Strummed Acoustic - How do I just strum a chord and not premade patterns?
Hi, I've put the plugin into Auto-Chords mode and removed all of the patterns but when I hit a key, all I get are pickups and Endings. How do I just strum a chord?
Scary and sudden dissapearence of Kontakt based music tracks in my Ableton sessions.
Hello everyone. This is such a scary subject that I think it´s of everyone´s interest. I have already opened a ticket for this subject, but they found no solution, so out of total desperation, I decided to join the forum and ask you for help, which I´d appreciate immensely. A few days ago, after several hours of composing…
Advice Please: Load Times in Kontakt
I have a SSD external hard drive where my sounds are stored. I'm having issues with long load times. Is there a setting I need to change to speed my load times?
"The file format is not supported or corrupt." How do I fix this ?
I've been trying to fix this issue for some time now with Kontakt.
Kontakt 7 only running in demo mode even though it is installed/active in NA
Hi, Seeing if anyone has any ideas why Kontakt 7 would tell me I need to activate it even though I own it and have used it in the past. I updated to the latest version with Native Access and it still keeps running in demo mode. Not sure why it suddenly thinks I don't own it. Native Access shows that it is installed and…
Reaper crashes when loading Kontakt and Komplete tracks
I have a lot of old projects with Kontakt 5 and Komplete 2.8 on certain tracks. Opening these projects crashes Reaper. I also have a lot of track templates using Kontakt 5 and Komplete 2.8, and adding these to a project also crashes reaper. I've found a workaround which is that if I open a new project, add a track with a…
what about maschine.
Feature Request: Gospel Jazz and Blues Expansion in Kontakt Future Collaboration with Doobie Powell
I’d like to suggest incorporating more Gospel Jazz and Blues, RnB elements into Native Instruments’ Kontakt. A potential collaboration with Gospel Producers, who created the Peculiar Sounds VST with Gospel legend Doobie Powell, could bring rich, genre-specific presets and instruments to Kontakt. Given their expertise and…
Still can not load my Virtual Drumline library
I downloaded the Virtual Drumline 2.5 library onto my desktop. (I have since moved it to the Users/Shraed folder…which is where it Kontakt seems to expect it, and where my other libraries are). When I open the Kontakt player from Reason 12 I see my two other libraries in there. I click manage libraries > launch native…
FL Studio tip for saving resources with Kontakt
In FL Studio, inside Konktak's rack view, you can add your favorite instruments in a single instance of Kontakt, assigning a MIDI input to each one of them. Using the “MIDI Out” plugin, you can use each library separately, with its own piano roll. For this to work, you must first select the MIDI input port in Kontakt, this…
kontakt 8 single
anyone know if kontakt 8 will be sold single ? I already have heaps of the package in Komplete 15 standard , only reason to upgrade would be to get Kontakt 8….which looks awesome.
Session Guitarist Acoustic Sunburst Deluxe will not load in Kontak7 MacOs Ventura
Hello, My husband is having issues I'm not having with his version of Sunburst just showing constant swirling circle. All other instrument will load, but this one. I have the same instruments on my system. We are basically identical. I have had no issues with mine loading just fine, but his sunburst just scrolls. One it…
NEED HELP! (respond fast)
i bought "Kontakt 7 Bundle (Download)" and i have no clue what i am doing, i want to use the piano thingy where i can plug in my MIDI and use differant thingys to hear the sound, how tf do i go there, i need a step by step tutorial, tell me as if you're talking to patrick star
If i buy "Piano In Blue" from CineSamples can i use in on Kontakt 7?
i just want to make sure before i buy it, im new
Kontakt (with Komplete Kontrol) in Ableton live - optimal system requirements
Hello, Sok éve foglalkozom zeneszerkesztéssel. Rövidesen beszerzek egy Komlete kontrol MK3-at és szeretném a PC-met örökre recsegés és akadásmentessé tenni. Jelenleg komolyabb virtuális hangszereknél rengeteg volt a CPU használat. Ehhez szükséges egy új összeállítás, amiben tanácsot kérek. A jelenlegi: Board: B150M-D3H-CF…
multiple voices with the recorder
How can I have multiple voices with the recorder in Konyakt Factory instrument? Now it 's just in solo mode. Can play just one note at once. I want to play chords. Thank you.
Kontakt Factory Library. Glockenspiel?
I recall a very nice glockenspiel being in the Kontakt Factory Library, but with 7, and the Factory Library 2, it seems to be gone. Is there any way to find this instrument now, or download the old factory library? If not, is there a good alternative? Regards.
Loading more than one multi in a single instance of Kontakt 7?
Is there a way to load more than one multi? In rack view I tried loading them using File → Load and by dragging and dropping them onto blank space, both of which work for adding multiple .nki without the new one replacing the old one… but for multis that's not working. The first multi goes away when the second multi is…
Non nks library have "missing samples" when loaded from the user presets K7
Hello, those libraries load fine when manually loading from the classic left panel in K7. But when I add them to my user content folder to be part of my user library, they doesn't load correctly. They keep asking me to point the location of the samples folder. It look for for it in the user content folder, which is…
Path is invalid
I have been attempting to figure out why I'm unable to download my KONTAKT sound library on my external drive. I have a 4 TB SSD formatted to APFS as suggested on this site and it isn't working. Now there are other sound libraries that I have been able to put on my external, but all sounds that is NATIVE INSTRUMENTS is…