One of my instruments is phasing.

JohnIJones Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

My cinesample concert snare is phasing badly, as if its playing more than one sample at the same time. In Kontakt7 the midi channel said + Groups, but did not say it in Kontakt 5. However, it is phasing in both Kontakt7 and 5.
I cannot see the omni button in the wrench edit page to change it to "default", which is supposed to be a solution. No idea what to do. The instrument is unusable and alternatives aren't as good.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 431 Pro

    When you play the sound alone,

    1. is more than one instrument in Kontakt playing? (close to editing, look at meters in the instrument headers) or
    2. is more than one group playing? (names highlighted in the Group Editor) or
    3. are 2 overlapping samples playing? (red dot in the Mapping Editor)
  • JohnIJones
    JohnIJones Member Posts: 12 Member

    There is only one instrument channel, but this instrument (snare) has different sounds - different short raps and rolls depending on which key I press. The instrument does not show which of these is playing in its mapping editor, but I am not sure what the mapping editor is.
    There is a kontakt setting in the instrument's spanner settings that will stop it, but I do not know what it is. If I cant find an anwer I will have to use guesswork but there are too many parameters to test.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 701 Pro

    I think you can move samples in Kontakt. Have a look in there and move the samples to different slots. Use a different key altogether for your snares. If done properly the original key should not produce a sound if the slot is empty. If you get it working then save it however you can.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 431 Pro

    Those are the 3 ways in which 2 samples can sound simultaneously, and how you tell which. The "+ Groups" bug (which no-one seems to want to fix) is covered in scenario 1, but won't cause any problems if there is only one instrument in your instance of Kontakt.

    2. Group Editor. Highlighted = group is open for editing (i.e. what you are looking at), yellow = playing.

    3. Mapping Editor. Red dot tells you which zones (samples) are playing.

    If you're going to try to fix problems like this, you will need some understanding of at least the basics of the Kontakt structure and function (like what the mapping editor is for instance.) It's all in the manual.

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