download, but I want to use N2 since I pay for it and the upgrade. Have Native Instruments fix the issues? Thanks

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    You contacted our support over the weekend, my colleagues will get back at you as soon as possible. We have a lot of requests to process at the moment so we ask for your patience. There are a few bugs in Native Access 2 and the team is working on it.

    Have you tried the steps found in this thread already? Have you tried downgrading to Native Access 1, as suggested ?

  • safeite
    safeite Member Posts: 16 Member

    This solution WORKS on my M1 Mac.

    Please note the downloadable Mac OS installer's payload window always appears blank - there nothing to click on or select. The one contained in this folder DOES have a selectable payload. You need to use this installer, it would appear, instead of the downloadable one from the NI website.

    Rebooting loads it into startup memory, then it may ask for a fresh login to NI. It also prompts for access - you want it.

  • safeite
    safeite Member Posts: 16 Member

    Try the solution of showing package contents on the NI app, then navigating to the daemon installer, install, reboot, log in again.

  • safeite
    safeite Member Posts: 16 Member

    One installer has a blank payload, the one that works (in the actual app > show pkg contents) is the one you want.

    Top: correct installer ; Bottom: Blank payload install from NI website.

    NI, please point to same installer as in the pkg contents, remove other installer! Causing great misery for M1'ers! TIA!

  • matejmacura
    matejmacura Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hello everyone,

    I've found a fix that worked for me on Windows. Quite possibly could work on Mac as well.

    Download a legacy installer form here and just use the older version.

    (or just type "native access 1 legacy installers for older operating systems" and you'll find it)

    Worked for me. If someone tries auto-updating it to the newer version afterwards, they can post whether it still works. I suppose it will since the issue lies within the installation proccess itself, but I'm not risking it right now. I am just glad it's working haha

  • matejmacura
    matejmacura Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited October 2022

    Sorry, NI wont let me post a link to their own site 😣 it's the first search result on google.

  • mixmoove
    mixmoove Member Posts: 1 Member

    hello, same problem for me on mac M1 os12.6. I tried the method with the contents of the package but nothing works even with the 2.7 installer. I can use native access 1 but it's starting to get in the way of not having normal operation, not to mention the loss of time trying to solve the problem

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @mixmoove You can always contact our support here:

This discussion has been closed.
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