NKS Development Discussion



  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 268 Advisor

    @Sunborn Ok, good to know. I am sure they were not like that before also.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023

    This is a bit of a test. I've been in contact with Newfangled Audio to get the problem with NKS migration fixed and they sent me a build that enabled me to convert the VST2 NKS patches in the NKS User Library to the VST3, with a new template created with the VST3. These WILL NOT work properly with the VST2 and I'm 100% not certain they will work with the VST3 yet as I made them with a different build than the release but if you have Generate give them a try - but I would suggest ensuring it is the latest version (which doesn't yet incorporate the fix so you may just experience crashes). This contains the factory banks (not sorted into sub banks by sound designer - if you want a nice sorted version get the better one from Freelance Soundlabs and support them) - it also contains a bonus bank of 30 mainly nasty and some nice patches by myself called 'deGenerate' - all with previews


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Also now Synapse Dune 3 supports VST3 migration I was able to apply the alternative template I made when it first came out because the one that it ships with officially is very limited - this is much more comprehensive - either overwrite the factory patches (but this will risk them getting overwritten again by any updaters) or put them in user and have 2 versions to switch between


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023

    I have also tried converting the presets for the free Newfangled Audio Pendulate synth - again they are made with a beta build that supports migration so may not work with the release version but try updating to the latest version - there are separate NKS for VST2 and VST3 all with previews


  • Steven Kaufman
    Steven Kaufman Member Posts: 23 Member

    Kymeia and Sunborn,

    Not sure if an identical note i just posted was not loaded correctly. But either way, thanks to you and Sunborn, Chrustos and Riam and others for literally spoiling me. I didn't see any previews with the FF One and Twin 3 and lo and behold, a day later , you've done them

    Just too much. Thank you.

    As i use Pro Tools, effects processor vst presets ( verbs, delays, channel strips) are just not of practical use to me. But I thought the least I could do was install and test them out for you. The PIA focusrite and SSL( i think it was) work just fine in windows 10, The galactic and galaxy as well. Just very appreciative.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Thanks glad you appreciate them

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    I've added some alternative and nicer graphics thanks to Diam to the ZIP so you have a choice

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023

    I've added 3 more templates now to this - for Subtractor, Monotone and PX7 FM Synth (tbh the PX7 is a bit rubbish as not many parts of the interface are available for automation - however it is useful for saving NKS presets of patches from I suppose)

    I'm debating what else is worth doing in Reason from the instruments. There are a few simplistic SoundIron instruments that I rarely use and don't have a lot of params anyway, same with the Umpf stuff. Mimic is great but has 8 layers to map which would make for a huge template plus I think it works best in the Reason DAW but not so well in the rack. Same with Kong. Layers isn't much use. The Samplers and Dr Rex I never use these days. Frankly Reason comes with some amazing instruments and RE addons but there's also too much filler. Maybe the Radical Keys/Pianos though, they are pretty good?

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 102 Helper

    I've done a few Reason things, mainly Refills. But I add FX REs so I can map those too, eg reverb and delay, etc.

    I think that will be something I eventually do with Maelström, the samplers, and some RE Synths etc, and just pick the best patches. To much work to do so the meh presets with OGG files and I'm using KK as a way to curate the patches.

    If you use the stock R12 FX others will be able to use it and putty things in a Combinator can be a way to clean things up a bit more as you just put in the FX knobs in the Combinator that you will map in KK.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Thanks yeah I'm just curating favourite patches now - no point in saving everything. I wanted to have control over individual devices though so I can treat them essentially just as plugins but I think I have done enough now for instruments apart from maybe the Radicals

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Here's a nice new granular pitch shifting delay with wild modulation capabilities - Dedalus Delay - this includes all presets, tagged and sorted into sub banks, and NKS integration resources


  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    I'm interested purely due to the James Joyce reference.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited April 2023

    Good reason in itself :)

    btw my bank for Padshop - Excursions - is full of Ulysses references (mainly Molly Bloom)

  • Steven Kaufman
    Steven Kaufman Member Posts: 23 Member

    HI Kymeia,

    So, I tried out you 3 generate vst 3 presets.

    Although I clearly have the generate vst 3 in my correct folder and it shows up in KK software, when i click on your presets ( which appear very well done and have previews) i get that deaded " couldn't load the plugin " loser error. Anyway, thats' been my progress to date.

    Jason's are designed for vst 2 and require a version above 1.2.1. I can't seem to satisfy that in vst 2. For some reason, the versions i keep getting are vst 3. So who knows.

    Please let me know or perhaps others could chime in and let us know if they have figured this conundrum out. Again folks, I;m working in windows 10, so you never know.

    Also, if I can bother the group.

    Did anyone ever complete a set of NKS vst 2 or 3 presets for Blue 3. Papen still hasn't completed them yet.

    Thanks in advance

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod
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