I mean, the discussion title says it all. I've purchased items that require Kontakt to access and I've had to wash my hands of it in trying to access them and take the monetary hit. Getting through to "customer support" is a joke, and even then, they put the onus on you the consumer for whatever the problem is, even though…
Zero-G libraries do not show under brands (Zero-G) in Kontakt 7
Zero-G libraries do not show under brands (Zero-G) in Kontakt 7. In fact more libraries the same. They instead show under NI brand. How can I change that? I also need to have my personal created libraries under my brand name in K7. Thank you.
Load multiple instruments in Kontakt
Hi, I hate this new feature in Kontakt 7.7 : "Click in the area below the actual instrument. This will make sure that the next instrument you load is added to the existing one (instead of replacing it)" I am constantly deleting some instruments by accident because I forgot to click the empty area. I would like to go back…
update Kontakt5 to 7 within a session
Hello - I am working with ~Ableton 12. Todat I opened up an old session that used Kontakt5 for the basses. These refused to open, however if I added a new kontakt track with Kontakt 7, no problem. I want to keep the tonal and instrument changes I made back in version 5, while replacing the old one with Kontakt 7. Or…
"Kontakt has encountered a major problem and has been terminated" message.
Kontakt 7 is not working for me after installing some demo libraries from Arturia Minifuse 2. The next day, I get this message and libraries are missing from native instruments. Kontakt states a crashlog file has been created. I've already updated Reaper (DAW) and NI to the newest versions. Today, I'm running into all of…
NL strings in Samplitude Pro X8 distorted graphics
When I load NL strings in Samplitude Pro X8, it load this page looking all distorted.
Kontakt 7 causing Kernel panic shutoff on Mac Studio! (KT-8785)
Hey gang, if anyone is struggling with the same issue, maybe this or YOU can help me/us... TL;DR: My Mac Studio shuts off in the middle of a session when I interact with the Kontakt 7 window across display monitors specifically with Logic Pro X open. I may have found the cause, but I don't know for 100% certainty. I'm…
KONTAKT AAX not installing
Just installed Kontakt and while the standalone works great I cannot find the plugin in Protools 12. There is no listing for Kontakt in the AAX directory, nor is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins, where every other plugin lives. Is it actually installing? Is there more I should try? Installed and…
Kontakt 7, Mac hardware and OS compatibility ?
Hello, Im a newb, so wanted to come right to the source of knowledge. I am wanting to get Kontakt 7 Bundle at the discounted price running right now. I have an early 2013 Macbook Pro i7 running Sonoma 14. Anyone know of particular problems running Kontakt 7 I should be caustious about before buying? Also, I have a 2010 5,1…
Kontakt Native Instruments the volume mutes itself
Hello, I have a problem with Kontact. After a few presses on the keyboard button, Kontakt mutes itself. How to deal with it? Thanks.
Session Guitarist Electric Sunburst Deluxe midi output
Is it possible to obtain the midi output of a performance from said instrument? I love the spontaneous and creative experience of playing chords but I simply have to work the output somewhat to integrate with my music! Transcribing everything is time intensive. Pitch to midi is too clunky. For example with Kontakt India…
Session Strings Pro 2 ignores CC 120 (All Sound Off) and 123 (All Notes Off)
Specs: Reaper v7.16 Kontakt VST3 v7.10.2 / VST3 v6.8.0 (R0) / VST2 v6.6.1 (R139) Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0.4 Bug: Sending CC 120 or 123 to Kontakt does not kill any active notes. All active notes sustain until the specific note off command is received. Both Analog Dreams nad Ethereal Earth terminate all notes on reception…
Kontakt 7 Immediately Crashes Reaper when I try to open Ashlight.
I installed the lastest Kontakt update, but I've still been having this issue with all instruments. The only instrument that uses Kontakt 7 in my project is Ashlight, which I accidently updated a while ago. Can I possibly roll Ashlight back, so that I can use it in Kontakt 6 again? Thanks
No sound in K6 if output is set to st2 and above
K6 (standalone), just one instrument, sounds ok si output is st1, but doesn't sound at all if output is any other one (st2, st3) I check it using F3 (Keyboard). Never happened before. I don't know what to do. I tried using K6 as VSTi (in REAPER) and behaves the same way I would appreciate any hint to start investigating…
problem with open old kontakt 5 project in cubase and failed
Recently I opened my old Cubase project(in 2019) which has one kontakt 5 instance and it says "loading instruments has failed,as the libraries are not installed on this computer." Then when I opened the kontakt 5 no instrument has been loaded while all the libraries are still there. I am using Kontakt (kontakt 6) now and…
Kontakt doesn't sound on Logic...
Hi, I'm using kontakt 6.8.0, logic 10.5.1, and os is Mojave 10.14.6. When I call the kontakt in Logic, all the instruments are called normally, and I get the signal that the kontakt is making sound, but the logic doesn't make any sound at all. Hope somebody help my issue, I haven't worked with the Kontakt for a long time…
Multi (nkm) won't load correctly
I've just created (twice, actually) two very simple sample racks that load correctly. I've then loaded both of them together and saved that as a multi. However, when I load that multi, both racks load with the samples of the second one but the envelope etc. settings correct to each. What am I missing?
Low End Strings: no knobs in Kontakt standalone
With the current versions of Low End Strings / Kontakt 7 standalone: no turnable knobs are working on my S61 MK3. Anyone else? Please look into it support, thank you.
How to remove Kontakt 6 completly
Hi There, How to remove K6 completely and Keep K7, I did upgrade to 7 from 6. Thank you Chizilla
Does NI Offer Any Sample Playback Apps?
I hope I'm writing this in the proper sub-forum, but is there any reason why NI doesn't provide a big sample-playback app, as opposed to all the synth programs I see. I mean, I just saw the ad where they're promoting 50% off on all their synths, but when I went looking for a simple playback app I couldn't find one. Am I…