Anybody know if the new Pioneer DDJ-FLX10 is coming to TP3?



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    That's definitely a Traktor bug though. The "Mix" shouldn't be audible unless the "Monitor Cue" button is activated. I was able to duplicate this issue with my S4 Mk3.

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    In this case, I use FLX10 hardware cueing, so Traktor has no influence. The problem was that in the software the knob was on the right while the hardware was on the left. I have created a mapping to force the mix to the left so that this does not happen. Now it always works well

  • RubyN
    RubyN Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    hi Nacho, many thanks for creating the mapping, legend! Have been waiting for this for a long time :)

    I'm familiarizing myself with the mapping, seems to work great largely but have a few questions. I'm by no means an expert so please do indicate if these issues are not related to the mapping but my personal settings:

    • Pad FX: pressing any pad FX on the left deck also applies the FX to the track on the right deck (instead of only the left deck), and the other way around. This should not be the case?
    • Mixer M2-5: adjusting the stems volume by holding shift + turning the trim/EQ does not seem to work?
    • Mixer M12: effects applied in Traktor differ from what you state in manual. For me: space=reverb, d.echo=dual delay, crush=crush, pitch=barber pole, filter=filter, noise=not sure what this does? does not select a different effect in Traktor, but the dial changes colour?

    Thanks in advance!

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    Hello @RubyN ,

    Thanks for your support. Now I have the controller in my other studio and I can't test, but tomorrow I will try to go get it so I can answer you. 

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro
    • Pad FX: pressing any pad FX on the left deck also applies the FX to the track on the right deck (instead of only the left deck), and the other way around. This should not be the case? FX is only applied if you have PAD FX selected, so you can choose which decks to apply it to at a time. If you don't want it to be applied on any deck, choose another pad and it will be deactivated.
    • Mixer M2-5: adjusting the stems volume by holding shift + turning the trim/EQ does not seem to work? Yes, but only with the sifht on the right.
    • Mixer M12: effects applied in Traktor differ from what you state in manual. For me: space=reverb, d.echo=dual delay, crush=crush, pitch=barber pole, filter=filter, noise=not sure what this does? does not select a different effect in Traktor, but the dial changes colour? The effects you indicate are the correct ones, the manual was not updated (I have already corrected it). By selecting the "Sound Color FX" you want, and moving the "COLOR" knob, the Traktor mixer fx should act, make sure you have the mixer fx as shown in the following picture:

  • RubyN
    RubyN Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    • Pad FX: I get that I can choose myself to assign which FX unit to which mixer channel. But both the Pad FX buttons on the left and the right deck seem to be mapped to only a single FX unit - nr 1. Where I would expect the left deck Pad FX to be mapped to FX unit 1 and the right deck Pad FX to FX unit 3 so I can assign these to different mixer channels. This does seem to work correctly for the RICHIE EMU effects as the left deck Pad FX controls FX unit 2 and the right deck Pad FX controls FX unit 4.
    • Mixer M2-5: I checked and indeed adjusting stems volume does work with using the shift on the right deck. Why is it not mapped for use with either the shift on the left or right deck? That would be easier.
    • Mixer M12: clear now, thanks!
  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    *FX3: Beat FX

    FX1: PAD FX

    FX2 y FX4: Richie EMU FX

    *Fixed: Now works with "Shift" of the 4 decks.


  • dFk
    dFk Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Thank you for the mapping.

    One issue - channel equalizers does not work while Beat FX is activated. Or is it just me since I purchased and tested v1.2?

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    You're right, I'm working on fixing it. It will be fixed in the next version. Thanks for the feedback.

  • rider
    rider Member Posts: 39 Member

    Just a question - I have not tested it, because my DJ Controller is in my stock….:

    Did you map the option for enable Microphone / disable Microphone for the the Booth Mode?
    It seems I cannot change it directly at hardware side, but in Rekordbox / Serato there is a setting for it.

    Can you check this and maybe send a screenshot what needs to be activated in Traktor?

    Many thanks.

  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    Mic, booth & Master volume, works with the hardware, not mapped.

  • rider
    rider Member Posts: 39 Member

    Not sure if you understood my question.

    For Booth output there are two possible options:

    a) Include Mic output

    b) Exclude Mic output

    In Recordbox there is a setting:

  • Pepeeeeeee
    Pepeeeeeee Member Posts: 26 Member

    Buenas tardes, antes de nada agradecer @nachopenades el trabajo tan espectacular que has conseguido,

    Soy aficionado desde mas de 15 años usando traktor y me compre la ddjFLX10 pensando en renunciar a el pero ahora con esto me has alegrado la vida jajaja.

    Solo un par de preguntar al cargar la canción para hacer la preescucha hay posibiliad de avanzar en esa preescucha o solo reproduce y se para.

    Y una ultima pregunta abria posibilidad en un futuro de tener las pantallas en los jog ?? con la info.

    Gracias a todos los de la comunidad que haceis posible esto, saludos !!!

  • Pepeeeeeee
    Pepeeeeeee Member Posts: 26 Member

    Good afternoon, first of all thank you @nachopenades for the spectacular work you have achieved,

    I have been a fan of using Traktor for more than 15 years and I bought the ddjFLX10 thinking about giving it up but now with this you have made my life happy hahaha.

    Just a couple of questions when loading the song to pre-listen, is there a possibility of advancing in that pre-listening or does it just play and stop.

    And one last question, would there be a possibility in the future of having the screens in the jogs? with the info.

    Thanks to everyone in the community who makes this possible, greetings!!!

  • Pepeeeeeee
    Pepeeeeeee Member Posts: 26 Member

    Good afternoon, first of all thank you @nachopenades for the spectacular work you have achieved,

    I have been a fan of using Traktor for more than 15 years and I bought the ddjFLX10 thinking about giving it up but now with this you have made my life happy hahaha.

    Just a couple of questions when loading the song to pre-listen, is there a possibility of advancing in that pre-listening or does it just play and stop.

    And one last question, would there be a possibility in the future of having the screens in the jogs? with the info.

    Thanks to everyone in the community who makes this possible, greetings!!!

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