Hilfe beim Mapping
Hallo Community, ich bräuchte eure Hilfe! Da mein Traktor S4 defekt ist, habe ich mir einen JB Systems DJ-Kontrol 4 geholt und habe für diesen ein Mapping für Traktor 3 Pro erstellt! Funktioniert auch soweit ganz ordentlich, aber bei einem Befehl bleibe ich hängen: ich möchte den Browser-Button wie folgt belegen: Suchen im…
Traktor Kontrol F1 mapping - how to select page 1 pad 1 only?
Hi, I did some very entry level mapping for my F1, like setting HotCue point 1 to F1 pad 1. Unfortunately, it jumps to HotCue point 1 when I press F1 pad 1 on pages 2, 3 and 4. I was wondering how to assign Cue point 1 to pad 1, page 1 ONLY, so I can assign other things to pad1 on pages 2, 3, and 4? Thanks!
Traktor x1 mk2 blinking play button
Hi! Is there a way to have the play button blinking (instead of solid green) when a track is playing? I would like to have more visual feedback on the controller when tracks are playing. Thanks
X1 mk2 fx assign buttons not working
Hi there, I recently picked up 2x X1 mk2's to be able to control 4 decks with an external mixer and I've found that the factory mapping has the fx assign buttons triggering the wrong assign button within the Traktor mixer. assign fx 1 button is triggering assign fx 2 within the mixer on one of the units and the assign fx 2…
How to map pad FX Vinyl brake with continous timing
I have an ❤️S4 Mk3❤️. I saw DJ Carlos using Rekordbox + DDJ-400 apply a Pad FX for vinyl braking with the track timer not dropping and resuming playing in sync. I've googled and searched the Traktor vinyl brake mappings but they seem to all include tempo adjustments which makes you lose the beatsync with other tracks…
qml: cue data and events
Where can I find cue data (time, label) in the QML files? And are there any events triggered when a cue point is reached during playback?
Encoder Mapping Help
Having issues implementing browser. Could somebody assist me please?
X1 MK3 not possible to control MIXER FX?
I just got my X1 MK3 and I'm very confused as it appears there's no way to control the very "main filter" / MIXER FX ?!? - you know the knob just next to "Mid" in the software, the one that can chose between "Filter", "Reverb", "Dual Delay", "Noise" and "Time Gater".. Is it really true that you can control all sorts of…
Non NI Hardware Support
Dear All, I'm a huge fan of Traktor DJ Pro and an experienced user of this software. I think that Traktor DJ software needs more attention from NI. In my opinion, NI should break with the idea that this app is mainly the software counterpart of the DJ hardware they sell (or at least intend to). Traktor DJ should have a…
X1 MK3 Midi Mapping Problem
I can not set any midi mapping to "override factory map": i really need this fuction , just like i used on old X1 MK2 or any other traktor devices: i also found i can not see the "X1 MK3" in "Controller Editor" APP (Ver 2.8.2):
Midi Map file ratings in Traktor Pro
I am setting up a launchpad mini mk3 to serve as an easy way to set hotcues and the beatgrid if I don't have my Kontrol S4 MK3 arround. I was wondering if there is a way to midi map track rating as well. So I want to be able to aply a color or star rating to the files via a midi mapped button. So I don't have to use my…
Sort function setup
Im setting up a mapping on a macropad to browse the library and load tracks. The only thing I cant find the command for is sorting within the playlist. Its doesnt look like it is in the browsers commands. Does anyone know more about this? Did anyone set up a sort function on a controller?
Alguien a mapeado la pantalla del x1 para que aparezca el bpm
Has someone mapped the x1 screen so that the bpm appears Alguien a mapeado la pantalla del x1 para que aparezca el bpm
X1 MK3 Question
Hi all, Need some help about X1 MK3. I ve playing my dj sets with the X1MK2 and i want to upgrade my setup with the new X1MK3, so i want to ask if my setup configuration on my x1mk2 (effects , assigned buttons etc) will remain the same after i connect the new X1MK3 or i have to configure from scratch the new one? Thanx in…
Expand functions TRAKTOR X1 MK3
@MichaelK_NI In a first review of the configuration of the new MK3, these are the functions that I miss, I would add them as options to the existing ones: Main menu: BROWSE ENCODERS: (Add option total control). Turn left: Browse Tree up/down Shift + Turn (Right): FV Folders Shift + Push (Left): O/C Folder Shift + Push…
X1 MK3 Mapping ist falsch gesetzt. Kann jemand helfen?
Hello everyone, Apparently the mapping (default setting) is set incorrectly on my new X1 MK3. I use Ableton, X1 MK3 and the DJM 900 NXS2. The problem: If I set a loop in the X1 MK3 and adjust the treble in the DJM 900 NXS2, the loop function moves. I can't edit anything in the Ableton Preference - Controller Manager -…
Traktor mapping Hotcues on All Decks
Hello , Does anyone know how to map all the hotcues to instantly play (without having to hold down the hotcue) when im on Deck A ONLY the track on Deck A, when im on Deck C only the track on Deck C ...etc. I've managed to find a solution for 2 decks but I want to use 4 , for remix decks and samples and it's a total…
How can I map the hot cues to instantly play the track as I press them?
Hello, I'm not good at mapping in Traktor pro3 and I've recently brought Kotrol s4 mk3. I would really like to know if there's any way to set the hot cues to instantly play the track so I don't have to hold the hot cues down. I hope you have a way to solve that without affecting any other button. 🤔
Possible to control one QML file from multiple controllers?
Context: I own a Kontrol S8 with a dodgy Browser Encoder button and two CDJ350 connected to Traktor PRO. While I am able to modify the QML of Kontrol S8 to remap the loop button to act as the Browser button, I would prefer not to do so and retain all functionality of the loop encoder and control the browse functions…
How to override X1MK3 Mapping?
I've gotten my MK3 in time but didnt find the time to try it out yet. Walking through the functions I wanted to re-implement some of my custom overrides from MK2 but it seems not possible to map any button within the MK3 page. Is this still to come or will I need to use it in midi mode for that? Custom mappings is like THE…