Maschine mk3 - missing groups?
Hi, I just got myself a Maschine mk3. I'm looking forward to using it, but it seems that I cannot see stuff from my komplete ultimate collection like Abbey Road drum kits. This is despite that Maschine 3.0.1 has read all my stuff into the library: So, the question it what am I doing wrong? Shouldn't these present…
Kontakt 5.8 adds "MIDI file generated..." at the file name when dragging groove to host
Hello, Kontakt (5.8 full) now adds "MIDI file generated by Native Instruments Kontakt" before the groove file name when I drag it to Reaper. Example file name: " MIDI file generated by Native Kontakt - 01 16th snare Perc.mid". It's not very practical, and I have to remove it every time I drag a file. It didn't before. The…
Using all notes of S88 in Maschine Pattern
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use scarabe bass on maschine software using S88 as input source but i can only play one note (C2). In Maschine patter view when i show the piano roll i can play all the note of the bass with the mouse but not with the keyboard, is there a way of doing that? In other words, can I use maschine…
trigger battery 4 kits with kontakt?
Some time ago I was able to load a Battery4 kit and, let's say, Abbey Road drums, and after muting AR, whatever was playing in AR was being played in Battery. When playing a MIDI groove pattern in AR drums (pressing the play button), Battery would play that groove but using its own kit. I didn't have to press the keyboard…
Legacy Products: Abbey Road 60s Drums
I had to set up the studio computer again after a computer problem. When I activate the Legacy Products in the Native Access settings, I see “Locate” under “Abbey Road 60s Drums” and “Abbey Road 60s Drums Vintage”. When I click on “Locate”, it does not find the files under “...\Native Instruments\Documents” or anywhere…
Instruments and Maschine + in standalone mode : some questions
Hi NI Users, I will be glad if some of you could help me on the following points _that might be raised by other Maschine plus users. Thank you very much for any answer! 🙏 I've bought my Maschine Plus one week ago and received it four days ago. My initial wish was to be able to record some finger drumming in standalone…
Recommended Electronic drum kits as midi controller for komplete drums?
I'm a fond Komplete user. I mainly play keyboards on my old S88 controller. My DAW is Cubase pro. I'd like to play drums like Abbey Road series using an electronic drums set as a controller. Are there any models or brands that are recommended for this use?
AbbeyRoad Drummer series - terrible hiss noise
Hi guys, I just started using AR drummers after some while and just found out again how terrible hiss noise is there. Did anybody found out the way to get rid of that? I guess not but cant believe this is what we got... Attached example is 70s drummer kick (low velocity), soloed, Progressive rock preset, nothing tweaked.…
Abbey Road 60s drums mix issue
Hi everyone Just wondering if anyone else is using this kit and picking up this issue. I've got a TON of bleed on the snare "close mic". In fact, it doesn't sound like a close mic at all - it sounds like a mix. If I solo the close mic, and use snare FX preset C I'm hearing snare, toms and kick all at the same level. I'm…
Is it possible to replace the toms of an Abbey Roads kit with the toms of another Abbey Roads kit?
I would like to replace the toms of the AR Vintage Ebony Kit with the toms from the AR 50s Autumn kit in a single instance of Kontakt, and then use multi-channel outputs to mix each element in my DAW. I would like to conserve my computer’s resources by purging all elements of the 50s Autumn kit that aren’t the toms, but at…
Anybody have Abbey Roads 80’s and 70’s Drums downloads
I seen the download for AB 60’S drums and that worked but BUT THE 70’S drums download gives an error that says Abbey roads 70’s drum has not yet been installed on this computer please run abbey roads 70’s drums before running this installer.. ehh
Add Mixer channels Studio/abbey/drummers
Hello all. these are the listed pieces in all the drummer versions from the kontact collectors edition. kick. snare. tom1. tom2. tom3. tamb. cb. the other kit pieces only come through the overheads. I know how to route any of the listed options into my daw as midi or audio. I can't figure out how to route cowbell, stick…
Problem Kontakt 7, drums groove browser and sidebar missing
1.) Under each icon in the side bar are the instrument selections missing. Normally there is a collapsible menu under the instrument icon to select the desired instrument. I do not have this menu and can not select an instrument from there. I have to open the library window. Img no menu img library window 2.) Kontakt 7…
Abbey Road / Studio Drummer mixer customization
I want to send some of my individual drums to separate channels in my DAW. The only way I can find to do this, is to route the individual channels of the "Mixer" within Abbey Road. That works fine if you just need the kick, or snare, or toms. But I want to send the "stick clicks" to an individual channel. Currently, the…
Abbey Road - Universal MIDI folder?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to have all Abbey Road drum libraries point to a universal MIDI folder for "grooves"?
Color coding for drum instruments on Maschine.
I was disappointed to find that Abbey Road drums and Orchestral Percussion Kit don't map their color coding scheme to Maschine the same way that they map to the Komplete Kontrol. It seems as though auto colors only work for pad sounds and not in keyboard mode. I think this would be a great addition.
Native Sounds and TD-17 Electronic Drums
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to import wav files from the Native Bank sounds (Abbey) to the TD-17 roland Module? Or if not possible, I should use the TD-17 as midi input, but how to allocate sounds to each drums ? thanks
Studio Drummer never saves my mapping
Hi all, I've been using Studio Drummer more regularly lately. However, it seems that I cannot find the way to properly save my custom mapping. Even if I press the save button at every mapping changes, every time I close the software, the custom mapping I had saved is exactly the same as the default one. It will even…
Is the Abbey Road Drum collection plugin compatible with Presonus Studio One
I am interested in buying the Abbey Road Drum collection and driving the virtual instruments with MIDI tracks inside of Presonus Studio One. The documentation says that I need to install Komplete Controller, so if I do that, will the Abbey Road drum collection appear as a virtual instrument that I can drive with a MIDI…
Kontakt Abbey Road Drums Glitch
I absolutely cannot get any sound to come out of the Kontakt Player. I have the Universal Audio Volt 2 and have selected it as the device, but all I'm getting is a glitched out mess when I try to load any of the Abby Road drums. I'm using a 2015 MacBook Pro running Monterey. I just cannot figure out what to do. Please…