Tips: What to do if Maschine Plus is stuck on startup screen



  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thank You. I really appreciate it.

  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    LostinFoundation, to my knowledge there are no drivers on a Mac. Am I correct?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    Days later, not help from NI. NI Support is quite depressing. I have to say.

  • GoKeez
    GoKeez Member Posts: 78 Advisor

    Was this issue ever resolved?

    As much as I’m pissed at NI and don’t want to buy new gear there are two M+ in my area for sale for $500 which seems low enough to be a no brainer but it may be because of similar issues.

    i sold my original one years ago because of issues that I would have assumed have been addressed but this thread seems to validate that M+ never did get buttoned up.

    or has it?

  • tomdog
    tomdog Member Posts: 13 Member

    Is there a better (no computer required) controller than Maschine+? It looks like folks are still having long identified problems still occurring within the last couple months.

  • jt maher
    jt maher Member Posts: 80 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    For the price of a maschine+ is ridiculous for how many problems it has. It should be around 700$ max. For 300$ more than the price of a maschine plus you can get the best standalone sequencer out there right now: Elektron Octatrack mk2.

    1000 times better than maschine + even though they are completely different machines….Maschine + will be a thing of the past, and EOL’d in the next year or two. Octatracks stand the test of time, and can actually be updated, and supported, and they hold their value.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Strangely, if you go on Elektron’s site and read the Octatrack’s threads, it also has lots of problems for some people. Likewise, pick any piece of gear, go to threads elsewhere online and you will read problems about those too. Some things might be bugs, some things might be user error, some might be lack of understanding of how the gear actually works and what it can do.

    If all you wanted was a sequencer, then there are better sequencers on the market than an Octatrack Mk2.

    You hit the nail on the head with the completely different machines though. Well, not quite, but you’ve acknowledge they’re different enough to not be comparable. Which therefore means that coming here to compare them looks a little bit like you’ve lost the plot.

    Find a machine you love and be happy with it. My M+ is a joy to use. I got 99 problems but my Plus ain’t one. It’s easily Worth the money when compared to something much closer, like a Push 3, which costs twice as much and has many of the same kind of disillusioned users that expect a bit more from it.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    All true… but it doesn’t justify the way NI as a vendor treats customers that bought their top-line product.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I guess that's a personal thing between you and the company. I have purchased a few things from them in the last few years, Maschines and a couple of keyboards, plus Komplete too and I personally haven't been mistreated in all honesty. Customer services is currently amongst the best i've used and received too and has been for a few years now. I've no real issues with my gear working properly too, so i'm all good.

    I don't want to detract from your issues though.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Yep, entirely mine… and just a few others on the forums and out there in the wild.

    But glad to hear everything is fine 👍🏻

  • jt maher
    jt maher Member Posts: 80 Newcomer

    Wait until his one of his controllers/keyboards becomes defective, and stops working eventually.

    Happens more often than not with different NI gear. I know people on their 2nd, even 3rd maschine +. On my second MK3 now, first one just stopped working after a year. Know quite of few people having defective issues with some of their keyboards as well. He is lucky he doesn’t have this problem as replacing defective hardware is a joke. I now see why NI has a 1 year warranty 💴 💰 💰


  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    Odd, I've been really happy with the build quality of the Mk3, I got it right when it was released (many years ago now) and I haven't had a single issue with the hardware since - and I use it daily. No experience with the M+ but I heard it was even higher quality, especially the knobs.

    SEUNGEUN_LEE Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Can't I use this file over and over again?

    Do I need to clear this file after a reboot? 

    It worked the first time, but after that, the same thing happens. I have contacted NI SUPPORT, but I don't know when they will respond.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Did you ever get an answer to this question? And, do your problems persist after the 1.5 update?

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