NKS Development Discussion



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    "even if you were able to remove tags there, they would likely return if you were to rescan the presets"

    Absolutely not. If you remove the tags from the presets, they are gone for ever. However the "factory tags" (the default tags) of Maschine, are not in the presets but inside the software itself. Thus they can not be removed, unless if you hack the .exe file.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    That’s right. I really wish NI had never allowed people to make up custom tags, it’s so stupid. I keep having to get rid of them too and wish it was possible to just reset them all in one go, my library is so cluttered with them at times.

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro

    Also if you want to edit tags in factory presets you can try to make the owner of the folder where the presets exists (if you're in Windows). I remember some years ago i use this solution to edit the tags from factory presets

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Yeah you can do that, or you can move them to a temp user folder, edit them, then move them back

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 411 Advisor

    What is trange is if I can add them in the edit tab, why not being able to remove them ?

    Thanks all for your great advices anyway. As far as I understand my custom tags are embeded in the preset and are rescanned and relisted each time. So if NiMBank for instance could clear tags from a folder that would really make my day, though it already allow to save a lot of time and make nice custom library . I am fine with bank names already anyway 🙂

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod
    edited April 2023

    @Kaldosh, "my custom tags are embedded in the preset and are rescanned and relisted each time."

    Guys, didn't you read what i wrote, or my English are that bad? There are 2 kinds of tags:

    1- Tag inside preset ---> Edited --> Saved ---> Tag is gone forever. That's it! No matter if you re-scan it 100 times, once it is removed, it can not come back. <--- (This is your case Kaldosh).

    2- Tag inside software (the default factory tags, not the individual preset tags!) ----> Whatever you may do, can not be deleted. Even if you hack the software, it will be there again on the next update.


    Lets make it even simpler and according to the manual:

    Choose the presets you want. De-assign the unwanted tags. Click "apply" button. Tags are gone from both browser and your sight.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 411 Advisor

    1- Tag inside preset ---> Edited --> Saved ---> Tag is gone forever. That's it! No matter if you re-scan it 100 times, once it is removed, it can not come back. <--- (This is your case Kaldosh).

    Well about that my logic is that after a clean install , removing pref and Db files, if I rescan my backed up user content my custom tags are added again in the editor's list

    Which make me thinking that they are embeded in my preset and rescan.

    For instance before I disovered NiMbank and did all my presets in Trash2 (all .AU in mxfx duh!) since I didn't knew the drill, I created custom names in Characters named after the prset bank (Agressive, Amp Edge, etc) which was convenient at the time for me.

    Now that I've redone everything the proper way (but vst2 duh again !!) Those names are still in the list for some reason even after new os install, databas cleaned etc etc . So it doesn' really make sense to me since those AU mxfx presets are not even in my plugin folder anymore.

    Now to top it all with all those upgrade thingy, support dropped and all, I must ditch a boatload of hard earned plugins, but also redo all my presets as VST3 for the sake of switching completely to windows at some stage to get those plugin back again on my list (though I already set up my dual boot and probably think of doing the mixing in windows with my full plugin list).

    The worst in all that is that i finally made my dream setup , my Touch portal stream deck with all my Ableton pages worked out for fireing plugins, added plenty of functions that where missing from my M studio templates like buttons for freeze , flatten, add tracks neatly organised - I even imprve my M Studio Template with Bome midi translator allowing a deeper integration of the M Studio to edit my tracks with knobs and jogwheel, cut copy paste , selection with knobs, like top notch but to achieve that I use BMT+CommandPost . Loosing a lot going to Windows. and in name of "progress" if any system is becoming unstable like Maschine getting weird just at that time when actually a setup that is not touched has no reason to not work as intended really.

    Upgrading to latest OS with my old firewire Motu looks like a lot of tweeking but as I saw on Gearspace it seem to be doable, Live 10 is still ok , Maschine is fine, I'd get latest update for command post which is great as they worked a lot on DaVinci Resolve integration but loosing a lot of plugins and I think that Kontakt 5 is not going to work if I am not mistaking. so all in all I fell "F**kin F***d . SO basically the whole industry moves toward opening to hobbyist but for professional wanabees , wow ! But at least you only keep the real winners .

    Really I don't understand after thinking hard even with all the big picture plan and what not, all I see is some kind of every man for himself and good luck to us all which is probably not an ideal model. But hey, this is my mess I am going to clean it somehow and make sacrifices I guess.

    I hope they won't drop support for notepad at some point it is a handy tool

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 411 Advisor

    thanks I tried the Hex editing to reorder mapping pages, it works

    When I think about all the hard work Drachenkatze did put on Preset Magician i wonder why no one kept going with this, if NKS must be set as a new standard all what professional KK or M2 user need is to be able to reorder pages with drag and drop; having an integrated converting tool like in some plugins that can now convert preset to NKS ., At least if we could have a normal keyboard behaviour when editing pages with proper shortcuts , and tab to jump to next knob that would be a real progress :p . But hey if I can reassure you Maschine 2 evolve faster than me !!

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 165 Advisor
    edited April 2023

    I have limited time to look at all this, but some might be misunderstanding me. If you remove the CUSTOM tags from the PRESETS, they will be gone for ever. Perhaps I should have specified that I removed CUSTOM tags. I was saying If you found a way to remove them from the .db database file (not the presets now), you would likely find they return.

    I think I understand everyone, you want remove a tag you see, but there is no entry for it in the tagging system. Maybe there are some you cannot remove. However, I have been able to remove some that are in not checked in the tagging system. I have still been able to remove those, because they are in the preset file and very difficult to figure out what to remove, but I've done it with a hex editor on the file. I'm not sure how else to explain it. BTW, after I replace the tag info with empty characters and got it to load in KK, I would resave those presets and the replaced characters would simply be gone in the resaved version.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    I understood what you said, maybe i didn't gave a complete answer.

    So, if you remove the custom tags from the presets and save them, AND also delete the .db database, then they are gone! How is it possible to remain? I have done the process 3 or 4 times already and i have no custom tags at all.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 165 Advisor

    They wouldn't remain. In fact you don't need to delete the .db file, you can just rescan whatever presets you are referring to.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023

    AAS Multiphonics CV-2 - now comes as synth and effect - so this includes Synth presets with previews and effect presets - I have only converted the presets for CV-2 as there is already a bundle for CV-1 but will gradually add those too


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