Software Uninstall / Plug IN removal
Would like to know how to completely uninstall a third party VST and it entirety so I can reinstall? Plugins like Heat Up, Arcade Output always says Plug In Not found even when I rescan. Cant make music or hear old music,its very frustrating!
Shared favorites between Maschine software, Maschine+ and Komplete Kontrol
I wish that all of these products were using a common set of favorites so that when I add a star in one it would appear in the others. Anyone else? Since all of these has to have network access at least some of the time, seems like the system could be designed to store those favorites connected to a user's individual NI ID…
Maschine hangs in splash screen scanning u-he Dark Zebra VST3
Hey everyone, just wanted to start Maschine (latest update). But it freezes on plugin scanning at Dark Zebra (ZebraHZ) VST3 plugin... and stays there. No time-out. Have to kill the task. Dark Zebra has been installed lately so it was the first time my Maschine Software saw this plugin. Works fine in my DAWs. Using Windows…
Hello, I am with the same problem: I use WINDOWS 10 with Ableton 10 and Maschine as VST but I can't configure and use: PLAY / PAUSE / RESTART / With the REC function I can understand it since they are two different applications and the way of recording I would understand that it is not possible, but the rest is essential…
Maschine crashes if mac M1 goes to sleep
It happens every time. If My Macbook air M1 goes to sleep, Maschine crashes. Too much gigabytes or something like that. Is it only me? Can something be done? Everything is up to date and problem has been there for long time. Other that that, the stability has been quite ok lately.
Playbox vs. Maschine
I'm seeing an incompatibility and not sure where to place the blame. :) I use a Komplete Kontrol S49 Mk2 as a controller. (Mac Mini 2018, macOS 12.3) In general, loading a patch from an instrument shows me which keys are mapped to sounds by adjusting the keyboard lights. When I use Playbox as my instrument, however, I get…
Komplete Kontrol Does Not Recognize Maschine Studio
I have three NI devices: Maschine Studio Komplete S88 Mk 1 Komplete S61 Mk 2 Both keyboards function as expected when working with all software that should work with a MIDI controller. Maschine Studio is the problem child. I have gone through all of this and all drivers and processes are there and functioning as they…
things aren't lining up within cubase
the picture above shows that the length of this loop should be 1 bar long however when I drag it into cubase it comes just short of 1 bar. I've made sure both tempos in maschine and cubase are the same so i don't understand why it would be doing this. this is after ive dragged and dropped from maschine
Maschine 2.14: switching Group A1, B1, C1 to the midi CC
Hello everyone. Maybe who knows how things are with Maschine 2 with third-party midi controllers? I don't understand how to assign switching Group A1, B1, C1 to the midi CC22, CC25, CC24 I need? P.S. I am using Maschine 2.14 as a standalone program. Tell me, please, if you can help? (I attach the video.)
Maschine +/Software integration mess
So i'm getting a little frustrated with the Maschine integration here, i'm reading on some support posts that SD Card and USB drives in Machine+ need to be exfat to be read on the device, however when using the Maschine 2 software using an external drive formatted to exFat with all my samples on, the drive is not showing…
When will third party VST3 in Maschine be supported ?
Hey Native Instruments, this is missing for Maschine to be a complete DAW.
Fabfilter VST3's crashing Maschine SW (Windows)
Since the latest update, FabFilter VST3's will crash the Maschine Software. VST2's run without issue.
Hardware and software need to be ported into iPadOS
It looks to me that the current generation of NI controller products are on a wrong path. They made sense when they were conceptualized... trying to let creators be less dependent on computer screens, computer keyboard/mouse, and even the computer itself in the case of Maschine +. However, the rapid evolution of efficient…
Record multiple external synths in realtime and control them with Maschine
Hi, I wanted to know if there is a daw that is perfectly interfaced with Maschine and that allows me to record loops in real time with my external synths. Basically I want to record audio loops in real time with my keyboards and then control them with Maschine in order to take advantage of the pattern mixing typical of…
New Laptop
I have had my Maschine MK2 for quite a few years now. I had it installed on my mac. Unfortunately, the screen smashed when i was moving. I have bought a new laptop and i was wondering if there is anyway i can get the software on it. I have got Native Access but when i register the serial i am getting the please wait fault.…