Synchronising Maschine Plus to Studio One (7)

Wilmar Boer
Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 100 Advisor
edited March 5 in Maschine

I’m trying to get my Maschine Plus to start and stop and follow the right point in the timeline in Presonus Studio One. It’s working flawlessly in Ableton Live. I can get Live to listen to external clock and with a song arrangement in the Maschine Plus Live follows song position nicely and when I set Maschine to listen to external clock and Live as the master the Maschine follows nicely. Even my Roland SH-4d plays along nicely. But the only thing I can get to work with Studio One is that with Studio One as the master the Plus always starts from measure one. No song position, no Maschine as the master.

Does anyone succeed in syncing Maschine Plus (standalone or software) to Presonus Studio One? And what are your settings?



  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Why are you doing it this way, instead of hosting Maschine as a plugin & routing things virtually? Are you recording or trying to construct a live performance setup?

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 100 Advisor

    I want to do live performance. And use studio one for the occasional audio tracks Maschine Plus is missing.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 139 Advisor
    edited March 3

    Clips are good enough substitution to real audio tracks. From the top of my head workflow is approximately the following:

    1. Add Audio module to a Pad in your target Group and load your audio file
    2. Create new clip
    3. Place playhead in the beginning of the clip
    4. Press 'PAD MODE'
    5. Press Pad from (1)
    6. Adjust length of the clip to fit all audio file

    This way you can even have multiple audio tracks per Group - one on each Pad

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 100 Advisor
    edited March 3

    Thanks! But with a guitar player or vocal track having the option to punch in/out at every moment, have lanes to comp a track (my guitar solo's sure need a lot of comping :-) ) and build your track gradually trough time that way is more convenient in Studio One. Especially with guitar tracks using 2 mics for my guitar and a DI so I'm recording and editing on 3 tracks at once (which is possible in grouped tracks in S1). And with backing vocals doing multiple takes for the chord buildup in backing vocals.

    Because the recording process is much more userfriendly for audiotracks in S1 I usually use that for audio recordings and once I've a whole take I bounce the track to disc and add that as a clip in Maschine Plus so have it on stage without having to use a computer.

    And besides that. Every DAW syncs the playhead with the point in timeline on the Maschine Plus and vice versa, so why shouldn't S1?

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