Kontakt libraries go missing in Kontakt and/or Native Access.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 10,471 mod

    I see you submitted a request, my colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • MusikhMunk
    MusikhMunk Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I'm having the same problem that there is no xml file, just pal.db

    I've submitted a ticket, but good lord! this is do or die for some of us musicians with a deadline.

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 15 Member

    I deleted the XML file and it did not work. I'm still missing instruments. I have been making music on computers for over 25 years and have never ran into a situation where I loaded a song and an instrument I have paid for said it could not find files—let alone been told to restart my computer after deleting files multiple times. This is like Windows 95 era bug. When are you going to fix this insane bug??

  • yoyoyo
    yoyoyo Member Posts: 15 Member

    Support wants me to download an NI Support Tool app from GOOGLE DRIVE, run it, export a zip, and send the zip to support so they can analyze it? NO. I'm not doing this. NI needs to figure this out ASAP and release a maintainance release. This is nuts in 2024. I'm about to be done with NI forever at this point

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