Change Midi CC assignments on Kontrol S61 Mk3?



  • DigitalAudioDaily
    DigitalAudioDaily Member Posts: 9 Member

    I returned my s61 MK3 for this exact reason. The VST's are cool and all but limiting the device to software and not providing a way to program custom MIDI was a deal breaker. Loved the keyboard and interface however I bought it for a great keyboard to plug in and program the buttons and knobs to hardware. Kontrol software IMO sucks for what you have to pay for it.

    I'd consider picking up a new one if and when they ship the custom functionality.

  • Richard Vetro
    Richard Vetro Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2024

    I also use Cubase 13.

    Currently I have to run and additional controller for Cubase DAW functionality.

    I am using the Nektar P1 mixing controller. It's pretty old but works well.

    I have also created a custom midi remote script for it. The P1 will allow me me access quick controls and focused quick controls for all Cubase functions and 3rd party VST related plugins.

    This set up does work well but really... I should not have to replace my Arturia Keylab MKII with 2 midi controllers to provide the same functionality.

    The Kontrol S-Series MK3 will only handle transport and some basic mixer functionality as far as I am aware.

  • chrism018
    chrism018 Member Posts: 2 Member

    We NEED MIDI Templates NOW!!! How are we supposed to even send a program change to another MIDI hardware device?

  • witteringmuso
    witteringmuso Member Posts: 3 Member

    Is there any update on this? I reviewed the S61 mk3 on youtube when it first came out, unaware that there is no way of editing the CC asssignment, so since then its been gathering dust. We were promised an update in Q1 of 2024 but its now nearly Q3!

  • Necromacner
    Necromacner Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2024

    the main NI product chief promised it before the end of June. Still hasn’t happened.

    For those of you wanting to set the guide light colors, you can do so in Kontakt. There is a template to allow you to create and save as template. Reaktor also has the ability to set guide light colors.

    Program changes can be accomplished by converting MIDI CC or keynote also using Kontakt, Reaktor, and also in some DAWs such as logic.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    Need I remind everyone that NI's "data' says that midi users are a small percentage of the overall userbase and as such they were and still are considered a low priority? We were all clearly told that as soon as the missing midi editing feature came to light on this forum and the griping began.

    But if you think about it, it has always seemed very apparent that Native Instruments desires Komplete keyboard users to only work within the KK ecosystem and thereby using only NKS certified/compatible plugins.

    Midi templates, on the other hand, give users choice and the ability to work outside the system. The ability to map unsupported software/plugins and such. That is likely why the MK2 midi editor was so lame from day 1 and why they never once updated/improved it in the 10 years life cycle of the mk2. So I can't see why it would be any different with the MK3. The proof is in the pudding and you just need to look at how midi editing support is unfolding with the MK3.

    With respect to the MK3 release, I too watched all the youtube reviews just prior to launch and as mentioned by someone in a previous post, NOONE said a word about the midi template page being window dressing only, although it was breifly shown in at least a few of those videos while the majority avoided midi discussion entirely. So it is easy to think that if NI gave free keyboards to the YT reviewers, they came with a "proviso" that this lack of functionality could not be mentioned. It seems unlikely that at least a few of them didn't notice and if so why else would they not mention it? I mean, they were reviewing a midi controller with no midi control capability for goodness sake!

    So were they bought off with gear? With not even a thought about how many people would go out and buy the keyboard based on their "less than transparent" videos? I can't say for sure but many did, only to find out the truth after the fact and many are now here on this forum beating the drum for holding NI accountable. Why shouldn't they and for that matter why shouldn't we all?

    If above is in any way true, it is cause for concern to say the least.

    It is why I am no longer a Komplete Kontrol cheerleader (which I was for many years), and it is why I now spend less time on this forum. When I am here, I do try my hardest to keep my nose down and just focus on helping people as I always have. But when I make the mistake of reading the understandably bitter posts from unhappy MK3 owners who feel like they were duped, it really gets me worked up.

