[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: Rhodes V8 / V8 Pro NKS Library

    This NKS library for Rhodes V8 / V8 Pro offers full frowsing and control of all presets from the Komplete Kontrol keyboard and Maschine hardware controllers and software. Presets are fully tagged to allow for sounds to be located easily in the browser and include sound previews and database/artwork files. Supports VST3 and includes artwork for the latest MK3 keyboards

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert
    edited June 2024

    Now Available: D16 Drumazon 2 NKS Library

    New updated library for Drumazon 2 contains all factory presets for the Drumazon 2 VST Instrument with full controller mapping, tagged files, database/artwork files and sound previews.

    Banks have been created to allow you to use Drumazon 2 with the internal sequencer (locked to host BPM) or as a drum machine. There are also banks to use it as a single stereo output or in multi-channel mode to map to tracks in your DAW.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: Sonic Projects OP-X Pro-3 NKS Library

    NKS Library for the new OP-X Pro 3. All presets from OP-X Pro 2 have been upgraded to the new version with new controller mapping and all additional presets included, 40 banks and over 4000 preset files.

    All files have been painstakingly tagged by hand as there are no tagging details to pull from, a task which has taken a literal month to do.

    All artwork (including MK3 splash image) and a full controller map are included, supports VST3 only.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: Rhizomatic Plasmonic NKS Library

    Full NKS library for Rhizomatic Plasmonic. Presets have all been fully tagged by hand with plugin category banks created and include full controller mapping, sound previews and database/artwork files. Works with VST3 plugin version only.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: Cherry Audio Wurlybird 140B NKS Library

    NKS Library for Cherry Audio Wurlybird 140B. All presets browsable, tagged and include full controller map. Artwork for all keyboard models and NKS browser all included.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: GForce OB-1 NKS Library

    This library adds NKS support for GForce OB-1 allowing all presets to be browsed from the hardware or from the Maschine / Komplete Kontrol software with full controller mapping, detailed tagging converted from the OB-1 preset tagging, sound previews and library artwork.

  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 80 Member
    edited July 2024

    Cannot buy this one, each time on the OB-1 page log me out and cannot buy it…. done….

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    try either clear the browsers cache of after login if it occurs, hold CTRL (pc) / OPTION (Mac) and click the browser refresh, should update the page correctly.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Now Available: IK Multimedia Hammond B-3X NKS Library

    This library offers full browsing, loading and control of all presets for the Hammond B-3X plugin from Komplete Kontrol and Maschine. You can select the keyboard split mode using the Bank selector in the NKS browser to browse presets using no split, lower/upper, pedal/upper or lower + pedal/upper. All available controls have been mapped allowing full control over the plugin and presets are fully tagged and include sound previews and library artwork.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 61 Member

    Hey awesome, Jason! Really cool. Just downloaded the demo and all seems good. I own this VI so… INSTABUY! At first I was confused because I saw three of each preset, but then figured out they were divided up by No Split, Split Lower & Upper, and Split Pedal & Upper… and I could filter which ones I wanted with the "Banks" filter.

    Heading over to your site again to buy the full version. Nice work! Note: since I really am not a keyboard player and don't really imagine I'll need the split banks, I may just delete those presets so I don't need to filter them by Bank. Anyway… great to have this one covered now!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Yeah in reality those that do not need the split setups can delete the ones they do not need but just FYI, the 4 presets listed will always be listed in the same order as no split, lower/upper, foot/upper, lower + foot / upper

    I did consider adding an identifier to the start of the filenames but making the split setups was an afterthought so to make the names i'd have to re-edit all the files again

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert
    edited July 2024

    Now Available: GForce Imposcar3 NKS Library

    NKS Library is now available for the VST3 version of Imposcar3. This library covers all presets in all 3 factory banks with tagging converted from the preset library into NKS format tagging. A full controller map, sound previews and library artwork is also included.

    While this library should function just fine there are some things to be aware of.

    There is a bug in the current VST3 version of Imposcar3 which will cause the plugin to not output any sound if you switch presets using the plugins browser. This is what had delayed this library from being released for a while as it wasn't possible to simply save out the NKS files and have them work when loaded. However after a test by @jggorman confirmed it was indeed possible for this plugin to work I decided to look closer as to what was causing this issue and look for a way to work around the issue.

    From my investigation it seems the VST3 version of the plugin is somehow reading the preset data incorrectly and messing up the plugins parameters when switching between presets while loaded in Komplete Kontrol or Maschine. The values are wildly different than they should be and this is causing parameters to set OFF in most cases.

    Since I had already pre-exported and tagged all the NKS files in the hope a fix may come I was able to read the raw preset data from the xml preset files and inject/replace the preset data within the NKS files to correct this issue and make the files work. I have also tested saving instances within a project and everything recalls correctly (tested in Maschine, Ableton Live and Reaper), tho be aware for users using Ableton Live on Windows you may see the long standing bug with Komplete Kontrol where the plugin window does not display when loaded but there is nothing I can do on that front and believe me, I have tried to offer detailed feedback on the issue over the years to no avail. You can still load sounds and use the mapped controls which is how I have been working with some plugins. I also tested the VST2 version and that has the same issue in Ableton Live otherwise I would have generated a VST2 library version as a workaround.

    So all browsing and control should work and as long as you do not use the plugins own browser to switch presets in your project. The plugins state will save correctly (or at least should) in your project if it works when loaded from the NKS files. If GForce eventually fix this bug the current library will also still work as it should.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 61 Member

    Just bought the impOSCar3 library. Thanks, Jason. Only one thing I noticed on my system is the background was a bit light and hard to see the preset names on my S88 Mk2 screen. I think we talked about it once, but it's because of the viewing angle. A lot of the time you're not looking at the screen directly from the front, but off axis. Really wish NI would have done a better design there, but might have added to the cost.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,043 Expert

    Funny because I did check the display of the BG for this reason as I use the predominant color of the plug-in where possible for the art and it was readable to me but I did wonder if it was still too light.

    I’ll adjust it and also have some additional fixes for faulty sound previews and just a couple of presets that have the incorrect file names so prob Friday I’ll have an update for it.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 61 Member

    Thanks Jason. I actually just went in and edited the "color.json" file to a darker color value for now. Yeah… it's weird. I don't know many people who actually look at the screens on the KK keyboards from directly above. I really wish NI designed the screens (and later screen on Mk2) so that it was angled more toward the player… perhaps recessed the front edge down into the panel or something so that you were looking at it more straight on. Anyway… thanks for all you do!

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