Maschine 3 stems
do not display stems in maschine, how to export stems ???????? Sen don't display stems ???
How can i get in touch with a human at native instruments customer support?
I've created 3 tickets over the last few days regarding not having gotten a serial number when buying a used Maschine Mikro MK3. the number and barcode on the back have faded away. I have a receipt for the purchase and just want to use my hardware. if someone at NL customer support sees this please help, i cannot talk to…
Maschine MK3 not working
Hello. My Maschine micro mk3 is just displaying the text "MASCHINE MIKRO", and nothing works. I've installed Access, written inn the serial and installed all the programs, but it's not doing anything. The pads are not lit.
Only hearing dry signal when recording guitar
Hello I have my guitar connected to the Mk3. I have an instance of Helix Native loaded at the group level. When I monitor before and during recording/sampling, there is only the dry signal. I only hear the effected signal when I play back the sample. How do I hear the effected signal when playing live before and during…
Maschine 3.0 and older devices?
Hi guys! So we have a 3.0 update coming in November, kind of excited and… worried. I own a Mk3, a Kontrol m32 and a Maschine Jam, haven't found any official news that states that Maschine Jam (and Mk1, Mk2, Studio) will be supported on 3.0 On the contrary "words of the streets" say that Maschine 3.0 does not support older…
Maschine + Opus Quad
Hey everyone I am just wondering if it´s possible to connect a Maschine + through Line to Channels 3 or 4 of an Opus Quad and not needing a laptop to sync it? Thanks
Will the next Maschine Plus Update be a paid update?
If it is, will it be paid for separately from the Maschine 3.0 update, or be included with the Maschine 3.0 update?
Dynamic Coloured Pads without the Software???
I have a KK Keyboard, love it's integration with NI instruments. Running Logic Pro. I now also want a pad controller (since the keyboard doesn't have any! Grrr) I don't want the beat making capabilities or the software necessarily. Hence only keen on the Mikro Mk3. But will likely use it with NI Komplete's drums or…
Midi controller recording
Hi guys, Is it possible to record controller movements with a midi controller? In my case I wanted to record a cut off filter movement with a Knob from the Alesis VMini. I can use the Learn function to operate all parameters with the VMini, but I can't manage to record them. I would be grateful for a tip.
Does Maschine Central replace Maschine 2 Library?
I am confused about the fate of the Maschine 2 Library? Does it need to be installed with Maschine 3? Or has it been replaced by Maschine Central?
Licence for Maschine Mikro MK2
Hello everyone, Why do I end up here when I try to contact support? Are there no more tickets? As a buyer of the Ultimate Collection version you somehow expect more I have now bought a used MM MK2. If the previous owner doesn't respond, how do I get a new ID?
Maschine 3 software playhead not scrolling
Hi. Is anyone having problems with the playhead not moving on your computer screen when playing a song?
I"d like to see pattern sync and some round-robin sampling
I think we all want a pattern sync option. Switching a pattern in group A causes every other group to drop out until the next midi note. If I leave enough gaps in my music, you can try to time it.. and I know the work around is to instead just duplicate patterns to a new scene.. but giving us a setting to let the current…
My Perform FX will stay engaged even when I'm not touching the touch strip. Any way to fix?
Hello, y'all. I've noticed after some use with the MK3's touchstrip that Perform FX will stay engaged even when my finger isn't touching it. The frequency/length/position/etc (depending on the fx) will still register when touchstrip is in use, as will the LEDs above it, but after taking my finger off it will perform as if…
Export in MP3
its cool that we are now able to import MP3 but why couldn't NI just give us the option to export MP3 as well smh. Fully integrating the mk3 keyboard, that's a no brainer.
NKS Compatible List
Is there a simple way to find all of the nks-compatible plugins installed on my system (MacOS)? I am trying to create a list. I imagine that Maschine, KK, KT, etc have this info, but is it accessible other than by painfully scrolling through menus?
Maschine 3.0 software and Kontrol MK3 keyboards
I'm grateful for the new limited integration of the MK3 Kontrol keyboards when I open Maschine 3.0 in standalone mode. I can now choose my Kontrol S61 MK3 alongside my Maschine MK3 hardware to function as a controller. When I open Maschine 3.0 as a plugin inside of Logic 11, however, that functionality disappears, and the…
Abbey Road Drums in Maschine MK2
Hi all I am using a Maschine MK2. When I´m browsing I can´t see all Abbey Road Kits, just the vintage kits, not the new ones (like the sparkle kit, Nu Metal, etc.). How can I make them available in the Maschine Browser? Thanks, Sascha
Maschine Plus video, showing Aux select issue
I made a video demonstrating how it can take 3 minutes to simply select an Aux destination for a sound in Maschine Plus standalone. I think a video best shows just how painful this process is, and that it's not an insignificant problem. I also included the advice given by Darkwaves in this thread: I really hope NI see this…
Maschine 2 AND Machine 3 Software Running on the same computer?
The title pretty much says it. Currently I have both Traktor 3 and Traktor 4 installed on my Macs. Will I be able to install the updated Maschine 3 software while keeping the existing 2 installation of 2.18.4 or will 3 replace that installation. If it replaces it, at the current time I have no reason to upgrade until I see…