S88 MK3 issues with Studio One 6.5
I have no physical control of my S88 mk3. It mirrors what I see in S1 but I cannot control anything from the keyboard itself, like browse or hit play, stop "transport controls". I have followed all steps, have the latest firmware. Has anyone faced this and could you possibly point me in the best direction to fix this.
Komplete Kontrol Not working with MK2 beyond basic midi function
So I have a komplete Kontrol mk2 61 that works and plays. Is recognised as a midi artefact in the standalone settings yet is not recognised at all when trying to select from the dropdown. It does not offer much aside from midi mode. The browser does not light up and for all the research and chatgpt I've done no one seems…
Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 Browser and Plug-in buttons are inactive
Hello. My BROWSER and PLUG-IN buttons on S88 MK2 are inactive. I tried resetting several times, deleting databases, and all those steps according to your instructions. It's still not working. Please help!
Cannot choose a controller in Komplete
I worked for years with my s49 MK2 and Komplete. Today I upsates Komplete within Native Accessand now I cannot choose my controller in Komplete anymore. Nothing else changed. The keyboard display only shows the Midi page, no instrument. I ask for help.
MIDI Templates..what was the fuss all about?
Okay, I'll admit I've never used them before so I was very intrigued to examine them and figure out how I could potentially use them. I'll admit they're a powerful feature..under the right circumstances and situations. But after messing with them for a day I'm not sure what value they'll bring to me specifically. I can…
SOLVED: Komplete Kontrol 3.3.0 caused connection issues with Kontrol A, M and SMK2 series keyboards.
What went wrong: Komplete Kontrol 3.3.0 shipped on 2024-08-01. Komplete Kontrol 3.3.0 broke connection for some A, M and S MK2 keyboards (MK3 was unaffected). Why it went wrong: In certain circumstances, Komplete Kontrol 3.3.0 was inadvertently ignoring NIHardwareAgent, a service used by A/M/SMK2 keyboards. This service…
Does anyone use KompleteKontrol MK3 with Studio one?
Im real very disappointed. It's working ABSOLUTELY worthless. Hanging up hundred times. Not able to go back to the DAW mode. Waiting 10 seconds to open a plugin. Wow….
how to add new plugin
I got a plugin called The Orchestra Elements LibraryNot sure where to find folder to add so I can use in Kontact? Any help would be great
Komplete Kontrol Plugins problem
None of My Komplete Kontrol programs / Plugins are loading onto my S61 mk2 midi controller I open the software and it can't find anything at all its just totally blank The Komplete folder is in Native Instruments in my Hd on my mac but its just not seeing them at all , I've had his issue since late last year so not been…
Bring back preset morphing like Kore 2 had for Komplet Kontrol
i would love to see NI bring back the preset morphing capabilities of Kore 2 to the Komplet Kontrol Software and Hardware. This function was so useful and made automating multiple parameters with one knob a breeze.
KOMPLETE KONTROL - Browser is not visible
Hello there, after I installed KOMPLETE KONTROL and opend it I missed the red outlined view (Browser, Library Pane): I use KOMPLETE KONTROL 3.2.1 opend in Reaper, but the problem is also in the standalone version. I have read in the documentation that there is a way to turn on and off this ui to control it only by…
S61 Mk3 No MIDI Mode
The mark 3 S-series keyboards were released on Sept. 12th 2023. THREE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN DAYS LATER I still can't use its MIDI mode to customize links to integrate with my daw. There STILL isn't any controller editor in the Komplete Kontrol program. The same exact thing that was ALREADY ESTABLISHED with the Mk2 keyboards;…
cannot load arturia patches on Komplete control software, message "Loading issue"
i recently got the V collection X from arturia, but i can't load presets or instruments in komplete kontrol, i restarted windows, but it didn't fixed the problem, i'm using fl studio 24 btw on windows 11 // komplete kontrol version 3.2.1
The disaster I asked about before doing the new S88MK3 update..happened killing my S88
Well, before doing the new update I specifically posed the question in the common thread covering the upgrade to @Matthew_NI about the flaky problems we had last time getting the keyboard software loaded on Windows. He assured me all was going to work perfectly with the Native Access downloads. And they all downloaded just…
Problems with KK S88 Mk2
Good evening, After installing the KK Software Version 3.3.0 my S88 Mk 2 keyboard isn't recognized anymore. Operating system is MS Win 10. Before this software update it worked properly. Any idea for a solution? How do I do a roll-back to the version before? Many thanks in advance for your help!!!
NI Kontrol s61 Freeze
Hi all I just got the new NI Kontrol s61 MK3 after returning the previous one due to defects with hot black keys. I am playing the keyboard in Kontakt 7 and it just stops working. Then I restart the keyboard and it works again. That happens every time after a few minutes of playing. This did not happen with my previous…
Kontrol 2024 outlook: what was, what now, what next?
Hi, folks! We're constantly enhancing features and revisiting old ones. Many of you have asked for clarity on certain issues, or for a clearer roadmap in general, so let's dive in. This is an open dialogue - your thoughts, feedback, questions, and answers are welcome. Note that specific dates are unavailable beyond those…
Unrecognized serial number on hardware?
Attempted to register a hardware keyboard, purchased new. Upon typing in the serial number required fro registration, I'm seeing a note stating the serial number is not recognized. Any ideas?
Komplete Kontrol Midi Learn Bug
Hey everyone. I am a Komplete S61 user. However, I bought an Akai MPK Mini MK3 to travel with since it's tiny. I discovered that I can use the "Midi Learn" option to map the "knobs" in the KK VST to the hardware knobs on my Akai. It works, however, as I turn various knobs, it seems the assignment hops around. For example,…
scanning individual plugins or a range of plugins?
It takes currently some 30 minutes to scan all my plugins, with ScanApp3 crashing about three times. It would be extremely helpful to be able to scan individual plugins or ranges of plugins to isolate and disable a misbehaving / outdated plugin and to scan only the freshly updated plugins. I was trying to go through the…