Audio issues with Traktor Pro 4 Version 4.1.1
Hi, I upgraded to Traktor Pro 4 via the Black Friday deal and have dreadful audio issues. The audio plays back at the wrong speed on all tracks that I load and the vocals sound incorrect. I have never had this issue before on this software. The same tracks load/play correctly on Serato Pro and djay Pro software. I don't…
Traktor Pro 4 Hotcue CDJ
Hi, I have a technical problem with Traktor Pro 4 used in Hid with Pioneer Cdj 2000 nexus: The cue points on the cdj that I had programmed no longer work on the tracks where I generated the stems. I can't record them from the cdj either. On other titles without stems, it works. Any idea of the problem?
How to resolve the issue of multiple instances of the same HID CDJs under "Controller Manager"
When using my Traktor Pro (3 &4) in HID mode, recently whenever I want to select the CDJs connected to my computer to control Traktor in HID Mode under "Device Setup»Device", i get two options of the same Cdjs (refer to below picture- CDJ2000Nx2 and CDJ3000's) and when i select one, only one Cdjs is controllable at the…
I want to use my second-hand Traktor kontrol s2.
Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translationby DeepL) I want to use my second-hand Traktor Kontrol S2. Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting :Quote : Our community is currently only available in English. Please be advised that we retain the right to remove any posts in languages other than English.
Traktor browser and loading songs became slow after updating to Sequoia 15.2
After updating my MacBook M2 to Sequoia 15.2 navigating the browser of Traktor Pro 4 both on the laptop than on my consolle S8 became super slow, also loading the songs into the decks is much slower than before. Any suggetion to fix it?
How can I work with Traktor S4 MK2 and new Macbook pro M4? Which program I can use?
Hi I just bought a Macbook pro M4, I have my traktor S4 MK", which progrma may I use to run it? Traktor pro 2, Where I can download? THank you Massimo
Traktor 3 Running but not visible
Hi, Windows 11 / Traktor 3 Pro v 3.70 Traktor is running but the main interface is not displayed or visible. If plug in my controller the Traktor configuration screen is visible and I can interact with it but when I close the config screen the main Traktor interface is invisible. Traktor is shown as running in Windows Task…
Traktor Kontrol F1
Hi friends. The buttons on my F1 have faded in the sun.
Preview player - delay at start problem, Traktor Pro 4.1
Hello! I have the following problem: when I use the preview player, sometimes, at random tracks, there is a delay of 2 to 5 seconds before the track starts. This happens when I want to prelisten a track from playlists and also direct from folders, but especially from folders. This happens form TP4. TP 3 didn't have this…
I cant see TRAKTOR PRO 4 update from traktor pro 3 software in my NATİVE ACCESS ,
I have purchased software along with KONTROL S4 MK3 which is registered and I want to update to TRAKTOR S4.
DJ Rig with Maschine Jam, Maschine MK3 and Traktor Pro 4
I am running Maschine 3.0 and Traktor Pro 4. Audio from Maschine MK3 routed to the S4 deck D for now, Maschine Jam plugged into USB hub on the S4. The Maschine MK3 and Traktor S4 are plugged directly into a laptop running Windows 10 and LoopBe1. In Maschine 3.0, both Jam and the MK3 are recognized and split accordingly for…
Keylock sound quality
Im now streaming flac files on Traktor pro 4 but the artifacts and the chopping up of the transients are still noticeably bad as the mp3's and AAC's so much that i have keylock turned off all the time. I mostly play Techno but sometimes i play open format music and the the keylock is hit and miss and can not be trusted, I…
HOT CUE Grid no longer present in TRAKTOR PRO 4 -BUG ??!?
HOT CUE Grid no longer present in TRAKTOR PRO 4 via MIDI the problem arises when I want to adjust the grid with my controller I want the hotcue grid to match the beatgrid, in TP 3 it was possible now no longer Furthermore , When I delete HOT CUE GRID set automatically after the analyzed track , it is no longer possible to…
How do you import Stem files into DAW
The initial reviews of TP4 said it was possible to drag the stem files created in traktor into a DAW to work on them as individual stems. I have located the mp4 files but am unable to drag them into ableton. Any ideas how to make this work?
Voucher code issue
how to use these voucher codes for update Traktor pro 3 to 4 : HOLIDAY24-USD or HOLIDAY24-EUR "the voucher code is not valid."
I CANT SEE TRAKTOR PRO 4 update from traktor pro 3 SOFTWARE İN MY NATİVE ACCESS I CANT SEE TRAKTOR PRO 4 update from traktor pro 3 SOFTWARE İN MY NATİVE ACCESS ı can't download Traktor Pro 4
S4 Mk3 Sample Deck C & D
Hey Guys, Probably a really stupid question. I want to trigger my remix deck samples without having the fader up for deck C and D on my s4mk3. Is there a way to do this?
Empty archive TP4Pro on MacBook Sequoia 15.1.1
Archive remains empty after a gig. And impossible to read the created NML file….
When my account was actived to traktor pro 3
It's not coming full version It's coming like demo version
Traktor Pro 4 Pattern Player Mapping Anyone?
Can any of you point me out to a good Pattern Player mapping for Maschine Mk3 or Maschine Jam?