Fix for Kontrol Mk3 firmware update on Windows



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 3,283 mod
    edited February 29

    You are very welcome !

    Incidentally , for what it is worth ! , then while I being a Moderator here then I am not an NI employee and I am still just another user and all I can do is to relay the information given by Matthew_NI. Personally I believe Matthew_NI to be telling the truth, but you know !, when you do neither have the numbers nor the insight then in the end it will be a matter of if you believe the person or not !

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 920 mod
    edited February 29

    They were not USB-C. This is quite different.

    I'm not sure how many ways I can restate that there are issues integral to the USB-C implementation on certain machines, affecting peripherals. We are a peripheral. I have seen other peripherals affected too. Other audio products, hard drives, displays, anything using USB-C can be affected. We've done more to bring awareness to it, out of necessity, and report it directly to the manufacturer(s) than some companies, who simply don't acknowledge that it exists, as indeed the manufacturers also don't.

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