NKS Development Discussion



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    For me it comes down to time v money. I take on part time work so I can dedicate time to develop and test libraries which anyone who makes them knows they take a lot of time to make, not generating files that’s usually easy, tagging and organizing, testing etc and then support especially as I often will login and assist blind users.

    of course people can make and do what they want, I’m not going to complain, but if the income dries up ( which it has slowly been) and I can’t help make ends meet it’s simply the end of what I do. I don’t make music much anymore, I try and maintain a life where I do things I love to do and try pay my taxes. Most people out there don’t care much about the quality of what goes into things, happy to spend $10k on plugins but rarely want to spend for support work like NKS as they feel “someone should do it for nothing because others do….”

    People like being able to contact me direct with issues and like the uniform way things are designed based on mostly official NKS and know if things are posted they are complete and maintained. Not everyone out there has free time to do this, nor time to mess around trying to find the best free/cracked versions.

    Im thinking this is likely the last year I can manage NKS personally since I really need more stable work than what I have especially with the cost of living now so high and if I end up back at full time work I’ll have no time left for NKS. I’m actually surprised to still be doing this after 7 years, I gave it a max of 4 years before interest fell off.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 165 Advisor

    Before you call it quits, JesterMgee—try patreon. Some of us here want to support your work. You can always just pick the work that interests you or that your highest contributing patreons request.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not calling quits just yet, but have to face facts on the model I setup 7 years ago. I started making NKS libraries just for the instruments I owned at the time and did it in my free time way back figuring things out as everyone did. I had experience in similar from doing the same for Ableton Push for a while.

    I was made redundant from my full time job not long after and because I was being asked by many users at the time to look into making NKS for all kinds of plugins, especially blind users when the voice guidance came in I decided to try and just pick up small jobs and make NKS management one of my jobs so it is something I make money from yes, but if I didn't I would not be able to spend the time I have on it.

    The problem has been several factors of late. In Australia the cost of living has risen by a factor of 30-50% in just the last 2 years, the overall interest in NKS and NI products seems to have fallen quite a bit over the years and of course both the increase in more users making libraries coupled with my libraries popping up on torrents and other illegal sharing sites highlights what I always knew, this kind of thing cannot be done forever especially now I have lost one of the small freelance jobs I had been doing for 2 years which is a big reason I just need to look at more stable income.

    I have had a lot of great support over the years form users here, the wider community, NI themselves and many developers who I have contacted over the years and am thankful the people have supported me but it simply comes down to the ability for me to put my kids through school and the fact 24 hours in a day is barely enough. Quite a lot of stresses in my life at the moment.

  • overlord25
    overlord25 Member Posts: 20 Member

    The only thing I am really taking away from your point of view is the supposed right to Get something for free.

    Surely anyone who has legitamately purchased a copy of Omnisphere for several hundred dollars, can put there hand in their pocket and find just another twenty to buy this highly polished, well tagged and technically supported NKS pack containing literally thousands of presets without wanting it for free.

    As a blind composer myself I am extremely grateful for the amazing guys on this forum who ceaslessly put in so much time and effort to convert NKS presets for plug-ins we would never previously have been able to access.

    Most do this for no payment at all, aside from the reward of a mutual community spirit that has up until now never been questioned.

    JesterMgee has devoted thousands of hours of his life in creating NKS packs for which the cost is very nominal in relation to the often complex work involved.

    JesterMgee, Kymeia, jggorman, Sunborn, Christos and others are unsung heroes as far as I and many others are concerned, and I do hope that their spirit of goodwill will not be dented.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert

    I’m sorry, but I never questioned the right of JesterMgee to sell his hard work, nor supposed the right to get something for free (and also never asked in the beginning for a peculiar thing for free).

    I just read a post of a user that said by his own decision that he was working on creating NKS files for Omnisphere. And I answered him “Free Omnisphere NKS will be more than appreciated”.

    I just thought that showing appreciation for another of those “unsung heroes” was a good thing to do, as I often put a like to the others contributing to this fantastic side of the community in this thread.

    I didn’t think it was something wrong to do. Probably I was wrong

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    No I don’t think you were wrong to do that and that’s why others here also offered support and thanks too. But I also don’t think it is wrong to express support for Jester and also show how much we appreciate his work. This is one of the many situations in life where there is more than one ‘right’ answer and I’m fine with that.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,405 Expert

    @Kymeia I always appreciate your answers, the way you say things and very often also the content of them. Therefore, after saying that I hope the things I wrote will not be seen as something against people asking a rightful reward for their work but something to show appreciation to the people even doing it for free (and saying once more how they build a good community), I will just shut up from now

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Lots of convesation here.

    I absolutely think NKS is useful, especially for blind or vision impaired users. I thnk both this community and Jester's work can go hand in hand, and I hope that continues.

    About half of my user library are things I've bought from @JesterMgee and while I'm happy to contribute, as others are, his work is excellent. That shouldn't stop anyone adding their own versions of things he sells. However, I would recommend anyone checking out the Freelance Sound Labs website.

    Personally, I've only once not added something to the library, because Jester was doing it, and that was HALion, because it was a MASSIVE ballache - Jester created his own scripts and tools to make that more bareable, but even still, I chose not to add my FMLab amongst others, because I thought the work Jester does is better, and because of that, I purchased his Absolute Collection from him directly.

    It took me a huge amount of time to do Equator 2, but it was worth it, and I had some help from @Kymeia and feedback others in the community. BT Phobos would not have been possible without @Christos Adamos.

    Ultimately, if you feel like you want to contribute to the community, you should do so, in my opinion. And if you simply want excellent quality work, so it saves you an immense amount of time, go buy things from Freelance Sound Labs.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Thanks I bought this recently myself but haven't got round to exploring it yet

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    The category just comes up as 'Other' for me - I have attached a fixed categories.json

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod


    "FileType" : "Instrument" instead of "Instruments" 😋

    Thanks for finding this one, i might looked at it for an hour and insisted that there was no error (especially before morning coffee)! 🤣

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited August 2023

    I've updated the AAS Multiphonics CV-2 NKS to include the 2.1 waveshaping update - all synth and fx patches with previews:

    Download from the NKS User Library/Current/AAS folder

  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 71 Member

    Yessssss :

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 411 Advisor

    I did I think when I forwarded all my nks folder on the old forum back in the days when I started Messi ng around. I am a big fan of Cataract but as a side note I am version 1 owner and still wonder why they call this one 2 when it seems to only be a graphical update . Also strangely there is no upgrade path for version 1 owners . Now I took the habit to credit myself in the nks edit note files but it is a bit pointless as it can easily be modified and I’ve never really been too cocky about this 😉

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod
    edited August 2023

    So, it is you who did the old image resources! Great work, i usually made also the resources by my self, but on some cases the older work is so good, that worth keeping. I can tag you in the comments if you wish, and re-upload the archive.

    About version 1 i don't know, i didn't had it, but it supposed that version 2 is not just a graphic update, but many more. And it seems that there is an upgrade path for version 1 users! But it is visible on Plugin Boutique only. ;-)

    Cataract 2.0 is a Segment Multiplexer for Electronic Music Production and Experimental Sound Design

    Important Note: This is the full version of Cataract. An upgrade for users that already own Cataract Version 1 is also available.

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