Komplete Kontrol S25
Can we get something of the likes of the KKS25. Just a newer model of the same caliber of the new models. I think that would be dope.
Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3 Update Led to permanent "Waiting for product scan..." Message
When I tried to boot up an Ableton project with Komplete Kontrol in it, Ableton was stuck loading. When I checked Komplete Kontrol, it was stuck on the message "Waiting for product scan…", so I decided to update to 3.3.3. Nothing has changed. Does anyone know what to do? I've had this message multiple times before and am…
Trouble Achieving Continuous Half-Damper Sustain on S88 MK3 with Yamaha FC3A and Roland DP-10 Pedals
Hi everyone, I'm reaching out to see if anyone else has managed to get a staggered or half-damper sustain function working smoothly on the Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3. I've tried quite a few things but haven’t been able to achieve continuous control without issues. Here’s a rundown of what I've done and the pedals I've tested…
KK M32, used, didn't come with software
Can I buy software for my midi keyboard directly? KK M32, used, didn't come with software.
Komplete Kontrol v.3.3.3, Sonoma, ScanApp3 - Crash on Start
I put the crash report into Gemini and it says the following: This crash report indicates that ScanApp3, a component of Native Instruments' Komplete Kontrol software, crashed because it tried to access your microphone without permission. Here's a breakdown: ScanApp3 is a background process that scans your computer for…
Do I Need A DAW to play plug ins on my S49?
I just received my KONTROL S49 today and want to know do I need a DAW in order to play plug in sounds?
Just Received my new Kontrol S49
Does my Kontrol S49 come with a DAW like Ableton or LOGIC? If so how to I get to it from Native Access?
Roland RPU3 comaptible with S88 MK3?
Hi there, Scrolling through many discussions, I have not found a clear answer, whether the 3 pedal unit of Roland RPU3 is compatible with S88 MK3. there are 3 continuous controlling pedals in the RPU3 and I wonder that one of them can be assigned as a sustain with half pedaling.
Can't Load Arturias Analog Lab V
Hi, I found the following discussion very helpful https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/26963/can-ni-kontrol-m32-be-mapped-to-arturia-analog-lab But unfortunately I can't load the Analog Lab as a whole but only the individual VST Synths. When I check, the Library seams loaded though … there is only one file…
Plugins that support VST2 -> VST3 migration - a list
This thread is solely to list plugins we have found that migrate in Komplete Kontrol (and obviously also Maschine) as a resource for this community. It is not for support or complaints about stuff that doesn't work so please post such comments elsewhere. I just thought it would be useful to keep track of plugins that…
Komplete Kontrol has low resolution images
The resolution of the images for the libraries is too small. Is this the case for everyone? I upgraded from version 2.9.6 to 3.3.3 at the end of September and it seems that Komplete Kontrol 3 uses the same thumbnails but displays them much larger.
komplete kontrol en Logic Pro x
beste alles werkte perfect tot ik een update kreeg van k k ik heb al een tijdje problemen met Komplete kontrol , alles er af en alles er terug op ….. als ik in logic k k open kan ik alle instrumenten zien op het scherm en op mijn mk3 voor beluisteren instrumenten enz eens ik druk om ze op te laden krijg ik een klein grijs…
komplete kontrol and Logic Pro x
best everything worked perfectly until I got an update from k k i have been having problems with Komplete kontrol for a while, everything off and everything back on ….. when i open k k in logic i can see all the instruments on the screen and on my mk3 to listen to instruments etc once i press to load them i get a small…
K K 3.3.3 problem
best everything worked perfectly until I got an update from k k i have been having problems with Komplete kontrol for a while, everything off and everything back on ….. when i open k k in logic i can see all the instruments on the screen and on my mk3 to listen to instruments etc once i press to load them i get a small…
sending sounds to ableton live midi channel and also previewing them without using komplete keyboard
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————….i am NOT using my komplete kontrol s88 keyboard because there is not room for it where it i live (it is at my parents house) but i am using the plugins (like the komplete kontrol plugin which includes ethereal earth and others) (i have already…
Has anyone find an answer to this? Still happens to me
Short description: when I browse through my ableton channels, the KK S61 doesn't switch automatically to the new channel with the plugin. Not even if I arm the desired channel. Please help! https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/10525/not-able-to-browse-and-control-komplete-kontrol-plugins-in-ableton
Kontrol S88 MK3 - Transport Controls sending unwanted CC messages
Hello, I am running into an issue where my S88 mk3 is sending CC messages when using the keyboard's transport controls (ex. METRO button sends CC 23 with a value of 1, PLAY sends CC 16, STOP sends CC 20). This is causing issues on virtual instruments tracks where the loaded instruments respond to those CCs. I have tried…
I cant able to install hardware connection service in my mac
tho i registered my serial number of komplete kontrol mk3 s61, it still asks me to grant full device access when i already granted access to Native acess hardware agenr and NKT….please help
Impossible to load instruments on Komplete Kontrol
Hello, I have a problem with Komplete Kontrol (Standalone or on Cubase pro13 MacOs). It's impossible to load any instruments except Massive and battery 4. When I want to load for exemple Choirs Omnia, it loads Massive. And on the right panel you still have only 18 presets displayed whatever the plugin on hover on komplete…
Firmware 1.8.4 'upgrade' -- S88 MK3 -- Komplete Kontrol does not 'see' the S88
Two different PCs. One on 11 and one on 10 with latest updates. S88 functions as midi keyboard. Firmware upgrade to 1.8.4 worked. Different USB cables tried. Doubt this is an issue since S88 works as straight midi keyboard with Kontact and Komplete Kontrol. What is missing is being able to select the S88 from the drop down…