RX11 Standard Not Showing in Purchase History with No Support Response

Modera Music
Modera Music Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

This is my first ever forum post. I have a session this afternoon tracking vocals that will need to be turned around to a client by tomorrow afternoon. We are sadly in a noise prone environment and cannot change locations, hence my RX11 purchase. Been doing this for 10 years and never had this happen before.

I purchased RX11 Standard yesterday evening and never received an order confirmation whatsoever and the payment cleared at the bank level. I have tried the support emails on different forums and opening a ticket with NI/iZotope and no one has responded yet. All I would like is a product key for the 400 dollars I spent or for the order to be added to my available downloads in the iZotope installer wizard.

The support is awful as the support page for "can't see your product" has a broken link on my end and just spits you back to the home page of support.

Kind of at a loss for words and will be purchasing via 3rd party in the future I guess. Hoping someone at NI sees this. I also understand it has been less then 24 hrs from the purchase time but Komplete 14 was available for me the second the payment cleared. NI has my money already and I would like to use this amazing software.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert
    edited October 2024

    "I purchased RX11 Standard yesterday evening and never received an order confirmation whatsoever and the payment cleared at the bank level."

    Purchased from where? I just logged into my iZotope account and every serial for every product I have ever purchased from iZotope is listed.

    If you are thinking just because NI now owns iZotope - or that NI can help with this - these remain two companies that are miles apart on user product management at this time.

    RX11 will not show in your NI account and cannot be installed via Native Access either to my knowledge. You will need the iZotope Product Portal app to install RX11

    This all works just as it always has - as long as you are clear that these are two separate companies when it comes to handling installs and licensing.

    Start with your iZotope account and update when you can.


  • Modera Music
    Modera Music Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hey Vocal Point

    Thanks for the response here!

    I bought it direct from the iZotope site and do not see any serial for my purchase. I looked in Native access as a last resort, but was mainly using the iZotope specific install wizard.

    The problem is that the iZotope support is through NI. The Bot or any email is auto forwarded to a NI support page and there is no active iZotope forum that I could find other then the lovely reddit.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert
    edited October 2024

    So if you go into your iZotope Account:

    What do you see when you click on (1):

    Anything at all like this? Or is it completely empty?

    And - anything under Purchase history? :

    If you history is blank - could be time for some sales support.

    Update when you can.


  • Modera Music
    Modera Music Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hey Vocal Point,

    Completely blank on both the installer on the website, purchase history, and on the iZotope install wizard. Opened a ticket last night after purchase and have yet to hear anything.

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