Maschine Central - only parts of the existing expansions?
I would be interested to know whether the here included tools are already part of the existing expansions or whether they are completely new products? I already own Komplete Ultimate CE and Machine 2, so I'm wondering whether it makes any sense to buy the complete update including Central or just the Machine 3 update…
Maschine 3.0 Latenz with keys
When I play with the keys of Komplete Control M32 I have a big latenz. When I play with the stand alone version of Komplete Control I have no latenz. I use Mac Mini M1 with OS Sequoia 15.1.1 Storage 16gb with Maschine 3.0. Steinberg UR22 with 192 buffersizes. With MacOS Ventura it runs without problems.
Why is this the only thing loading and who can help fix it??
I open Maschine as administrator and the only page loading is the preference page!!! Why?? How can I fix this? I have upgraded the computer to windows 11 so every upgrade has been done
Does mikro mk3 come with machine 2?
I just purchased a mikro mk3 Installed Native access and add the serial number. 8 items pop up in the library, none of them is machine 2. Someone knows what I can do?
Have new Maschine Mikro Mk3 - can't locate software
Hi, I received my new Maschine Mikro, registered it using Native Access, and it appears on the website as "MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 HW". But there is no software listed there nor does it appear in Native Access anywhere. I am running Mac OS 13.3 which is listed as approved. What is going on? Where is the software? Over on…
Maschine MK3 Hardware Screen Stuck
I have been using my maschine mk3 which is only a week old. I am new to music sampling/production etc. I was watching a youtube video this morning about sampling from a phone direct to the hardware. It redirected me to the native support page to download some drivers ( MASCINE MK3 Controller Driver 5.0.1 - Windows 7 and…
Maschine 3.0 Crashes Silicon Mac
Maschine 3.0 appears to crash my Mac almost instantly after loading as it prepares the GUI. Allowing full disk access appears to delay the crash and the software will start and appear to work, then crash the system almost irretrievably. After launching Recovery Mode everything is back but I dare not run Maschine 3.0. Has…
User loopos and one shots images not showing
User Loops and One Shots images are broken in Maschine 3. However, same user loops and images are appearing fine in Maschine 2. I have tried to rescan many times. Restart but it makes no change. Can anyone help as these images are appearing fine in Maschine 2. I think something is wrong in Maschine 3 software. Also you can…
Mikro Mk2 support in Maschine 3
I just purchased the upgrade and didn't think to check for hardware compatibility. Are there any plans for support of Mikro Mk2 in Maschine 3?
How do I record in multiple groups on Maschine+ without it restarting the other group?
Hello all, I have a project set up with group A and group B. I want to record a live performance where I start using group A then mid way through switch over to group B and record the next half of the performance. Everytime I press Shift + rec, i can record in group A, but the minute I press group B to continue recording,…
Step Mode shifts to "Master Group Sound"
Hello, … i'm new to Maschine and just learned about the Step Sequencer. I loaded a group (Tried several) I placed a Kick (everything worked fine) … then a HiHat (still working) BUT (!) … when i tried to place another sound from the group … … 'the display shifts to "Master Group Sound" and underneath is showing the Sampler…
Machine 3 Not Loading
How do I load Machine when my serial number hasnt been transferred properly and I have purchased Machine Central?
Product compatibility with Machine + and also NI avoiding customer support
First, I would like to know if NI deliberately avoids customer attention and support. Then, I would like to inquire through this channel, since NI does deliberately avoid customer attention, why I cannot see my DIVA plugin purchase on my Maschine+. And while I'm at it, I request that you be clearer with the specifications.
Enable Maschine Plus Midi Ports in Controller Mode
Hello all, im trying to send Midi to an external synthesizer from the Maschine Plus while in Controller Mode. I couldn't quite get it to work. Online someone mentioned that the Midi Ports are deactivated by default for the Maschine Plus in Controller Mode, but I cant find a way to reactivate them. For a little extra…
What I want to see in a new Maschine+ II "pro"
I keep coming back to this one as still I wait… a list of features i would like to see in a new version of Maschine+ II pro to make it really standalone. more processing power - a big plus would be upgradable memory, storage, and processor. the world does not need any more obsolete hazardous tech product waste in the…
Maschine 3.0 download on Mac OS 15.1 - Installation failed
NA will not install Maschine 3.0, saying location is bad. Where should I be downloading this to? Current location for application is /Applications/Native Instruments, like everything else.
Can't quantise live recording into a pattern that has been step recorded.
If I enter some notes in a pattern using Step mode then record something else live into the same pattern, pressing quantise does nothing. Why is this?
Maschine 3 Users Reviews
It has been nearly a month now since the release of Maschine 3. I would be very interested to see reviews from community members who have purchased and are using the software. The various media reviews I have read have been lukewarm, mostly. How do users feel about it? Has it helped and/or improved your workflow and the…
Cheap caugh kit
hi, Looking for a kit » cheap caught kit « coming from a maschine expansion …impossible to find the expansion s name ? Many thks for help
Where can i download the software for maschine mk3 mikro
Im so pissed rn because it doesnt have a simple live customer support and i cant find where can i download the software machine that i just got and i downloaded the native access , put the serial number but the software is missing and there is no other way getting it just ridiculous