Komplete Kontrol 3.0.2 can not drag loops and one-shots into a DAW anymore



  • Kaga
    Kaga Member Posts: 3 Member

    I just bought an S49 MK3, wonderful navigating through my expansions and samples, but then....

    You can't drop it from the browser into the DAW.... 

    You can't drop it from the sampler into the DAW.... (or am I doing something wrong ?)

    Come on NI !

    Off topic, but the sampler could get some more love in KK.

  • reinfriedB
    reinfriedB Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2024

    Not possible!!!

    Please Native Instruments, I am a long term user as many others, relying on workflow enhancements to save time and to be more creative: dropping this feature is just BLOCKING MY WORKFLOW!

    At least, if you think, it is kind of instable when dropping wrong files, make it configurable somewhere, so users can decide themselves! Whatever.. you are the creative programmers ;-)

    WE ALL wish this feature back in the product! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

  • Felipe Ayres
    Felipe Ayres Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Well this thread began on November 23, today is may 8 2024, just downloaded KK 3.2.1 to get a better workflow with battery expansions and to my astonishment, still no way to drag and drop samples to DAW or to battery. This is unthinkable...just wanted to leave a comment here to keep this thread up to date and tell that until now, that feature comeback was ignored.

  • djrustycans
    djrustycans Member Posts: 2 Member

    C'mon NI - we need the drag n drop feature. It was great. Now I'm forced to use the Maschine software to browse and drag samples into the DAW.

  • jackrecht
    jackrecht Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Has drag and drop been fixed in 3.2.1?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,358 mod
    edited June 2024

    Nope, still planned at least I hope

  • jackrecht
    jackrecht Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for the answer! I just contacted NI Support, and they said it's on the list of things they are working on with no ETA.

  • NickJA
    NickJA Member Posts: 2 Member

    I also value drag and drop and am sticking with 2.9.4 for it.

  • Thusis
    Thusis Member Posts: 42 Member

    Actually i feel sad for the people working at NI making these promises snd cannot hold word in reason time and just prolong the promise again and again. I‘m working right now as well in a company where things doesnt change to the better recently. Usually people working for a company want the best for their customer. But when the companyis not willing to invest you get the result what you see right now. A simple feature which is promised over a year…Damn. Heads up to the people working there. Stay strong.

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    Oh darn, tested it yesterday in Bitwig and was confused at first, but now I know why.
    As a workarround I added all the NI Expansions with Samples to my Bitwig Browser and now work from there.

  • Gerry Carson
    Gerry Carson Member Posts: 42 Member

    But when Maschine 3 comes out next month, will it also have drag and drop removed?

  • shrinktofit
    shrinktofit Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    When will drag & drop be reinstituted? As a former restaurant owner, I can tell you that complaints are golden. It is a pain in the ass to register a complaint and most people don't. For every one complaint there are many dissatisfied customers. Treat them like the gold they are…

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