Are my custom midi mappings causing traktor pro3 crash?

Kyou Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

recently i created some midi mappings for maschine mk3 to facilitate my performance(use light ribbon to zoom wavform, activate recording or auto master mode with buttons, jump to next cue with pads, etc.),but it seems my midi mappings are causing tp3 to crash randomly. The popup said a major problem has accured, and then the software was totally freezed, but the music wouldn't stop. Sometimes The software would be closed immediately. At one time,my tp3 perform wrongly,showing a situation that a deck is playing but there's no sound and no level signals. what's more, a playlist for one of my upcoming DJ live was messed up. I can't type in anything on any track, otherwise the key text for this track would be reset, and text in comment 2 will cover comment 1.Even my maschine wasnt turned on, this problem kept existing. This annoying issue had deprived me of one night's sleep. Now i deleted the two midi mappings and disconnected my maschine, but i don't know whether it ensure that my tp3 will worked stably all the time, if not, is that anything wrong with my software or OS? If you know something about my problem, please tell me. Anything would be helpful. Thanks.


  • Kyou
    Kyou Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    by the way, the left play button on my traktor s4 didn't react properly now. Sometime it has no problems but most often the time i have to strike it hard to play or stop a track. I wonder if it's a software problem.

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