Track position jumps!
Weird issue?!? Mixing from say Deck A to Deck B. Exactly when the track from Deck A ends, the track that has started playing on Deck B *JUMPS* to a set cue point in the middle of that track!?! Obviously, this is a major problem when I am mixing live! Using latest version of Traktor with a S5. Above issue happens with the…
Maschine Mikro MK2, Kontrol S5
Hello everyone. Hope i'm in a right place. Could you please explain to me how to integrate/combine Maschine Mikro MK2 with traktor kontrol S5? Is it possible to send maschine signal in to one of traktor channels and control volume, efects etc...? Thank you very much for the answer.
S5 (Supreme Ed. mod) vs S4 MK3 (Supreme Ed. mod or others)
I'm looking at getting either an S5 or S4 MK3 and wanted to start a discussion similar to one previously located here, but for the S5. What are advantages and disadvantages S5 vs S4 MK3 with using Aleix Jiménez mods. The S8 has the stems/remix controls, and since the S5 doesn't have them, it narrows the gap between the S4…