    This post will earn me plenty of dislikes I suspect, but hey, I am just speaking the truth as I see it and if it rubs some people the wrong way, that is ok.

    But most of us live in a reality where we are held accountable for our actions each and every day and so why should we treat companies with whom we spend our hard earned dollars any differently?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Sadly, I am in the same boat. To say I have been a big supporter for all these years even as the time I invest in production has dwindled is an understatement and the hours I have invested in feeding back info, trying to help get bugs fixed and holding out hope for improvements is uncountable. V3 was literally like a kick in the guts basically having the exact opposite of what I had been hoping for anyway and creating what I personally see as a mess of an application and a shell of what it once promised.

    It has been pretty clear to me that if an issue does not affect NI or partner plugins/software specifically, it is not even considered important (that or there are just so many issues and such understaffed/under skilled programmers they can't cope with it all…). Even after years, there are still some 3rd party plugins that do not show a GUI in KK within DAWs like Ableton!

    I honestly loved the NI brand even before I bought into the Komplete ecosystem but all the re-branding, re-inventing, constant apologies for failing to act/listen, changes no one asked for, snail paced development and literally almost everything that has been happening/not happening for the last 6 years has my fuse run out. It really does appear to me that what users say just has no real impact and I have heard the statement about metrics/user data enough times to understand this means the company operates like any corporation where decisions are based on what will create the best return for investors and based on statistics, not user feedback.

    There are some great individuals at NI and I don't think anyone is specifically upset about anyone on a personal level, just at what they represent which is an ever growing disconnect from the EXISTING user base since nothing we say or suggest seems to make any real difference. Also appears there is a lack of user activity on the KK forum compared to when the V2 came out. That was a different time but the forums were buzzing and i'd say the overwhelming majority was all positive chatter, was a great time. Not a positive place anymore, just users with issues and complaints now.

    I only drop in on some mornings now and don't engage much compared to what I use to, have noticed a lot of older users seem the same and this is a huge loss for NI TBH. I learned a lot from actual skilled users here, that knowledge is disappearing and new users are really missing out, shame they will never really know how useful a place like this once was and how innovative a company like NI was before profits took over the focus.

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro

    Agree with what you have said and feel that accountability is inevitable. NI has fallen so far behind Akai and Roland at this point I do not think they can catch up. They are allegedly releasing a new version of Maschine soon, which could be the nail in the coffin if at a similar quality to the Kontrol MK3 refresh. There is WAY higher expectations from Maschine users of significant progress than Kontrol MK2 users had imo. I suspect it will disappoint spectacularly.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    "I only drop in on some mornings now and don't engage much compared to what I use to, have noticed a lot of older users seem the same and this is a huge loss for NI TBH".

    I doubt they look at it as a loss at all, Jester. I think guys like us speaking our minds just makes us a pain in the ass more than anything else. Sad but true I think. They probably wish we'd go quietly into the night.

    And I HAVE been finding myself more and more migrating to orchestral libraries from other companies. I can't remember the last time I used one of my NI orchestral librairies. And hardware? Well, there are just so many keyboards out there for far less money which are far more capable from a midi controller standpoint. Pretty much ALL of them I suppose.

    I doubt they consider that when they lose a keyboard owner/user like me, they are also losing a user who shelled out 600CAD for the Collector's Edition since Version 8. And for me, the buck does stops here.

    Since me talking doesn't do any good, I can only let my money do the talking.

    But as the likely say in the Dev. Team boardroom meetings, "Well, you can't please everybody but look at those Q2 metrics!"

  • witteringmuso
    witteringmuso Member Posts: 3 Member

    "So it is easy to think that if NI gave free keyboards to the YT reviewers, they came with a "proviso" that this lack of functionality could not be mentioned." No that certainly wasnt my experience and I would never in a million years review a product on that basis. There is never - for me at least - any say at all in what the review contains, no sponsorship or whatever - I just didnt notice which is down to me.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,716 mod

    MIDI Templates have now shipped.

This discussion has been closed.
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