Ask me anything: Kontrol S-Series MK3



  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    It does this today, happened to me this morning in fact as I was loading an instrument. Told me what files were missing, with the auto locate options.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    It's not a big enough opportunity for us right now, but it's certainly a cool space. Funnily enough, Softube just announced Console MK3 today - which is sort of this idea, and fits nicely on top of the Kontrol S MK3 if so desired.

  • shaboogen
    shaboogen Member Posts: 4 Member

    How do you square this notion of control with the fact that the person you quoted here literally has a Dropbox link in his signature where he distributes NKS presets he's made, and that you've responded in a friendly fashion earlier in this thread to the webmaster of a website that sells third party NKS presets?

    The loss of control you're talking about has already happened. The MK2 has already been reverse engineered to work in other places (and those implementations do more than the basic NI implementation in DAWs you chose to support). People can already make NKS presets if they want to, it's just that the process to do it is clandestine and frustrating. Ironically, not having the real tools available is more likely to lead to "inconsistent experiences and/or issues with the hardware" as it forces users who need more than NI is offering to go to people that have had to hack things together using random online guides and trial and error to service them.

    I appreciate that you're here taking the brunt of customer feedback, it is an incredibly thankless job, but "it is being talked about" rings pretty hollow given the several billion promises that NI has made over the last few years that it hasn't delivered on. I imagine there are quite a few people that will find it very difficult to part with a not-insignificant amount of money on what is effectively a new promise in NKS2.

    Hopefully you guys prove us wrong, it's a good-looking piece of kit that deserves to have its potential realised... then again, I said that about the MK2.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    A ton of visuals I hadn't anticipated encountering today. I will say, our decision to forgo the touch screen had no bearing on the extent to which users would or would not slobber.

    I think there are valid reasons to, or not to use touch. As some users have pointed out, XY would be great. Perhaps we'll do some form of touch integration one day, on future hardware. Rest assured, as MK3 is already, it will be sealed against dust and moisture.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    This is correct. We plan to allow the feature you're requesting in a future update.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Forgive me if this was answered already - I didn't see it, so here goes:

    I'm not sure about the upgrade permutations - you may need to check with @Jeremy_NI .

    In terms of Direct Connection - not public, no. We may share it with NKS partners, but there are also multiple ways to do this that we're evaluating.

    Agreed - the new navigation is so fluid.

    And understood - we may implement track focus on capacitive touch, so stay tuned.

    Keep em coming!

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Thanks for answering all my questions! Capacitive focus would be really wonderful =]

    Anyway, preordered! hahah

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Both can be true - that we seek to maintain an official seal of approval over products we sell via our partner campaigns and marketplace, without explicitly preventing the efforts of the community who've gone their own way. A less open approach would be to pursue or shut down such efforts with cease and desist - but in actual fact, those authors are valued members of our beta program, and their efforts are much appreciated. We're talking about how we can do more together, not less. But when intellectual property is concerned, we have to be very specific with how such things are handled.

    The most transparent truth isn't always the most satisfying. It is being talked about. That's even less than a promise or a commitment that it will happen.

  • aventham77
    aventham77 Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2023

    I like this idea of a complementary hardware control module, which I think could integrate nicely with the NKS2 environment - for example you could create a parameter group called "Fader" and add to it the specific subset of parameters you want to control from an NKS2-compatible "Fader Kontrol", which could be configured to auto-map that group by default.

  • TapTapDoubleTap
    TapTapDoubleTap Member Posts: 14 Member

    With the S-series and the A-series and the M32, is the Kontrol series, er, complete? (except for the smaller S mk3) Basically I'm curious if there's an overall vision for what NI would like to do with hardware that you can share - refreshing and renewing, or extending?

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    This !

    It might even have 8 buttons for direct track selection...

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 129 Advisor

    I see that some retailers are quoting an exact date in mid October. Is this guesswork on their part then?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    ...Dropbox link in his signature where he distributes NKS presets he's made

    To be fair these are not all by me, many are a community effort with several of us involved so I don't want to claim all the credit.

    The fact is Jester and myself and the others working on this little mission are able to do 90% of this just using what is available in Komplete Kontrol already so there is no 'reverse engineering' and certainly no copyright infringement involved. The problem is just that we had to work it all out for ourselves, NI do not make it easy. Plus there are some things like access to the lightguide that require SDK level access to plugins that we could not hope to have accessible to the masses - so we are not making full NKS 1 patches, just what can be saved in Komplete Kontrol with some additional graphics and database resources.

    However what I was asking for was just opening up the ability to create NKS patches that include things like bank information (which tbh I have never understand why this was kept from users, same for Massive X) and make available the tools for easier preview generation and batch application of mappings to NKS presets, tools that I know currently are just given to NKS Partners. But we are not expecting the whole SDK etc to be opened up, that would be unrealistic and probably also impractical given it would rely on being able to have code level access to plugins which is obviously a bad idea.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    I think Thomann have a small batch arriving in mid October from what I remember (mine should be part of that batch) then a much larger one later in October if I remember correctly

  • shaboogen
    shaboogen Member Posts: 4 Member

    Sorry, was slightly incorrect on the Dropbox.

    Also, I wasn't talking about the NKS stuff when I was talking about reverse engineering. I was talking about efforts like DrivenByMoss for Bitwig.

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