Maschine+ 1.5 = OUT NOW



  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    So not only is it still doing the weird thing where it stops playing; I'm now getting crashes when I "twiddle the knob".

    It's kind of funny. When first released, the audio would just start getting a bit crush effect but would still play. One of the updates changed it. Instead of the bitcrush effect, it would just stop processing audio and incoming midi. Oddly enough, it would still keep sending midi out to my hardware, but the tempo was slower. Now it's starting to crash when I twiddle the knob.

    I kind of wish I could at least get back to the bitcrusher effect.

  • Fugazi81
    Fugazi81 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    Since you mention the "bitcrusher" effect, what kind of audio interface are you using? I've had the same effect, but without the crashes, since I've been using an Ultralite MK5. I've never had that with my Focusrite 18i6, for example, no matter which version I had on the M+. I think this is due to the sample rate or whatever is interfering with the communication with the audio interface. 

  • AsylumSpeaker
    AsylumSpeaker Member Posts: 26 Helper

    VST3 support is huge for me, I can now just save sounds from the software on to M+, without any fuss. The changes probably took a lot of software rewriting, and I assume are well worth a significant decimal update. It seems like people forget that features and updates are far from the same thing. This could be an absolutely immense update, and still have no new features at all.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    @Kai_NI good to see your separate post in which you share your thoughts and focus for a development roadmap / (new) product planning.

    Maybe you could also write a post and open a structured section on bug fixes, like compatibility or integration with Maschine desktop or Stability improvements. That way we can address things like lost connections with class compliant audio interfaces, etc.

    For me personally the M+ doesn’t lack functionality. Yes the GUI could use some improvements based on experience and the integration (lift and shift) with the desktop is suboptimal. But my biggest concerns are with the way authorization is handled and the overall stability, for instance when using an audio interface.

    Hopefully you and your team are open for this kind of communication and input.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    I think the stance that "only NI audiointerfaces are officially supported" is problematic because NI doesnt really offer any interfaces with large io counts. Otherwise, one could just get one of those and get 8 ins / 32 outs with Maschine+ reliably

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    Motu 8A

    I don't remember how I did it, but I remember looking through one of the crash logs a long time ago. There were references about losing connection (or communication or something) with the audio engine followed by an entry stating it restarted.

    The thing that really gets me curious is how midi behaves when this occurs. I generally have a keyboard sending into maschine. That stops working. I often have maschine sending midi back out to the keyboard AND I monitor through the audio interface (as opposed to monitoring through maschine). My keyboard is still getting midi and playing normally (so the audio interface sounds fine); but the tempo is much slower.

    I haven't attempted to replicate the midi stuff with the new update, but I'd bet it's still doing the same.

    For what it's worth, I've had it running for the last few hours. Yesterday, I couldn't get it to keep running for more than an hour.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
    edited December 2023

    This is (or was) not the case:

    And there are more official NI support documents or videos that state exactly the same: any class-compliant audio interface should work. And, if you have a look at the separate thread on this, almost none are working as promised. All due to third-party issues or is NI the one that should have a closer look at their software?



    An external mixer / interface:

    And the promise on third party interfaces:

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    Never seen that blog post before. AFAIK NI have stated that only Komplete Audio interfaces are fully supported. Wouldnt be the first time marketing oversells a feature without looking into the fine details.

    On the other hand, it is possible that NI has changed their stance on the matter and I just never got the memo.. If that is indeed the case, then NI is in over their heads

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru
  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    yes, that video says "..and currently we are also testing the support for class compliant third party interfaces, and hope to release them soon"

    this was in 2021

    the official support still hasnt arrived AFAIK, which would mean only KA interfaces are fully supported

  • DeepThumb
    DeepThumb Member Posts: 174 Advisor

    I 've learned that there are 3 sorts of "class-compliant": Windows-, Apple- and Linux class-compliant devices.

    And of course in most cases no one knows exactly what compliance is meant in a concrete usecase. In forums they talk about the fact that Linux class compliance is still no standard. IIRC our M+ is Linux based...

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    If this is indeed true, and M+ is reliant on Linux class compliant audio support.. well, that's a very nasty position to be in

    Perhaps this then means that any Komplete Audio interface connected to M+ actually has a "proper" driver for it in the M+ OS?

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    You know what, you're right. I shouldn't blame NI for the promises in the other resources I've pointed out and just accept that a 'soon' from 2021 can't be kept.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    I'm sorry, I'm an end-user. If they state it's class-compliant and should work with every 3P interface that also meets the standard, then it's a bad story if almost none of them will work. Officially tested or not.

This discussion has been closed.
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