Kontakt 7 Unusable on my Mac Studio After Updating to Kontakt 7.10.0



  • corneliusw
    corneliusw Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello community. I am in a world of pain with a now very late deadline. With the terrible crashes I had with 7.10.1, I like most people here downgraded to 7.9 - which works. No perfect but at least doesnt crash. However when working with session that used 7.10 -It will not load any patches, telling me these were created in a newer version. I did built some very detailed instruments and I desperately need them. I am on Sonoma and cannot download 7.10.1 from Native Access. Can someone please provide me a download as I need to export these as audio. What a nightmare! I never usually upgrade so quicly but I figurted I have nothing to lose seeing as 7.9 was less than stable anyway.

  • corneliusw
    corneliusw Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks to the person who sent me the files for 7.10.1. I wish I wasn't in this boat but I was finding previous versions buggy enough that i felt I had nothing to lose. I was wrong. I hope NI finds a solution for this fairly quickly, as anyone with a new Mac that cannot rollback their OS is in this position.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    @corneliusw 7.10.2 should be out in a few days.

  • corneliusw
    corneliusw Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Kontakt 7.10.2 is live and should fix any issue related to 7.10.

  • corneliusw
    corneliusw Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Great! It has fixed my main issues. I;m still getting some problems in logic - but for the moment, full steam ahead

  • Matt_W
    Matt_W Member Posts: 34 Member

    I upgraded Kontakt to v 7.10.2 today, and it still crashes in Logic 10.8.1 and Sonoma 14.4.1

    Specifications section for Kontakt mentions "Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 12, 13 or 14 (latest update)"

    Any suggestions?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    @Matt_W This doesn't fix the bug with the Kontrol MK3 keyboard + Kontakt 7 crashing, it's still in the Known issues:

    As you've seen elsewhere and on this thread:

    We're still waiting for Apple on this one. The current workaround is to use the Komplete Kontrol plug-in instead of Kontakt, you still get the integration but not the crashes.

  • WEM
    WEM Member Posts: 17 Member


    I upgraded to 7.10.2, too. I looks like the performance is better with this update. I can now play instruments at lower buffer sizes.


  • Tommyd
    Tommyd Member Posts: 26 Member

    No luck here. K7 will not work in any configuration or DAW or stand-alone. It crashes immediately, tho no kernel panics since updating to Sonoma 14.5. Long time issues with K7 here. It has never working on my M2 Max Studio.

  • dbmusicmaniac
    dbmusicmaniac Member Posts: 13 Member

    The same problem here under Cubase, it was not fixed after updating to Sonoma 14.5, which I was really hoping for. Not even new Kontakt 7.10.2 update didn't help. I'm kinda disappointed, because the ultrawide monitor is my main and I can't work properly. This issue was not occuring under Sonoma 14.4 where it worked in flawlesly. It started after 14.4.1. update.

    I must downgrade to Kontakt 7.9, where it's occuring not so often.

    MacBook Pro Max M3, Sonoma 14.5, Cubase 13.0.30, Kontakt 7.10.2, Samsung 57" Odyssey Neo G9 (connected by DisplayPort or HDMI - niether of them work, same as changing the Hz from 120 to 60 or resolution from 8K to 4K doesn't help get it running).

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    This is royal screw up from Native Instruments. I had a project with lots of tracks using different Kontakt 7 instruments and I had to replace them all with alternatives that have real engines and not 20 year old ones, engines that work like they should. I made the mistake of keeping all my NI instruments current, first mistake, and I updated Kontakt 7 at one point in the last week or so, and now every time I open Kontakt 7 inside Nuendo 13 or Cubase Pro 13, the whole DAW becomes unusable. At the most I can bring it back to life with a Cmd+Tab to switch out of and then back to the DAW, but within seconds it becomes unusable again. As soon as I close the window with Kontakt 7, then everything's back to normal.

    But I can't use Kontakt 7 instruments if I can't make adjustments to the instruments as I need. So Kontakt 7 is completely useless to me since a week or so ago, and judging by this thread, it is useless to everybody.

    It's obvious that nobody at NI did any testing on this before releasing, because this is obviously not something that happens to a small number of people. But well, it shouldn't surprise me that much from an engine so archaic that doesn't even use your mouse wheel to scroll through the presets in the instruments, including the ones that were released a year or two ago.

  • Electromusicproject
    Electromusicproject Member Posts: 27 Member

    although not now directly affected, after flushing out all of my components caches, user caches and system caches on Mac M2 using third-party cleaning software and rolling back to kontakt nine with the file supplied at the time of the start of this crisis, I’m still having trouble recording automation into logic. Midi data doesn’t seem to be picked up properly by Kontakt instruments but it’s fine for other instruments.
    I didn’t however upgrade to Sonoma, so maybe that has helped. It seems that there is patch after repair patch going on i side the Kontakt software, and a deep reworking of some thing in the engine needs to be done.
    what happens when us lucky enough to be on an older functional version of Kontakt get hit by the:

    ‘ this instrument requires the newest version of Kontakt’ to install and download.

    I can’t upgrade my Mac to the latest operating system purely because of having followed these threads which I am thankful for, but obviously it is not the long-term solution.

  • ProfessorChaos
    ProfessorChaos Member Posts: 146 Advisor

    This is getting really outrageous. I'm trying to compose something using instruments inside Kontakt and I can only work with them if I don't have them open. The moment I open any of those instruments to change something, as long as I have it open, the frozen periods begin. Cmd+Tab twice to get Nuendo back to life, but just for a second or two, maybe four, until it freezes again.

    How is it that Native Instruments can release stuff like this to the public? As bad as Kontakt was, one thing I never had was the inability to use it. A glitch here or there, fine. But this never happened to me in the 10 years I've used Kontakt.

    I can't even use the 8Dio bundle that I bought yesterday, which Native Instruments advertises both by email and on their own website, because it all runs on Kontakt!!! If at least you could use them fine in Komplete Kontrol, OK, at least there's some relief, but KK is the same thing as Kontakt 7. I tried, it does exactly the same ******.

    Someone really needs to fix this NOW!!! This is not one of those that you can say well, we'll fix it during the week. The software engineers at NI need to get paid a nice overtime bonus to sit at their machines right now, at home, and do some Zoom meetings to brainstorm what the hell happened. In the meantime, just grab the code from the latest version that worked, and tag it as 7.10.5, that way nobody has the problem about the patches that was mentioned in this thread when they reverted to 7.9 (which I don't know how to do but I don't want to because I got new instruments, for which I saved them in 7.10.4 and I did a batch resave two days ago.

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