Guitar Rig 7 : An error occured loading the preset



  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    I'm just seeing this on the screenshots. You are in demo mode, you can't load user presets in demo mode. This is one of the limitation of the demo mode of Guitar Rig. You need to activate it first via Native Access in order to be able to load user presets.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Okay, for information on GR7, I do have Native Access, and it's not working.

    I will try it on GR6.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Does Guitar Rig 8 exist? Is it in development?

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Here, I am no longer on the demo version, and it doesn't work.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    What kind of license do you have for Guitar Rig 7? Pro, Player, LE? You can see that if you click on the NI icon in the top right.

    So if your Guitar Rig 7 is now activated, please create a new preset (File->New), add some components from the component browser, save your preset, change any knob on one of the components in the rack (so that you see the little * next to the preset name and then from the preset browser try to load that preset with double-click? Does that work?

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    For Guitar Rig 6 and 7, I am using the Pro version.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    On Guitar Rig 7, when I follow all the steps you've mentioned, I keep encountering the same error.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Have you found things in these past few weeks? Have you made progress on the issue?

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Unfortunately we have not been able to reproduce this error here yet. We are still looking into it and trying to figure out what could be the reason for this.

  • luccasc
    luccasc Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hey, just want to say that I was having this issue too and opening up the .ngrr file I found three references to Guitar Rig 4 in some of the first lines. Simply changing them to Guitar Rig 7 made the preset work.

  • KME
    KME Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm just here to say this worked for me as well. Thanks very much, @luccasc!

  • diego-sala
    diego-sala Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hey! I have the same problem.

    How did you can open that file? I'm a newer Mac OS user.

    Which app did you used to open the .ngrr file?

    @luccasc @KME

  • KME
    KME Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi! Sorry, I just now saw this post. (Not sure why I didn't get notified by the @KME.)

    If you right-click the file and choose Open With from the popup menu, you should be able to choose TextEdit. In the body of the text, you'll see something similar to this:


       <bank>Guitar Rig 4</bank>



       <component>Guitar Rig 4</component>

       <component>Guitar Rig 4 Pro</component>


    Just change every instance of "Guitar Rig 4" to "Guitar Rig 7" and save the file. That should do it!

  • jonljacobi
    jonljacobi Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Tried the editing and still no dice. NI is pretty late to Sonoma with a lot of their programs. It's already 14.2 and still nothing.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod


    I highly doubt that this is Sonoma related. I answered on the other thread that you posted in, let's continue the discussion there.

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