Maschine software hangs while previewing kits - Bug (KBDSW-6977)



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @paulyminogue Please keep us updated. Also one question, did you do a fresh install of NIs products on the M1 computer or was it from a Time Machine or with a cloning software ? If crashes and freezes still happen I'll get in touch with you by email.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2022

    Hello, thanx for the help. So I had another Crash. I really don't get it what it could be.

    It wasn't a fresh install, it was from a Time Maschine Backup, from my old Mac without M1 and without Monterey. It was Intel and with Big Sur.

    But still, all Versions before the latest now did not have this Problem... 🧐

    Do you think I should reinstall the Previews and maybe the Expansions?

    EDIT: I redownloaded and Installed the Previews and the Maschine 2 Factory Library, same Problem. Sound hangs, Maschine freezes after playing some NKS Previews...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @paulyminogue I contacted you by email, we'll need to get a closer look in your system.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    Hey, thank you very much for your fast help!

    I think I resolved the Problem by myself and now its running very well.

    If the Problem will come back, I will connect you!

    Take care,


  • seadragon
    seadragon Member Posts: 21 Member
  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Yes @paulyminogue could you share how you solved it ?

    FYI We had another case at support where the user was using an aggregate device on his mac. The issue didn't occur with the onboard soundcard.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2022

    Hey, yes I can try but I'm still not sure what the error was/is...

    First of all I downloaded again, Maschine, Maschine Factory, Previews...

    I deleted again the things from this site

    Actually just:

    • the Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > „com.native-instruments.*Produktname*.plist“


    • Macintosh HD > Benutzer > *Benutzername* > Library > Preferences > „com.native-instruments.*Produktname*.plist“


    Macintosh HD > Benutzer > *Benutzername* > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > *Produktname* (Ordner)

    I wanted to delete also the VST´s and then I found out, that I had Maschine Vst´s (older once from 2021) and also Maschine vst3 (the new one) so I deleted the old vst´s from my system. I just have now the vst3 and the component for Logic X on my M1.

    Then I let rescan Maschine again my System (MacBook Pro 2021,M1, Monterey 12.3.1)

    Maschine scanned All PlugIns and all NKS again. I scanned also my NKS User Path.

    I restarted my Laptop.

    After that I startet Logic and there as a Plug in I didn't had the problem with the Preview Crash. I could use it complete normal there as a third Party Plug In.

    So I started Maschine Standalone again and wanted to use it, the strange thing was, that it was first on 44khz but it was transparent grey so I couldn't change it to 48khz.

    I closed Maschine again, open my System Preferences/Audio and change the Audio Output from MMAudio Device to MacBook Pro. I restarted my Laptop. Then I opened Maschine again, and then I could change the KHZ again to 48. After that everything works also in the Maschine Standalone too.

    So its a bit confusing here and I still don't really know what the Problem was. :D

    Also, I don't have an aggregate device on my Mac. But maybe the MMAudio Device was the Problem?

    I dont know why its in my system 🙈

    Greetings and sorry for my confusing Answer :D


    I deleted that MMAudio Device now following the steps from this site:

    Now I just have one Output on my Audio Preferences, everything is still fine with NKS Browsing :)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hey @paulyminogue Thanks, that's very helpful.

  • Fordela
    Fordela Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I have exactly the same problem, macbook pro 16" (M1 Pro) the software hangs! I should not have updated, it's quite annoying, have you found any solution?

    I haven't been able to work since.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    We're still investigating, but as mentioned earlier in this post, there seem to be 2 possible sources of the problem.

    It seems to happen on systems that were migrated with Time Machine. So re-installing the applications and some of the libraries would fix it, as well as resetting Maschine's database. Did you also migrate or is it a fresh install ?

    The other source could be the chosen output. On one case, one user was using an aggregate device, when he switched to the onboard soundcard, the issue disappeared.

    What sound output are you using with Maschine and with what settings ?

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2022

    Hey, I had another interesting clue:

    When I using my UAD Apollo Twin Soundcard/USB-C on my Macbook (with the latest Update) and in my Mac System Prefrences the UAD Soundcard is selected (also in Maschine Preferences) - I had crash's on the NKS Previews again.

    When I don't use this Soundcard and in my System Preferences is just the Macbook Pro Audio selected (also in Maschine Audio Preferences) , I can switch the Previews and Maschine is not crashing. Also I can switch from 44khz to 48khz.

    It has to do something with the selected System Preferences Soundcard and the Internal Maschine Soundcard..



    Its also happens when I switch from the Macbook Audio to Headphones in my Laptop!

    When I connect Headphones on my Macbook the Internal Soundcard Switches to "external Headphones".

    Then I open Maschine and have to switch the Audio there too to "Built in" that I can hear something in my Headphones. After browsing the Previews, its crashing again.

    After crash. I disconnect my Headphones again - (in system library - the audio gets back to "MacBook Pro Lautsprecher" I restart Maschine again.

    In Maschine Preferences i select "Device Maschine Audio" connect my Headphones directly in the Machine, and I can skip thru all NKS Previews... No crash.

  • paulyminogue
    paulyminogue Member Posts: 79 Member

    "The other source could be the chosen output. On one case, one user was using an aggregate device, when he switched to the onboard soundcard, the issue disappeared."

    This is exacly what happens here too but with a UAD Soundcard.

    And I re-downloaded and resetting the Maschine library one day before this happens.

    I used my external UAD Soundcard today the first time after yesterday everything worked with the Internal Soundcard. :)

  • Fordela
    Fordela Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    hello, if I migrated my data from macbook air m1 to my macbook pro 16" (M1 Pro), but I did it before this maschine update and everything worked fine, the error only appeared when I updated maschine, my macbook 16" the I have for months and in that time there was no problem with maschine, I use my maschine mk3 as interface, I also used a focusrite 2i2 but the problem still occurs.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    And problems occur even if you choose the same output for your mac's sytem preferences and for the MAschine software. Another question, do you have a M1, M1 Max or M1 Pro processor ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hey, to all the people affected by this issue, do you have a M1, M1 Max or M1 Pro processor ?

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