Does the NI Forum Community Culture need a change?



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,409 mod
    edited January 16

    Nope! you either got it wrong, or you just don't want to understand.

    What i have done on this comment, is simply to explain how things are. And this is only because i dislike ignorance, so i wrote some very common things that people might not know (or might conveniently "forget"). It is not antagonism and it has nothing to do with points etc. It is the right thing to do, to defend the truth. It is never about the points, but about the excitement, a thing that i stated clearly, perhaps with wrong metaphors.

    I will continue to do what i do, with or without points and rewards. I only said that with rewards is a bit more fun! So, stop insulting me or twisting the "spirit" of what i wrote every time i write things that you don't agree. You want things to be as in the past. I want things to be different, new, fresh! And after some time, different again. It's called evolution. When things are always the same for me it's boring. This is who i am and there is nothing to be shame of, neither i have to explain my self to anyone. I accept you for what you are, i never tried to change you or undermine so and i expect exactly the same.

    Be sure, that if you and few others didn't bring this matter on and on and on, all the time, every few posts, i most possibly wouldn't write nothing at all. But any action bring reaction and balance has to be preserved... when there is too much "black" i stand for the white side and when there is too much "white" i stand for the black side (metaphorically speaking). Equality demands that someone must speak for the "other side" too, and if no one does, then i take that role.

    Unless, if you think that only your opinion has to be heard and the rest of us should shut up and obey. Which of course it is not acceptable. I am just reacting on your (and few others) forced opinion (which i really got sick of reading it in at least 20-30 comments the last 2 months).

    Peace 🙏

    PS: i stopped reading your comment after the "dog"... not because i got offended (in fact i only get offended by irony and injustice), i love animals much more than most humans but because i laughed my *ss down... however, a horse might fit better as i am a Sagittarius... you know, Centaur, half-horse and all this ;-)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 2,947 mod
    edited January 16

    This is becoming so over-dramatic to me... I only see about about 3 or 4 people stressing about points, votes, rewards and whatnot often like somehow the rest of the userbase cares... they dont. The only thing that bother me is when I suspect some users are overposting for points/rank, but in all honesty I only get that feeling about 2 people literally, it's not like it's this huge problem affecting everyone so badly...

    The only way to truly know if the gamification actually increases anything usesull is to turn it off for a while and see if that has an impact on the numbers or not (answered posts, activity, etc...) To me this seems basic logic. Data comparison from when the old-forum was fully closed during the transition to this one are meaningless, if people were forced to come here obviously every single stat went up.

    One thing is for certain IMO: gamification and childishness goes hand in hand, I've owned a significantly sized gaming forum and server and one of the main things that made me quit it even tho it made me tons of $$ was the toxicity that cames with anything gaming.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 1,969 Guru

    I don't care about points that much, it's just that likes and insightfuls are way more original, proper and even nostalgic to many people, including me.

    But when couple of people complain about something, sometimes, yes, it is not really that of a problem, but sometimes, because of the well-known Butterfly Effect, even the smallest things and mistakes can have a huge impact on the future.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 449 Guru
    edited January 16

    @Sunborn ”But any action bring reaction and balance has to be preserved... when there is too much "black" i stand for the white side and when there is too much "white" i stand for the black side (metaphorically speaking). Equality demands that someone must speak for the "other side" too, and if no one does, then i take that role.”

    Why would you be taking that role? Are you some kind of social justice warrior who needs to right all the wrongs on the internet and to defend the oppressed? No one is being oppressed on NI forum, just that some views are less popular than the others.

    There is no equality (of opinions) or balance needed on internet forum. People are supposed to be talking and persuading one another. Sometimes, there will be balancing opinions from various members and sometimes, one point of view will be prevalent. There’s no need to advocate for the group which you disagree with, only because you percept them as being in minority (to "defend" them somehow), unless you have no opinion of your own on any given subject, which would be unfortunate.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,409 mod

    Dear friend, with all due respect, i don't think that such kind of conversation will lead us anywhere, if you didn't already understood my point... and i got tired of this endless debate (which is non of your fault of course)... it steals too much time and too much energy from me and it distracts me from my works and creations. One of the main reasons i left Facebook was to escape from such pointless and endless debates with strangers.

    For the things you asking i will be happy to answer you, but not here. I will not come back to this thread again because the longer I've been accused, the crueler i will respond. So, no more public debates. If you wish, message me tomorrow and i will give you some pretty good answers about everything you asked, and many more. :-)

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