Guitar Rig 7 : An error occured loading the preset

light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

Hello everyone, I recently purchased Guitar Rig 7, and when I create a preset or modify one and save it, there's no way to reopen it, and I get this error: "An error occurred loading the preset."



  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Hi @light_dev,

    we are very sorry to hear that you are having problems using Guitar Rig 7.

    We'd need some more information in order to help you:

    What operating system are you using? Does this happen when running Guitar Rig 7 in standalone as well as a plugin? If you are on Mac, can you try giving full disk access to Guitar Rig 7 as describe here?

    Could you attach a preset here in the thread of send it to me in a direct message? This way I can try to load it here. (You have to zip it, because unfortunately our forum does not support preset files directly).



  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Hi Eddie,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I'm currently on a MacBook Pro M2 Max with macOS Sonoma.

    I don't understand what you mean by "Guitar Rig 7 in standalone as well as a plugin."

    As for the preset, it doesn't matter which one, as long as I create or modify it, I can't reopen it.

    I will try to grant full access, and I'll keep you updated.

    Hugo (Light_dev).

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Even with Full Disk Access, I still get the same error.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Can I send you the .ngrr file ?

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    Yes, please send the ngrr file (as a compressed .zip, as I wrote earlier).

    With ""Guitar Rig 7 in standalone as well as a plugin." I meant that you could use Guitar Rig as a standalone application or you could use it as a plugin in a DAW like Logic, Ableton Live or Pro Tools. It would be interesting to know if that preset loading error happens in both cases.

    Please be aware that we have not announced compatibility with macOS 14 (Sonoma) yet for Guitar Rig 7. We are still testing that.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    On my computer, Guitar Rig 7 Pro runs as a regular application, just like Finder, for example.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    I plan to use the software as a preamp for my guitar, which is connected to an audio interface.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    I just noticed that it does the same thing with Guitar Rig 6.

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    I could import this preset without a problem on my M1 with macOS 13.5.2.

    I've attached the preset saved from my computer. I removed the assigned color (Fuchsia) just to exclude this as a source for this error.

    Are you able to import this preset via the File->Import menu?

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    "Are you able to import this preset via the File->Import menu?" Yes

    I think this is due to MacOS Sonoma because Guitar Rig 6 is no longer working either.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    I can respond to you until 2 PM, and then after 5 PM. I'm not available between those two times.

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Do you know when Guitar Rig 7 will be available for macOS Sonoma?

  • Eddie_NI
    Eddie_NI Product Team Posts: 357 mod

    No, as I said, we are still testing and working on full compatibility with macOS 14 (Sonoma).

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    Yes, I understand, but perhaps you had an idea of the release month for the patch?

  • light_dev
    light_dev Member Posts: 28 Newcomer

    What can I do for now?

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